So I did a PUG Shroud today on my Favored Soul, and DPS was really poor.
We had 3 or 4 portal keepers in part 1.
BUT! I was itching to complete my Concord Opp Goggles, so I stuck it out.
Part 2 was kinda scary but we got it done (had to kill Fire twice).
Part 3 was smooth.
Part 4....we wiped.
*Now here is where the discussion/advice enters the picture.
Before we start part 4; I let everyone know (since I am the healer) we would be getting out of the blades due to the horrible lag that run and due to lack of DPS (I did not mention the DPS, just wanted to allow people to keep their pride).
*Well we handle the trash just fine and Harry drops in. Everything is going slowly, but smoothly. Not letting anyone die...and the blades start closing in......and getting closer...and closer...
*Harry is at about 50% mind you when the blades are it is obvious that this is NOT A ONE ROUNDER.
*The Raid Leader over voice chat says "Let's stay in the blades"
*All of a sudden...everyone is dead...lag...can not cure...death...
*only people left are me, an Arcane Caster and the other Favored Soul.
*The Caster then puts up a DDoor, which we take and exit.
*To this the "leader" blames us (healers) for not healing.
*I mention that their was really bad lag, and DPS was really poor.
*The leader then says "DPS was fine"
*I did not want to argue so I dropped and logged off and did some Real LIfe errands...came back later and did a shroud with a buddy, and then some Amrath Quests.
NOW the question...
If lag is horrid, and DPS is super poor (4 portal keepers in part 1 and Harry at 50% at end of "Round 1" or part 4), you generally get out of blades, correct?
Am I way off on this thinking?
BTW I did try to "Heal through the blades", but the lag spike crushed that tactic on this run.
I totally get the whole "Raid/party leader being in charge" thing too, but also please defer to more experienced players when they offer advice. You should not have to chug SP pots to do the Shroud on Normal...