The only reason I considered it is because Junts' build didn't have it until level 18.
I might not be able to take GTHF --
I burned my level 1 Human Feat on Tower Shield.
Junts' Feat structure:
1: Power Attack
1f: EWP: Khopesh
1h: Toughness
3: Two-handed fighting
6: Extend Spell
8f: Improved crit: slash
9: Combat Expertise
12: Improved two-handed fighting
15: Greater two-handed fighting
18: Dodge
My ideas so far (I'm only at level 4):
1: Power Attack
1h: Tower Shield
3: EWP: BS
6: Toughness
9: Combat Expertise
12: THF
15: Improved crit: slash
18: ITHF