I'm having fun with my monk, but sometimes I feel the need take break from it and play something else, so I'm looking to make an acrobat. I don't have a ton of experience with the game yet though, so I I was hoping to get a few things answered.
1. The non-rogue level
I'm aiming for 19 levels of rogue, I'd go twenty, but I know there isn't really any benefit to doing so. Is monk worth it for the free level, or would something else benefit me a bit more and when is best to squeeze it in? Also, if I do go monk, is concentration really all that important if I only have one level it in?
2. Alignment
Not sure where to go with his one. Lawful if I do go monk, obviously, but not sure where else to go with it. If its not good I can't use some of the hand me downs I have for her, like the pillar of light my monk no longer needs, but I know thats less important in the long run with UMD.
3. Feats
Most are pretty clear, two handed feats, toughness, improved critical. Just asking here in case there is something I'm overlooking.
4. Alternate weapon
What should I haul around for those enemies a blunt weapon is less than effective against?
I'll also welcome any other advice, though keep in mind that unless I stumble upon some guild thats interested, I'll be surprised if I ever end up doing any of the really high end stuff.
Thank you for your time and advice in advance.