If a scroll for an Epic Torc dropped would you loot it?
If a scroll for an Epic Chaos Blade dropped, and you were a 2HF would you loot it?
If you answered yes to either are guilty of what you are accusing this CLR of.
If you answered no, then you play by the "loot what you can use" logic. Both are indeed acceptable.
Though kudos to you for having people roll on things rather than it being a free for all. BTW, what if his plan was to sell the epic bloodstone scroll and BUY a Epic Torc Scroll with the that still greedy?
Also I typically use my FVS to run epic (hes my best geared toon), but I use him to help gear up my melee(s). Maybe this guy does the same. Maybe he has a Barb that he can't wait to put an epic bloodstone on?