Nice quick responses there
Thanks, I'll make Tangleroot my next project. What does ML5 mean? Do you need to run Tangleroot on hard/elite for items of that caliber to drop? Regarding access, I got VIP membership. It seemed like good value considering the lowbie adventure packs will last me maybe 2-3 days each.
ML 5 stands for minimum lvl 5, and no they drop on normal-elite which include a +3 con belt, +3 dex bracers, +3 str gloves, goggles with an 7 min(?) Deathward spell clicky (really good drop, keeps you from negative lvls and instant death spells except from Beholders as they will just anti-magic the spell away)
Also, doesn't the armour check penalty harm some of my skills with chain or studded armour?
Armor check penalties affect skills like tumble, jump, and swim(double for swim) but not others like Disable or Open lock. The 1 or 2 Ac penalty is insignificant since you're not wearing heavy plate or using large or tower shields.
Yeah I found that out on the first catacombs quest >_> I had it in my head that short swords were slashing rather than piercing, but oh look yellow 0s, 1s and 2s. So the zombies took ages to kill until I remembered power attack. After that I spent over an hour in town checking the peddlars, AH and item shop, which is when I discovered that indigo hood.
I have 5 weapon sets:
+1 rapier x2 : most stuff
+3 Crossbow : anything that constantly jumps out of melee range with 1% HP left.... >=|
Handaxe x2 : zombies
Gerard Drydens mace & +2 club : skels
Muckbane & +2 club : oozes
Aside from the Catacombs undead wake-up call, my only real difficulty has been spot & search. On hard or elite I don't spot anything until some skull on a wall is breathing fire in my face, even with the spot skill capped and +3 spot goggles. Maybe the extra +2 with that hood will make a difference. Disabling/opening hasn't been an issue with +2 or +3 theives tools and rogue skill boost I.
I considered the potions but they're kinda pricey. I'll look out for clicky stat buff items like you suggested.
Thanks for the advice everyone, it's appreciated.