Does anyone have any good ideas on how to multiclass the above in an effective way? The only criteria is must be able to do traps.
Does anyone have any good ideas on how to multiclass the above in an effective way? The only criteria is must be able to do traps.
Go Rogue/Sorcerer
Actually, it would be better to go Rogue/Wizard. The synergy is just better than on Sorcerer.
Do not put FvS on the mix, seriously. If you want self healing, use UMD Heal Scrolls, or be a Warforged and Reconstruct yourself.
Editing everything i post, since day 1. Things make much more sense inside my head.
What exactly are you trying to get out of that split? Do you want to be one class primarily? Do you want to be a caster/melee? There are so many ways to look at your question and TBH none of them are very good.
If you want a healer then just FvS 18/Rogue 2 would be fine, same goes for caster, though wiz/rogue is a better option then sorc. No need to include the 3rd class as you can use UMD for the other splash's benifits.
If you are wanting to be mostly rogue then the other two classes really don't help much as anything you get with a splash of them you can UMD easily enough.
I won't tell you not to play something that you will find fun to play but IMO the three classes you have chosen do not mix well in any effective way.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the ElderIryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, VisUbique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.
I am just curious if there were some kind of real way to do it, as a challenge to come up with something on paper. Not saying I would do it, just asking can it be done?
There is no defensible way to combine Sorcerer and Favored Soul in one character. Either of those two classes can work with two levels of Rogue, but not with each other.
They are both spellcaster classes, and you should never take a level of spellcaster unless you intend for the majority of your levels to be in that single class. Casters are not splashable.
I was looking for this thread to illistrate my earlier point.
Pay particular attention to starting stats.
In order to simply get enough skill points to actually keep rogue skills maxed his Intel starts at 18. Now look at the rest of the stats. 14 Con and nothing else above 10.
So what you're suggesting is basically this, but now you want to add Sorc onto it.
The lowest you'd be able to drop your Int and still have enough skill points for rogue skills is 16 (2 base + 3 mod = 5 > 2 points each for DD & search + 1 for concentration).
That would free up 6 points for Cha, but unfortunately 6 isn't enough.
See the problem?
If you want to be a trapmonkey who casts spells, rogue 2 / wizard 18 is the usual way to go. If you want to be more melee-focused, a rogue / bard is a good option.
If you want a divine caster with Evasion, monk 2 / cleric (or FvS) 18 is a good option. It's possible to make a rogue / cleric (or FvS), but you're usually hurting for skill points.
If you want a DPS trapmonkey with divine & arcane spells who isn't a bard, you're playing the wrong game. :-)
Just because you CAN do something doesnt mean you SHould do it.
Its much better to have a concept of what you actually want to accomplish b efore designing a character.
There is no point to any kind of MC Rogue/SOrc/FvS
The only way to pull it off is to have quite a few Rogue levels or a really high INT. SInce neither Sorc nor FvS get much benefit from INT, your other stats will suffer. Anything you gain from Sorc/FvS Splasjhes canbe emulated with UMD on a ROgue.
Depending upon what gear you already have or how quickly you can get to 20th, I would cheat and use TR. You get an extra +2 stat points per TR and you can do this at least twice.
So - even using Drow (and 32 points) - you have four exta stat points. This means that you can max out two stats and STILL have 4 points left over (or in the case of Drow, you can max out Dex, Int and Cha with a Con and Str of 8 and a Wis of 10). However, as FvS uses Wis for spell DC, you could not use any Divine Offensive spells.
What made me curious were two things.
1.)I seen someone low level running around on one. 2 sorc/2 fs/ 3 rogue.
2.)I was reading about the wizard rogue builds on the forums.
I didn't know whether or not it would be feasible, or if there was something I was missing.
Maybe the dude was just favor grinding and was just putzing off.
GIF stands for Good Idea Fairy - this is a military term for when some quasi- or totally clueless higher up comes up with a time and/or labor saving idea. So, it COULD be a build that hasn't gotten worthless YET.
Also, it could be that the guy has the gear (or TR) in order to pull it off. The biggest problem with a three-way split is NOT which levels to put where (as even a 6/6/8 split or an 8/8/4 has SOME usefulness) or what enhancements (as you will NEVER get the REALLY good stuff) but what GEAR or where do you put the stat points. A 36 point human (TRX2) COULD look like this
STR 14
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 14
CHA 14
This is a totally Generalist Build and would not be recommended BUT take four point from STR gives you and WIS or DEX of 16 and dropping CON down gives you a INT of 16. Int is needed for Rogue and CHA is needed for Sorc and FvS. Spell DC of FvS is WIS. Still, you would need very good gear in order to make the build work as most of your enhancement points are going in STAT points.
For that matter, a 32 point Drow (TRX2) MIGHT look like this:
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 10
INT 18
WIS 16
CHA 10
Once again, the Cha is low and you may but you will not get 9th level spells anyway but you do start off with a spell DC of 15. You would need to put your 4th level point into CHA in order to be able to cast any spells but IF you took 3 levels of Rogue first (for 3rogue/1Fvs/1Sorc at 5th level toon), that would not be a problem. Also need to stay away from combat until you can pump up your STR and CON. For that matter, you can put 2 more points into CON by taking WIS or Dex down by 2 AND have a CHA at 12 as well. I would keep the INT at 18 in order to keep the rogue. skills up
With either build, a +3 supreme tome (ALL stats) would give you either a 17 in all stats or every stat with at least a 13 and two stats over 20. With gear concentrating on stats, you can easily have 23 in all stats for the human or over 30 in Dex and Wis for the Drow. However, other things (like vorpal or deatblock) may not be viable.