2 large scales or 500kpp your choice.. pm me
2 large scales or 500kpp your choice.. pm me
I would just like to say thank you providers of this game. You have done a wonderful job keeping order. (ALOT OF SARCASM)
thats more than people make on AH O.o
"life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think" -fortune cookie XD
and if you get those devil scales make sure to send one my way so we can be done with our trade from two months ago...i haven't forgotten btw...seems you have
in case you forgot... http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...ighlight=kchaz
still waiting for that last one man...gl on your trade :/
Hey bud.
How bout you just give Chaz those Spectral Gloves and call an old bad debt paid up.
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
I won't trade with him.. neither will my guildies, my friends and so on...
If anyone knows his alts pls PM me.. I will ensure that House T, and all me friends know![]()
How about I give you a scale and one to chaz and you give me those gloves.
PESTILENCE officerLewsinda19sorc/1bard Suneeky*13rog/6rng/1mnkKillm20barbKatauna18rng/2mnkPaighn12barb/6rng/2ftrBurnyup20scorcMorpheen20clericPiggee18barb/2ftrWallter13rog/6rng/1mnkManndingo20ftr