Hey guys,
Let me start off by saying that this guild isn't meant to be a "everything" guild. It's not meant for you to be able to get in and learn everything about Greensteel, or learn how to do every single raid in under 20 minutes and it's definitely not a guild that is super serious about everything all the time.
Now, I absolutely love the guilds out there that help you and offer you invaluable knowledge (so kudos to you guys!) But I wanted to start up a guild for Monks only.
The idea behind this is that once we start getting up there in levels, think about the crazy things we can do. I've had the privilege to run a raid or two with 5 other monks and the others with mixed casters//healer/rogue/fighters. We DEVASTATED the raid. Not only did we have a healer, but we had 6 monks who were constantly using fists of light, a majority of them could cast restoration, cure blindness, disease and not to mention being able to raise the dead in later levels.
What I have been doing when I've recruited someone is immediately make them an officer for those people to recruit other monks. As soon as I see a new member recruited by someone else, I make them an officer too. Like I said, this guild is not meant to have a hierarchy of Leader > Officer > Member. I've started this in hopes to make it grow as quickly as possible.
**EDIT** Due to several valuable opinions from posters, I do have to explain that we are not click-inviting random monks, they are all people we've partied with that are respectful. **EDIT OVER**
So with that said, shoot me a message either on the forum or shoot me a message in game via the mail box, or just add me to your friends list.
"Steenk" (yes, my character's name is Steenk Palm)
I hope to see you in game!