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  1. #21
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilgriffo View Post
    God bless you for that!

    My prefered:

    Str 16
    Dex 15
    Con 14
    Int 12
    Wis 10
    Cha 10

    Power Attack
    Improved Crit
    Whatever you more like

    Why 2 fighter lvs? are you really in need of dodge? one more ac point for what? and mobility? I would trade those 2 fighter lvs with 2 Pally so you can take advantage of the same ac modifier and at last 5 more points into all saving trows (+3 cha +6 item; +1 cha +2 tome; +1 pally)

    Bluff is if you play more on solo then on party. Diplo is more for party palying.
    Spring attack requires dodge and mobility. I like spring attack. Have it on my fighter and it is very useful hitting stuff while dancing around the target. It helps me reduce the amount of damage I take because I can move while swinging and not worry about any penalty to hit.

    I'm also a twitchy player, at least I try to. It is wierd in the game because the range at which you get hit is quite a long away. I've been hit by melee that should not be able to hit me from the distance it was standing.

    I rolled my rogue but went with a higher STR. Can't quite rember the rest of the stat distrubution. Taking fighter earliear and will take a few other feats sooner and move others to a bit later.

    I do know that I left my DEX at 15, CHA at 8. My CON scores are always high because I like a lot of hitpoints. To be able to make sure I'll have a good UMD, I'll shift some spare gear(Planer Gird, yes I scored a few of those,) look for other UMD gear, and make sure I have a good CHA item.

    I may be able to gear this character into an AC character when it is needed. I'm not sure on the Intim part but I may be able to get that high enough. I do have other pieces of gear that will help get my AC high but it requires a UMD that my fighter doesn't have yet, but since I should be able to get my UMD up fairly high, I might be able to AC/Intim when such a character is needed, but that remains to be seen still and is just something I'm thinking about.

    I'm not focused on AC. My character is DPS with rogue skills. It is nice to be able to put on the gear and Intimtank critters such as in VoD if I can the right gear and make my Intim high enough, but I'll see how things are when I get to that level.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  2. #22
    Community Member ilgriffo's Avatar
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    Having a player able to intimidate in a party can be nice but imho a rogue is one of the worst (if not the...) character that can fit such a role. that is couse Agro=no SA. As I already write nice build btw.
    Griffo, Malaspina a.k.a. Lord Enigma -first "dice club" winner on Keeper-
    Enigma - Founder guild on Boldrei since 2nd February 2006, then on Keeper, now lost in time
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  3. #23
    Founder lizardo666's Avatar
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    I agree Intimidate doesn't fit the build too well, and at least in my build, I had a low int ... so my skill pts were quite valuable (even as a human rogue lol)

    Partially due to the fact that I have 4 fighter levels. I have considered rethinking this, as I dual wield Khopeshes, so the martial / armor thing is moot. 2(6) extra dmg noncrit (crit) and +1 hit for focus / spec seems meh at the top end of play.

    One thing I certainly would miss is the fighter Enh (and 3 feats):

    Armorer Dex (+7 max dex from mithril chain for a str build is cool)
    Fighter Str (+1)
    Stunning Blow DC+1
    Another stacking Flank +hit

    Your issue with undead is a weapon set issue, not really a concern of your main dps set (which really should be khopesh). Even though you have slashing main set, use a couple holy (insert random wep name here) beaters to do your base dmg +2d6 or greater banes etc) This will do just fine as a substitute for your loss of SA dmg.

    So feats are:

    Power Attack
    TWF line
    Oversized 2 wep
    Stunning Blow (as str build it rocks)

    Optional feats:

    Great Cleave (not sure if they fixed this, but you get AoE SA dmg)
    Skill Focus UMD
    Wep Focus
    Wep Spec

    Have a peek at My DDO - Name is Kyoukan on Argonessan. He's been rerolled like a zillion times, as I was on during the old school days lawl.

  4. #24
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    OP: Hey that stat distribution looks strangely familiar to me. Yeah, he plays just fine at end game. You should look into splashing a level of a full melee class though. It’s really nice to not be bound to rogue weapons (specifically rapiers). (FYI: I’m currently debating switching the fighter level for a barbarian level.)
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  5. #25
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    Strength based rogue can be a great acrobat if you take at least a couple monk levels and a decent staff weapon. With my strength +6 item and in wind stance I have both dex and strength at 23 at level 13 without any tomes on a 32 point build without neglecting con int and wis.
    I actually took charisma as my dump stat and added a level of cleric. Why? I can use any wand a cleric or favoured soul can with just one level of cleric which makes it good for Multiclassing. Do I really need UMD? I have enough junk in my pack without it. So in that aspect I CAN maximize my disable search and spot to the point of a 20th level rogue even if I decide to go half with it.

    UMD is way overestimated. I focus on rogue abilities and keeping stats high, if I can multiclass and can get higher HP and the use of healing devices without raising a useless stat like charisma and spending valueable points in a skill like Useless Magic Dirt. Do you want to DPS,Sneak Around, and disable things better then the rest or do you want to wave wands around all the time like an arcane wannabe? I havent been with an experienced group that doesnt buff the party. Yes Divine wands are good to be able to use and there are plenty of splash classes to pick up to use them with along with invalueable extra hit points.

    Now if you were a ninny bard I could see why you would want UMD.
    Last edited by GhoulsTouch; 04-23-2010 at 05:32 AM.

  6. #26
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Stupidmonkey Anarchy of Thelanis

    This is Stupidmonkey so far.

    I'm sticking with rapiers. I have a fighter that TWF kopesh and trying to equip 2 TWF kopesh users will be too much of a headache. Besides, I have a large selection of rapiers and shortswords that I collected and transferred. Most are min lvl 10 though.

    I took the figher early so I could use a wider selection of weapons. Not all types are great but I did want a wider selection to choose from when I needed something other than a piercing.

    Haven't eaten my tomes yet.

    I logged with whatever gear I had on at the moment and it isn't my battle gear. My robe is but I like the color. It matches the hat. The hat does help with my will save but at 11 I'll be getting a Minos.

    I really like UMD. I want to be able to use anything of any alignment of any race. I also would rather use heal scrolls instead of sucking pots. Heal scrolls will get me healthy faster. I also like to be able to teleport anywhere. I scroll myself all over the place with my bard. It is very handy.

    I didn't go with intimidate with this build this time. I would like it for when I need to gear up and be a chew toy when no one else can hit the necessary AC. I still think I can hit a decent AC with the right gear and self buff, but I'm not focused on that. I'll keep an eye out for gear but I'll mostly diplo stuff and stab everything in the back.

    I have asked and been informed that cleave has a long wind up and it just isn't worth it.

    I have taken Toughness, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, TWF. I'll be taking ITWF, GTWF, Power Attack, Improved Crit piercing. I may take OTWF for epic content but I haven't decided if I want to do that or just stick with rapier/shortsword sets. I have thought about a Skill focus UMD or disable device or taking nimble fingers, but I'll probably do the OTWF since the feat will be my last and at that point I should know if I can hit the UMD I need for stuff or if I can take care of the traps.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

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