Does improved recovery effect the 1-2 hp i get back with each hit when using fists of light? Does anything?
Does improved recovery effect the 1-2 hp i get back with each hit when using fists of light? Does anything?
it affects every incoming healing, so yes, even the fists of light
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
yep when i use fist of light on my monk ... he has about 180% heal amp its eithor 1hp or 3 hp per hit never do i get a 2 hp heal when im hitting them
MR.Skull 6th life The origional 18fighter 2monk
Argo home of the true winner of ddo.
hmmmm so if i took all the monk improved recoveries i wonder how much hp i would get back per hit.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i am gonna try that.
It works, but it rounds down, so you have to get to a total of at least 50% amp before you see FOL change. At 50% total amp, FOL becomes 1 point or 3 points of healing (instead of 1 or 2).
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
Exactly. For FoL the only amps that matter are 50% and 100%. 50% amp gives you 1 point or 3 points back on each hit (33% increase over no amp). 100% amp gives you 2 points or 4 points back on each hit (100% increase over no amp, 50% increase over 50% amp). While those numbers sound small a monk in air stance and with gTWF gets so many attacks that even the FoL healing is non-trivial for us. I find I can often keep myself topped off on health if I use paralyzers with no extra damage, pick something that's not being beaten on at the time, and do an elemental/light/elemental finisher on it to buff the group. Putting curse of healing on the main target of the group on trash is pointless - they don't last long enough to get any healing. But if you can isolate one and get a good 5 seconds or so with it you can often get back a good chunk of health, get off your buff, and get a decent chunk of ki to at least get close to neutral on it.
If you're a human monk in fire stance with the new bracers you can get to:
30% human
30% monk
25% bracers
If you have healing amp on DT armor or kamas that number can go even higher. Search the forums for Proposal; M9 Monk Intimidate Build (>300%) and The Solar Phoenix build (>400%). These two builds are not pure monks mind you, but crazy healing amp. I'm currently leveling a modified version of the M9 Monk Intimidate Build.
cant find it right now, but there is a build (Solar Phoenix or something) on here with about 400% healing amplification fully geared, designed to take advantage of this.
Bear in mind its not pure monk, its a concept build of paladin/monk/possibly something else, so has pro's and con's, but is still an excellent build.