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  1. #1
    Community Member Cerwan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default TR CLR-FS, looking for pure build..

    I've been looking around these forums lately, as my cleric is nearing 20 and I want to TR him into a FS...

    I want him to be able to do some decent melee (Through the levels, NOT endgame)
    (For soloing)

    BB is a must and I wish for a build utilizing this...

    However, end-game focus should be on healing/buffing primarily, soloing secondary..
    (Since I'm gonna be welcome in every raid and epic quest anyway, if I play my cards right and do a proper job..) (Okay not EVERY raid, but anyway..)

    Now, if you either have a build like that or know of a solid one offering something like what I'm looking for (Maybe not exactly, but hey one can always look..) please be so kind as to throw me a link.. I'm partly going blind from looking through semi-thought through builds and the sheer number of builds and partly finding myself unable to sort out which are actually good builds.. Getting a few pointers would be very welcome..

  2. #2
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Apr 2009


    WF going with the Lord of Blades deity make great pure FVS melee. There should be a few builds floating around on the first or second page of the forums. A WF FVS won't have high wisdom so things will make their reflex save on BB, but even with high wisdom mobs seem to make the save all the time so you probably won't notice a difference. Any melee FVS build you choose will be more than capable of healing/buffing very well at end game as long as you pick the right spells.

  3. #3
    Community Member Cerwan's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Well, when I get to 20 again with the guy, I'll lesser reincarnate him, so he's suited for Endgame.. That'll probably take another build entirely, so I need to be sure the race I pick (and the alignment) will be suitable at that point.. The build itself doesn't really have to take endgame into account, except for being pure, so I don't have to clean out levels of other classes, when I get him back up..

    So the race is really important, as it must be suited for two very different builds.
    As for the rest, it is meant to get me through the levels, having fun and being able to both solo and party, as the levels progress.

  4. #4
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Honestly any race is going to be fine at healing if that's what you are after for endgame. All the races can take Sov. Host as a deity which gives you access to the free cure at 20. I think you'll find you really don't need to do a LR at end game to heal. FVS can always excel at healing while having either decent melee or decent spell casting. Human will probably provide you with the most versatility. You aren't going to do quite as much melee damage on a human as a WF, but it will still be decent. Human Sov. Host with longswords might be what you are after something similar to Impaqt's "Superior Soul" build, perhaps:

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