Reading another thread earlier made me think of a AD&D module back in the day.....can't remember the name and too lazy to look up but it was part 4 of the slaver series, part 1 was slave pits of the under city.....anyway in part 3 you are rendered unconscious and you wake up in part 4 with no armor, weapons, nothing but a loin cloth. Casters were unable to cast spells (spells were wiped from memory) You basically had to macgyver your way through the quest to escape killing monsters with thigh bones, rusty dagger, a spell scroll here and there, etc...
It would rock to have a high level quest or raid similar where everyone has to run the quest without items, armor, weapons and no mana. Throughout the quest you would find random items, wepons, scrolls, mana pots, etc....maybe at end you find your gear and then fight the boss....