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Thread: OMG Drama Time

  1. #41
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judo View Post
    This is an embarrassment of a drama thread.

    Seriously, someone needs to get personal...

    Uma...your father smelled of elderberries!

    /gauntlets off
    Only after he 'visited' your mama.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  2. #42
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uamhas View Post
    Only after he 'visited' your mama.
    I did hear somewhere that Elderberry flavored 'Sheep intestines' was back in fashion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

  3. #43
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default what

    Quote Originally Posted by Judo View Post
    I did hear somewhere that Elderberry flavored 'Sheep intestines' was back in fashion.
    are you saying your mom is a sheep and umas dad mounted her sheep style

  4. #44
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    c'mon trankton, if i didnt know you were a babydaddy 50 times over, and had no clue what profilactics even were, id inform you that they used to use sheep intestine as such...

    but in the words of meatwad...

    you dumb, boy!

    so please, continue to prove evolution incorrect by being the least desired candidate for procreation, Idiocracy son of a *explitive*


    you just got pwned son! (your turn) Upgrrayedd lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

  5. #45
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default i get it

    so ur saying that when umas dad did your sheep mom that he used a condom

    plus u should be happy if i wore jimmys you wouldnt be alive

  6. #46
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slap_Happy View Post
    so ur saying that when umas dad did your sheep mom that he used a condom

    plus u should be happy if i wore jimmys you wouldnt be alive just call yourself a sheep******

    well played
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

  7. #47
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default true

    and your admiting that your mom is a sheep i did her and you are my son SON

    oh and whats will make u cry is huck is your brother

  8. #48

  9. #49
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Uamhas View Post
    I may be mistaken, but I don't recall seeing the guild Alpha active at all before mod9. Originally, I heard good things about the guild, but then they just kept growing, and growing, and growing, and I couldn't tell if they were going for quantity, or quality.
    Agreed. I HAVE been here for 4 years, while not on XOriat or Thelanis initially, I don't recall the guild anywhere.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  11. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Kam-Ekaze View Post
    I can't help but feel that XXX has posted on this thread 3 times.

    If I were the OP I would have done the same. Decline first time for the fact XXX didn't ask first via tell.

    I would have, however accepted, had XXX sent a tell first.

    I would have, continuously declined the request thereafter, mostly because XXX is a ******bag and nothing to do with his level.

    I would agree, but this isn't Khyber. Unless Khyber was sick of his antics.

    THe OP was correct, and I get them all the time, usually from guilds who are "uber" (except Legion, which I figured they would solo it regardless) or total idiots with a random small guild (or guildless).

    If you can't take thetime to read the LFM in the first place, I don't want you in my group. Random dieties only know if you will listen and follow instructions in the first place.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  12. #52
    Founder Deusxmachina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrn View Post
    I do not want to assume that his entire guild is full of people like him/her, so I rather get the facts straight than to ignore his entire guild.
    Nah, the whole guild isn't like that. And maybe you just caught him on a bad day, too. I've always pugged a ton and ran with lots of different people from different guilds, and basically none of them are perfect, and sometimes someone I thought was a big donkey one day or just gave a terrible first impression of himself and his guild, I ran with again later and they were great. Pick a guild, any guild, and some of the people you will get along with great, and some you won't. You can bet not everyone in each guild gets along with each other, either.

    I did a quest the other day with four people from a different guild, and despite them being new to the quest, three were fine players and nice and all that, and the fourth kept running way ahead for who knows what reason and kept dying -- which was made worse since he was the heal guy. When the dps guy has to raise the cleric 2 or 3 times because the cleric ran so far ahead you have a hard time even finding his stone... yeah.

    He apologized for it afterwards, but it was weird while it was happening, and, honestly, I was surprised and disappointed his other three guild members didn't get on his case about it. Who knows, maybe they did in private message, but if they did, it took awhile.

    Someone mentioned the war/hand thing. I've ran with at least three people just in the last month or so who mentioned missing fingers from Iraq. Add in people who have been in other wars or just plain car accidents or work accidents, and I have little reason not to believe someone if they say it. Plus, a lot of people type bad or slow or can't spell anyway, so it really doesn't matter either way.

    This is just another example of something stupid and one step above meaningless getting out of hand. All the joiner had to do was ask first since he was under the LFM level, and all the OP had to do was say why he was declined. Instead, it got dragged out. BUT, on that second part, I doubt I would have sent a reason why either unless they ask since it should be obvious to the person when my LFM says level 13+ and he's 12.

    Here's how it could have gone:
    "Why did you decline me?"
    "Because my LFM is for 13+ and you're 12."
    "Oh. Well, I have a bunch of toons and have been playing forever and know the quest, so I promise not to noob it up."
    "Hmm, well, ok, sure."

    "I promise not to noob it up."
    "Sorry, 13+ only."
    "Alrighty. See you next level."
    I can dodge fireballs, baby!
    "When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown-up."

