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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Bladesinger as a PrE

    People often speak about bladesinger and possible builds and how it doesn't really work cause it ends up a bit broken

    I'm wondering why nobody at turbine has simply thought of a PrE that requires (instead of 6 wizard or 6 fighter):

    3 wizard AND 3 fighter, that's maybe a bit specific but it could be 3 wizard OR 3 bard OR 3 sorceror AND 3 fighter OR 3 paladin or 3 ranger, etc etc.

    Alright, I understand this can't easily do the things that are normally done (such as advancing spell levels, or adding spell DCs as if you're still full wizard level, or however such a PrC works, though why there can't be a system where the PrE grants spell levels I'm not sure).

    This might have already been suggested, but it seems doable to me, and it seems to be a much desired PrC and as other PrCs are implemented as PrEs, why not?)

    edit: obviously there are many other PrCs that require level combinations, some even require a purchased skill rank, such as the Warpriest requiring intimidate. The cleric is in SORE need of some interesting PrEs (War priest isn't a good example because it stops you earning cleric spells, which sounds like an awkward bit of coding as is. BUT bear in mind, that PrEs do nothing but ADD to your character abilities, you don't lose any default class bonuses by taking them like you would for multiclassing into a PrC (Like a fighter becoming a divine champion and not gaining his fighter feats but getting some paladin-like abilities), so in theory, warpriest should just be bonuses and not hurt cleric spells)
    Last edited by Maxson; 04-14-2010 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    None of the multiclass Prestige classes translate well to DDO. For instance, bladesinger isn't nearly the hassle that Mystic Theurge would be. All you would really have to do is add feats (selectable as fighter bonus feats) to improve bard songs/spellcasting as if the character had an additional bard level (capped at 20 to prevent splash/pure characters from having greater than 20 effective levels).

    The problem is, that "easy answer" only really works with x/ftr MCs.

  3. #3
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Although I seriously doubt they will ever put it in DDO.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    See, I can't see how mystic theurge would be hard either, the only problem is it might be a bit OP.

    Here, I'll write up "Mystic Theurge I" without any real flavour text

    1 of
    Sorcerer Level 4 or Wizard Level 3
    1 of
    Cleric Level 3 or Favoured Soul Level 4
    <some flavour feats maybe? such as mental toughness or something>
    <Some enhancements from both classes, I don't play any of the above 4 classes so you're gonna need to gime a break here>

    You blur the line between arcane and divine magic, spending as much time praying as you do with musty tomes.

    Passive Ability *Character gains spells per day in divine and arcane spellcasting classes as if her caster level were her character level.
    Passive Ability * Character gains Divine and arcane spells per day as if she were 3 levels higher in her spellcasting classes (OR 4 for classes who would need 4 levels, unless the requires second level spells thing is fudged out) - If this option is more likely, then simply have Theurge II add another 3 levels to each class, then III add another 3, then finally your last 2 levels could be a splash or just adding extra focus in 1 of your two classes)

    Active Ability * Character gains the ability to temporarily boost her spell DCs and level for spell penetration to those of a caster equal to her total character level <<<<<this is not a mystic theurge ability, but other PrEs are imbalanced as all hell and eventually all theurge could give you in DDO is buff spells due to low DCs from not advancing on true class levels>>>>> 5 uses per day, 20 seconds per use (improving to 40 seconds, or 60 seconds per use at II and III, <OR more uses per rest)

    (PLEASE NOTE, the mystic theurge needs to be able to cast second level divine sells and 2nd level arcane, this requires level 4 sorceror/FvS level 4, obviously it could easily be fudged a bit and not follow the proper rules, as yknow, this is DDO, it has never followed em really)


    I'm toying with a -4 constitution hit to represent their lower than cleric HP, maybe getting lower till Theurge III?
    Also toying with locking all bonus cleric/FvS granted feats past level 3 out when it's taken, though this would be pretty unpopular. Maybe another progression of unlocking them by taking higher levels of Theurge?

    But yeah, things like this going in aren't my call, and you know, game balance etc.
    Last edited by Maxson; 04-15-2010 at 07:59 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    they should first finish the pure PrEs befor starting some multiclassed ones
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    There's approximately one mother****ing assload of things they should do before another approximate mother****ing assload of things they should do, the priority for someone tends to depend on what that someone wants doing. They should probably implement druids too; all I'm really saying is I don't think it's hard for a group who has already built a fairly vast game to implement what I'm suggesting and make a fairly bit niche group happy.

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