I'll agree with that. The FvS doesn't really have very complicated builds. It would be like me posting a "new build" of a pure 20 barb :P
I guess the part that I thought was funny was how Impaqt made fun of my build and then a week later reposted a very similar build with the same race, same class, 6 of the same feats, and the same mix of melee and offensive casting. And then said...
Whether you focus on str or wisdom is just preference on how you want to specialize your char.
And yes I know how much spellcasting 4 DC matters, but to-hit also matters in epics. Try hitting an 70-80AC mob while dual wiedling with 14 base str, no levelup str points, no spring attack, and probably no OTWF. You won't be hitting a thing until the AC debuffs drop on or stuns land.
And let me clarify on the build I posted I said it's the most powerful overall build I could think of. Which involves tons of past lives. I stated that you can still do the build without ever TRing, it just won't be as powerful. I do not plan on TRing my human longsword FvS... it takes so much time.
And to say this makes no sense.
Different race and you chose a different capstone. The free heal capstone is the base for the character and huge if you plan on soloing a lot of epic content. Run the epic and grab all the scrolls for yourself, then post in looking for group "free epic dungeon token", and then make them give you anything in the chest. The 30% healing amp from human really makes it so you can hold up against epic mobs.
Anyhow as Aerendil says FvS builds aren't rocket science. Just funny that Impaqt made fun of my build that has the same race, class, 6 of the same feats, and the same mix of offensive casting/longsword melee. And then post a very similar build, and then claimed that there are no similarities other than the class.
Really shifting 1 dex point qualifies as a "new build"?
I sort of see what you are saying about the debuffs. But if you are talking about weighted 5% stun debuffs (the best IMO) then GTWF is better at debuffing. If you are talking about destruction/improved destruction then GTWF is better at debuffing. If you are talking about crippling debuffs then (assuming the mob is moving) then IC slash will only cripple slightly more because GTWF will an extra hook attack while moving and IC slash won't. Stat debuffs then IC slash is only 11% better while standing still, worse when moving - calculate it yourself. Banishing works great on easy content, what encounters do you struggle with where banishing is perimount? I can see an argument for radiance II, but what other "debuffs" are you talking about?
It just seems by taking IC slash you give up a lot and only get a little. Just my opinion I guess.
I guess if Quoting YOUR exact "Highlights" of the build is making fun of it, your right.
and It changes the dynamics of the build presented considerably.
Whether you focus on str or wisdom is just preference on how you want to specialize your char.
Your a bit off on the mob AC in Epic. If you are meleeing Epic Velah or the DQ, your doing a disservice to the group your in.
And yes I know how much spellcasting 4 DC matters, but to-hit also matters in epics. Try hitting an 70-80AC mob while dual wiedling with 14 base str, no levelup str points, no spring attack, and probably no OTWF. You won't be hitting a thing until the AC debuffs drop on or stuns land.
So you presented a build not even YOU would attempt to build. I have already started min and will have it caped within a month most likely. Significantly Different.
And let me clarify on the build I posted I said it's the most powerful overall build I could think of. Which involves tons of past lives. I stated that you can still do the build without ever TRing, it just won't be as powerful. I do not plan on TRing my human longsword FvS... it takes so much time.
And yet, you admit, Mine is Effective and yours is a Pointless concept exercise no one will ever build.
Anyhow as Aerendil says FvS builds aren't rocket science. Just funny that Impaqt made fun of my build that has the same race, class, 6 of the same feats, and the same mix of offensive casting/longsword melee. And then post a very similar build, and then claimed that there are no similarities other than the class.
So I guess if this build is "Nearly Identical" you must of Copied my build here and just Dropped the 2 Monk Levels? http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=219885
Or maybe it was this one?
1 Point in Dex, 3 Points in STR, 2 Points in CON, 2 Points in WIS, Level up Points are Distribiuted DIfferently, 5 Different Included Tomes, Yours is obsessed with healing amplification, Mine could care less, Your has 6 Greensteel items, 4 Wearables.. so cant even be considered completed until you have 80+ Shroud Runs, mine is a Single Standard 32 Point Character, and yours is a "Completionist" 10x True Res character...
sorry.. Not the same... Oh, and you stole someones elses build name too
I posted my build as a kinda "Hey wouldn't this be a fun build if you had all the gear and time in the world to TR 10 times?" Sure nobody will probably ever build it, but I thought it was interesting. It's not even a build so much as it is saying "hey capstone can heal 170HP non-crit, think of the possibilities." Maybe this has been realized already but I am a newer player so I thought it was pretty cool.