  13. #53
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Judo, that you know what flavor/scent prophylaxis your mother gives her 'visitors' is disturbing to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  14. #54
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Default I hav been doing this all wrong

    I usually hit an LFM and if i dont get a reply within 10 seconds I hit another, and thereafter. Even with a delay I end up in one of the LFM's. But what I see here is that I have been doing it all wrong.

    so the new protocal is as follows:

    1. Your declined
    2. You retort with a "why am I declined" (Being perplexed at your awesomeness how anyone could decline you is unfathomable)
    3. Your given an explanation
    4. Your retort again and regardless of said explanation it still is not accurate, does not reflect your skills and besides the person holding star, he should have no right making a pre-concieved thought or lack thereof about your madskillz becasue they do not know who there messin with.
    5. The leader ellaborates foolishly becasue he should have ended it there.
    6. Good, now I have an open dialogue with them and can pursue a feckless argument until I meet my own demise or until I am squelched (but wont realize it for the next 5 minutes of bantering)
    7. Now I will belay more jibberish and use a pathos appeal about a "possible" handicap to counter argue some more.
    8. OP continues to shoot himself in the foot because he continues to carry on a dailogue
    9. I should keep sending a group request until he folds or until i run out of material.

    This is the great new tactic!

    On a serious note, I am surprised the antagonist didnt use his guild name against the OP as a vile threat!
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  15. #55
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    "sorry man" the only thing the OP did wrong was prolong a futile and childish discussion.

    XXX tells you: why did you decline me?
    You tell him: because the lfm says 13-15 and you are 12.
    XXX tells you: but I am uber and can do the quest at lvl 9.
    You tell him: then make your own group, cus now I don't like you and you will never find your way into my lfm ever again so ... buh bye!
    /squelch add XXX

    According to XXX you must send a tell to decline people, but not to join when outside of LFM specifications. I highly doubt the XXX person displays as much courtesy as he demands from others.

    At any rate, it is the LFMer's discretion to set the lfm up and accept or decline as he or she sees fit, end of story.

    And the fact that you retyped that whole lame discussion... instead of just posting a screen shot... just what are you trying to achieve? A pat on the back?

    Pass me some of that Picard face balm please!


    and I own no one anything... LFM reading comp for the win... If I'm outside the parameters set in the LFM, but feel I can handle the role needed, I will send a tell... Sometimes I get invited, sometimes not... I don't worry about those... If I decline someone, I own them nothing... if they wish to ask, well... I also owe you nothing if I decline your blind group invite, blind guild invite, etc...

    just because my lvl 20 bard is standing at the Harbor AH, doesn't mean I'm looking to do WW with you.
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  16. #56
    Community Member redgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post

    and I own no one anything... LFM reading comp for the win... If I'm outside the parameters set in the LFM, but feel I can handle the role needed, I will send a tell... Sometimes I get invited, sometimes not... I don't worry about those... If I decline someone, I own them nothing... if they wish to ask, well... I also owe you nothing if I decline your blind group invite, blind guild invite, etc...

    just because my lvl 20 bard is standing at the Harbor AH, doesn't mean I'm looking to do WW with you.
    OMG.... common sence for the win your my new hero

    oh and for the op ever realize not accepting is declining just wait don't say anything see who pops up maybe you'll have a hole and not want to 5 man it then accept him. if you fill he'll be auto declined for the party if you get a tell asking whats taking so long say "well your outside the level range i'd like, just wait a min maybe we'll have a spot."

    its hard to argue with and if he tells you hes uber been arround since launch and all ask who his main is and check with the rest of the group maybe he is uber (you can always use my ddo to check his main and his join date) probably not tho
    people with accounts that old with numerous alts dont fight to the death to join a pop pug run with strangers
    Last edited by redgod; 04-19-2010 at 05:22 PM.

  17. #57
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yajerman01 View Post
    I usually hit an LFM and if i dont get a reply within 10 seconds I hit another, and thereafter. Even with a delay I end up in one of the LFM's. But what I see here is that I have been doing it all wrong.
    Me too.

    If I see an LFM up for a quest that I really want to do and I don't qualify based on the LFM, I'll send a tell. "Hey, I've been wanting to grab another Tempest Rune, can I tag along?" or "I know I'm under level for this LFM, but I've done it before and I can hit all the trap DCs and still throw fire walls." or something similar.

    Sometimes I get denied. Often, I'll get accepted. I expect that most of the accepting is because I wrote like a human being instead of a deranged, crack addled chimpanzee whose only introduction to English is "SHR PLZ" - and has nothing to do with the skills I bring as a character/player

  18. #58
    Community Member DrakmireTS's Avatar
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    I'm with Impatiens on this one, pretty sure I know who this guy is, mostly because of his attitude, but partially because of the hand thing. And yeah, between us, we think he's medically bipolar. Like...I wouldn't ever call him nice, but sometimes he's civil, then he'll totally fn flip out for the most mundane ****, guildies or not. I had him nerdrage at me in tells because of how he felt that +1 vorpals didn't actually do anything different than +5s, log off in a huff after sending me his angst.

    As a guildie of his, I've heard others say that they just kind of shrug his behavior off and move on. I had one person say that he compared it to someone with a wart on his nose...just something you politely ignore. I disagree with that particular view, but if others want to float it, go ahead. The only reason he's even still in Alpha is because he's friends with some other folks who are in turn friends with higher ups.

    To the OP: you're a lot more patient than I would have been in your situation.

  19. #59
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default sweet

    Quote Originally Posted by Slap_Happy View Post
    so ur saying that when umas dad did your sheep mom that he used a condom

    plus u should be happy if i wore jimmys you wouldnt be alive
    neg rep for this people hate you so much judo that me being your daddy gave me neg rep
    or they are just strong advocates of safe sex

  20. #60
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slap_Happy View Post
    neg rep for this people hate you so much judo that me being your daddy gave me neg rep
    or they are just strong advocates of safe sex
    They just jealous that you gettin' some
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

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