You honestly finished out of the quest with the scroll still sitting on the ground? I would have stayed in their till the cleric FOd, or picked it up.
You honestly finished out of the quest with the scroll still sitting on the ground? I would have stayed in their till the cleric FOd, or picked it up.
i would like to set a few facts straight i do have a few alts one which is a level 12 rougue who has a bloodstone and i also have 2 lower level barbarians, my intentions were not for greed my intention was to use the scroll for my level 12 rogue pickstern who has the bloodstone when he reaches epic level. my other toons may not be epic level yet but i don't think i should not be able to roll on scrolls for their future either. Also i did not leave the scroll there i was told likeeveryone else that we would roll for the scroll there and then and the scroll and other scrolls would be given out at the end. i even looked for the scroll after i had won it but it was not there as i would not leave something valuable like that on the ground and i assumed someone picked it up and it would be given to me at the end when stated it would. then after the quest everyone left quick and when i asked a few where my scroll was first i was told another party member had it then when i asked that person he said he did not have it either then i was told oh well guess it's still in the quest and you left it there. i feel it was ninja'd and i got the run around but i let it go and didn't feel the need to bring drama to the forums. this is myside of the story and last i will say about this on this post. and one last thing every one has needs but noones is more important than anothers and should therefore all be equal unless stated from the beginning ty for the time bye.
Even tho my opinion on the matter is different, and i still think other people should have gotten the priority, it would be very hard for me to do what you did here and made civil post about it, instead of making a rant, calling people names, and making accusations, like me and many other people in this thread have done.
I admit to being angry and saying some not-so-nice things here, but other people have also done the same, and it is pointless, demeaning, and just contributes to more drama. People need to stop all the dirty posts these forums have, name calling, teasing, trolling, you name it ect... (And me included as well)
From someone who called you out, like i did, and you can respond calm and mature.. That has shown me that his is only a game and for me to not get worked up over stuff like this.
As for everyone else F*** O**![]()
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
You were not in the party, and did not know what happened, so stop accusing people of doing things that weren't done. This is what happened
1) Scroll of the bloodstone drops
2) I say on mic "ooh! scroll of the bloodstone, lets roll for it." (The way i like to do scrolls is we roll right then and there, and the winner picks it up)
3) We all roll and the cleric wins
4) The scroll was laying under a dead mob and i didn't see it, so i say on mic "Oh looks like XXX has it, we'll just get it at the end"
5) XXX says in party chat, "I didn't pick it up, its still there"
6) I realize it is still on the ground
----The rest is my assumptions----------------------------
7) I assumed the cleric didn't read party chat, and he figured he would get the scroll at the end, so we continued the quest
8) The reason some people left fast (At least myself) was because i was ****ed about the scroll, so i recalled and dropped group, dunno about the others.
That's pretty much what happened, according to me.
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
It's tradable. Enough said. You can trade for it just as the cleric can. Need before greed only makes sense when it's bound loot. Otherwise, it's his need for plat and other scrolls that is just as great as your need.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
I'm ready to craft a Greensteel item, and need only three Large Devil Scales.
I expect that next time I group with you, you will give me any that drop for you. If you don't, I might just make a forum thread to whinge about it.
After all, they are unbound extremely valuable crafting components that I have an immediate use for, no different to the scroll.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Oh I didn't accuse anyone of anything, I was just listing a possible outcome with your group that did not happen.
If you are going to get that upset over something, then by all means PLEASE send a tell to a GM so that they can 'ban' me, PLEASE make another rant at me with forum violations so you can fully vent your rage, PLEASE have the cube come over here and punish me for not violating the forum guidelines, and by all means, PLEASE break your computer monitor if it hurts you so much to see what I type.
Otherwise, relax. Think. Let go of your rage and understand what is going on. Use the force. :-)
You know other classes can use SP pots and wisdom tomes other than clerics? But as far as i'm concerned, my OP was not about bashing clerics, and was not about not letting a cleric roll for a melee item. I am well aware that they are trade able, and would have no problem if he had a melee that could actually use it in the near future. If you bothered to read the thread, you would see my points on the issue
It's just a matter of opinion of what need/greed is, and not everyone thinks the same way
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
Actually, it is different to the scroll. Read my above posts, each person get their own large in shroud, but not everyone gets their own copy for a scroll. Also, larges are not class specific.
However, yes, if you are in my party and all you need to craft is a sm/large shard, then to me you WOULD get the priority over other people, just my opinion
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
When I'm in groups where opportunity items drop, it's understood that everyone is allowed to roll and gets the item. If the items don't bind but disappear (epic scrolls) then generally one person is assigned to call them out and collect, and rolls happen at the end of the quest.) For items that bind, rolling happens on the spot and the item is collected. (Bloodrage symbiot for example.) Should help eliminate the items getting left aspect.
If you are expecting something other than that, such as, clerics don't get to roll, or shouldn't roll, or call out certain classes who shouldn't be allowed to roll, then you start treading into telling people how to play their characters. Not a good path to go down. With the introduction of lesser/greater/true reincarnations, you never know what someone is going to do with their toon.
If you expect that people will put items up for roll on a need before greed basis, then form your own guild and/or only group with people who follow that same concept. Since it's equally possible that the cleric knows someone who will trade that epic scroll for one for his torq, to which he already has the seal and shard, it's not anyones place to decide who gets it, as long as it was put up for roll for all.
Sweyn, u are a selfish person.
Welth - 17 Cleric
WelthIII - 20 rogue
Hefisamus - 18 Cleric