I do thank you for putting the option of getting the extra bank tab in the store. I know I posted a suggestion for that myself and probably someone else did too. I do really appriciate it.
Personally, I don't mind purchaseing stuff in the store. This is a business and you do need to make money. I have used the store for a lot of conveniance. I like the huge collectable bags and find it very useful to have one on my character right away since I collect everything. I like the XP pots. I have even bought some gear because I liked the way they look. I like that green feather hat and it goes really well with the outfit on my rogue. I don't mind the DDO store at all. You are a business, this game has become a microtransaction business, so you need to make money somewhere.
But there is no way I am going to pay that much for one bank tab on one character.
I have 6 characters I'm currently leveling, 2 classes waiting for me to play them and 3 mules. I still plan on rolling at least 3 more classes.
There is just no way I'm going to pay that much for an extra 20 bank slots. I'll just purchase another character slot and roll another mule and if I need more inventory space, ask my guild to pike me through some house K quests and get my bank tabs through there. Coin Lord favor is easy enough to get on my own. That is 160 inventory slots for half the price of an extra bank tab which is only an extra 20 slots.
I would like an extra tab for shards of power I collect from Shroud for items I'll be making but still need ingrediants. Those spots will be open once I make those items so this factor is temporary.
I do have several lowbie BTC items that are quite nice to have for a good portion of leveling and I don't care to dispose of them so they sit in my bank taking up space. I have some BTC raid loot that I don't care to get rid of because I'm working toward TR and those items will become useful again. Some items are upgradeable in epic.
I am willing to tolerate not having the extra bank tab with my gear taking up space because I'm not going to pay that much for an extra tab on each character.
I would be willing to pay 100 TP per character. I can live with that.
I would be willing to accept the current price if it unlocked the extra tab on all my characters on just one server. I can accept that.
I just cannot accept the current listing.