I am not going to suggest anything earth shattering or game changing in this thread. Just something that I just felt was missing.

1) During character creation your character is constantly shown with sword and shield, staff, Great axe, ect going between sheathed and unsheathed. In game however your weapons are either always in your hand, or you can use the /sheath emote to make them vanish. I would like to see weapons being able to be sheathed. Especially in town where you aren't normally in combat situations. Possibly have a button, let's say 'X' for this example, that switches between sheathed and unsheathed instead of having to use an emote. Once combat is engaged or flagged (I lean more towards the later then the former), players will automatically unsheathe their weapons (this animation should be quick, and not detrack from combat).

2) Would be nice to see some form of effect when Monk (or whoever else decides to equip handwraps) puts on his signature handwraps, possibly some form of cesti or baghnakh (both would also be excellent and minor artwork required). These weapons could then also have weapon effects such as flaming or cold and make the monk weapons much more obvious and eye catching. No effect on game play in this regard, as this is purely fluff. This change would allow the Monk class to show more graphically a growth then current available to them, and still fit into the lore of DDO. Because these are still hand weapons, the Monks could Sheathe by placing on hips, or just leave them grasped in their hands. That choice would really be up to Turbine.

As I said in the first line, nothing overly ground breaking to be suggested. Some simple artwork I feel would make a pretty nice change without having to completely redesign any one particular aspect of the metagame.