just wondering if its possible?
here what my stats would be at lvl 1
str 13
dex 17
con 12
wis 14
int 8
cha 8
just wondering if its possible?
here what my stats would be at lvl 1
str 13
dex 17
con 12
wis 14
int 8
cha 8
I would go with something like this instead:
The Free Companions
Eurytos, Eury, Furytos, Eurytrikos, Durytos, Alternate, Grid, Gridd, Radic, Narayana"I don't set goals, because if I set goals, I set limits for myself."
i tried doing my stat that way
str 14
dex 16
con 14
wis 14
int 8
cha 8
on 1 my monks i made on argonnessen and i couldnt get Itwf at lvl 9
not enough dex
Right, you'll need to get a +1 tome by 9 for ITWF and a +2 tome by 18 for GM Wind. Tomes, especially +1, are not that hard to come by. Farm up some collectibles to sell if you can't afford one. Eurytos' stat distribution is definitely a better more well rounded monk and I think you'll be happier with it.
Remember that at 1750 favor you get a BTC +2 tome of your choice. Starting with a 16 Dex on a finesse build...
35 Dex
You might want to look at a halfling build unless you want to farm for LotD (a real grind for sure)
36 Dex
thx for the replies back 8)