I have never posted to criticize anybodies build (until now I guess).
Ok anyhow moving on to constructive criticism (sorry for derailing).
The IC slash vs. GTWF point I raised. Unless I missed something, the way I see it GTWF has way more benefits than IC slash. Can you explain this one? This is not a malicious or rhetorical question, I'm actually curious because I'm planning on taking GTWF with my guy, and don't want to have to feat swap if IC is actually better. Are there some on-crit effects that I forgot about in my earlier post?
GTWF provides one more "Swing" at the End of the 4 animation attack Chain. that means, the only benefit you will ever see from it is when you are stationary hitting a Stationary target. Some boss fights are like this (Although, I still often reposition often in The Shroud and Abbot) but most of the time, your not standingin one place swinging consistently all that often. Especially on a Melee build that is going to be debuffing more than DPSing.
THis is NOT a DPS Build.
It winds up with decent DPS due to FvS Longsword ENh and FvS Buffs, but its not designed to be a primary melee DPS Build at all. Thats why the IC is more important.
The starting stats you posted don't really take advantage of Litany, what do you think of these?
(32 Point)
{26}Strength 14 +2 Tome +1 Human +6 Item +2 Rage +1 LotD
{24}Dexterity 15 +2 Tome +6 Item +1 LotD
{24}Constitution 13 (+1 tome) +2 Tome +6 Item +2 Rage +1 LotD
{16}Intelligence 9 +1 Tome +5 Item as needed +1 LotD
{36}Wisdom 16 +5 Levels +2 Tome +2 FvS +1 Human +6 Item +3 Exceptional +1 LotD
{26}Charisma 10 +2 Tome +2 FvS +2 Capstone +6 Item +3 Exceptional +1 LotD
Even stats at the end
+1 tome of INT at level 3 gives access to 1 more skill point per level starting at level 4 rather than level 8
+1 enhancement or tome of CON early on evens that up for slightly more survivability while leveling, reset enhancements after getting Litany or eat a +2 tome instead of +1 after
Could get 18 INT by eating +2 tome and using +6 item instead of +5 but why would you want that?
Of course that also assumes you don't swap your Litany out very often.
Doesn't rage spell also add +2 to CON?
EDIT: Added rage to CON.
Last edited by Irinis; 04-17-2010 at 04:54 AM.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
ANd yours is no longer optimal if ya get a +3 Tome.. Or shift around the Human Adaptability, or get a TOD RIng, or Drink a House D Pot, etc etc etc etc...
Bottom line, there is no way to account for every variable in Stat points. there are lots of ways to go up or down a point or 2.
Yeah, it does.Doesn't rage spell also add +2 to CON?
All sorcerers ever made are copies of my build.![]()
Actually, greater TWF adds the "4th hook" on the first attack of the stationary chain, and it also adds the "hook" to the first attack of the moving chain (of which there are only 2). http://ddowiki.com/page/Greater_two-weapon_fighting
I actually think that gTWF is often underestimated (if that were possible). It's not the "8th attack" but actually the first attack of any stationary chain, and also the 1st attack of the moving chain, which means that in many situations (moving, then attacking, then moving while attacking), it can easily represent a 30-50% increase in attacks if your stationary chain is constantly being interrupted. I found that the melee ability of my character increases by quite a bit after getting gTWF, much more than can be explained by getting "one more attack out of seven."
Ah thats exactly what I was trying to say, but you said it more clearly.
During stationary DPS GTWF comes out slightly ahead of IC slash in most situations (for longswords).
Durtion moving DPS GTWF comes out far ahead of IC slash.
So basically it comes down to how important "on crit" affects are to you. As I posted before the tradeoffs as I see them are...
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
Mineral longswords removes the need for IC:slash.... so switch it then![]()
This build looks interesting and I'm thinking about playing around with it. But I've noticed that starting with 10 CHA prevents me from casting spells at level 1. I'm a new player and don't have a lot of resources to throw at this build just yet. Am I better off working on something else (I'm 3 levels into a ranger18/rogue1/monk1 build) until I can afford to toss some stat items at this build at low levels or should I just modify the starting attributes a bit?
Since this is a more of a caster than a melee DPS build (even though it does solid melee dps), perhaps something like...
14 STR
15 DEX
12 CON
8 IN
16 WIS
12 CHA
The other option would be dropping DEX I suppose. Any advice would be appreciated.