Can you make a holy sword from a GS weapon?
Can you make a holy sword from a GS weapon?
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
The spell? get the weapons to use with the spell as a spell component. Check Featherfall's in House J.
You can have holy as feature on a GS item....but it isn't like the spell for paladins.
Officer - Eternal Wrath
Burne Level 20 Human Paladin
So how do you go about crafting one then? You buy components and cast a spell on them or something?
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
Go to House J (Featherfall's, as mentioned by a previous poster). Buy the appropriate Blessed Cold Iron weapon (the most common weapon choices are available).
Zone in to a combat area (explorer area or quest, doesn't matter. Tavern brawl does NOT work). Cast Holy Sword (matching the weapon you bought). Check your inventory. The Blessed Cold Iron weapon should have been consumed and replaced by a Holy Sword. You wouldn't want to use a GS weapon (if it were possible) since you'd lose the GS weapon upon casting. GS blanks are much more valuable then Blessed Cold Iron weapons...
Sword will disappear once you've been logged out for a couple minutes.
Cool think about the spell sword.. is you can bring a bunch into the shroud, cast and use them to charge energy cells. plus they work well on portals, harry...etc.
Whiteabbot (renamed was Cardinaldrew) - Badmonkey - Ramblinrose - Heatmonkey - Soulmonkey - Minglle wood - Estimated Prophet - and other monkeys
Proud Member --- Archangels---
The components are cheap, and you need to cast the spell every time you log, so a bit annoying, but its a great weapon that you get, so more than worthy, keep in mind that you wont be able to cast the spell till you have 14 lvls of paladin so you will be able to afford the components without blinking.
No, you only keep the weapon while you're logged on and disappears after about 15 min being logged off (nice in case of a disconnect or client crash). The material component is only about 1500 gp + or - depending on haggle skill, so it's super cheap for what you get (+5 Holy Burst weapon [cold iron, byeshk, silver]).
I mistakenly thought you could cast the holy onto any sword so I was thinking if you could cast it onto a GS weapon that would be pretty sweet. I do think it is a great ability though.
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.