We are currently recruiting for 2 slots in our Thursday night Dedicated Team. We meet at 8:00 PM EST (UTC -5) on Sarlona and generally play for 2-3 hours. Our play style is tactical with a bit of light RP. You can check out our team thread here.
Right now we are we are looking for a primary healer and an arcane. Battle clerics/CC/nuker are fine as long as you are a group player. If you haven't played either role, but would like to, we can help you with the build and give you the support you need as you learn.
Currently we are level 8.3, but can help anyone level if necessary. If you are new to the game or a vet; VIP or F2P you're welcome to join.
If you are interested or have any questions: post to this thread, PM me, or in game mail.