*contemplates purchasing more small/med ingredients from the AH...*
I'm just tired of seeing my collection of Large Bones/Chains continue to grow and grow, while the other ingredients hover around 5 each.
However, when it comes to grind-fests, it's not the Shroud I'd point my finger at. At least you get decent trash loot out of the chests with the chance at pulling something you might actually use, versus the older content that you grind just for the tiny chance at that one named item you can use. And like others have mentioned, you can buy everything off the AH except shards.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
This got alot more response than I thought it would. Thanks for all the replies. Howerever I would like to point out once again that this could only be done at the last altar. So 1) You HAVE to complete. 2) You have to have at least semi-decent pulls to do this. I STILL don't have any shrapnel on my character that I haven't had to trade/buy. 3) Not everyone is lucky with money. Yeah after about... 10 straight shroud runs and some good luck loot pulls I might be able to make enough cash to buy... 1 Large Devil Scale. Maybe. It simply costs too much to buy these items and the grind is obviously too much for most of the community. This includes Vets. Yes, all the Vets have more options and market knowledege but I have a few friends that are Vets and are STILL trying to get more than 2 large Devil Scales. On one charcter. With 3 characters grinding it. How fair is that?
Just a quick thought but maybe leaving the chest drops in part 4 as is & reversing the drop rates in part 5 so large Scales & Shrapnel are the more likely?
Encourages completions & will effectively shorten crafting times (quite a bit I'd say) without sending things completely out of whack.
Hey its just crazy enough to work
I dont know about you but shards are the hurdle I cant get over. Run with me and I will gladly trade you the large you want for a supreme shard.
Do like I do ransack Tor every week on a couple toons then trade your scales for the larges you need.
If you cant find some part of the game you really like (for me it is killing dragons) you are not going to be happy ginding that new higher level you get to after you outgrow shroud.
Home of Stamper the Seeker 20 dwarven barbarian, Jox Everheal 17 human cleric, Justwanta Burn 20 WF sorc, and Lubejob Fleshie Killer WF 10 wizzey/2 rog.
Crunching smalls into mediums into larges would be bad. Smalls and mediums are way way way too common, and too easily farmed.
Now a 3 to 1 trade in for larges would be fine, and has been asked for since people realised how high the use rate of scales and stones are.
Such a trade in system wouldn't even need that many options. All you need are the following 8:
3x shrap/bone/arrow/chain gives you 1 scale
3x shrap/bone/arrow/chain gives you 1 stone
Thats one less option than the GH relic turn in, and it would solve the "not enough scales/stones" problem that most greensteel makers have.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
I got my 1st large scale on my 11th run... I really don't like the idea of grabbing the next 4 on my 55th ...
"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
Don't get me wrong, it's still a hell of a lot of fun. For the most part the quests you need to play over and over again are great quests or they are short. You also can get a lot more replay value by upping the difficulty levels. Amrath Elite is a hell of a lot of fun once your equipped equipped for it.
My point is if Turbine should treat grind as a zero-sum game, if they add more something should be lowered. Yes I know the carrot and stick approach of keeper players playing works, but when you reach the point where getting "fully" equipped on multiple toons becomes insurmountable more while stop playing.