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Thread: DPS Kama Build

  1. #1
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    Default DPS Kama Build

    I am looking for a monk kama build for ultimate dps anything pretty much will work as long as its fast and powerful thanks everyone in advance and if possible i would prefer wf but not required
    Last edited by ayondie; 04-12-2010 at 11:46 PM.
    Warforged Durability- "Takes a licklin and keeps on tickin."

  2. #2
    Community Member FauxSho's Avatar
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    Sit back and relax, and someone will swing by in a few minutes to tell you that kamas are not considered DPS weapons for a monk.

    Typically, as a monk, your DPS will come from Handwraps, and your Vorpal will come on Kamas.
    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
    You should probably try being just slightly specific.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by FauxSho View Post
    Sit back and relax, and someone will swing by in a few minutes to tell you that kamas are not considered DPS weapons for a monk.

    Typically, as a monk, your DPS will come from Handwraps, and your Vorpal will come on Kamas.
    i understand that but i dont want to use handwraps hence why i requested a kama build
    Warforged Durability- "Takes a licklin and keeps on tickin."

  4. #4
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Hi welcome

    Don't gimp yourself out, forget kama's unless they are vorpals. Sure you might think they're cool or someone lied to you and told you they're awesome. But they're not, you'll do less damage than a level 1 fighter with STR as a dump stat.

  5. #5
    Community Member Quijonsith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msericka View Post
    hi Welcome

    Don't Gimp Yourself Out, Forget Kama's Unless They Are Vorpals. Sure You Might Think They're Cool Or Someone Lied To You And Told You They're Awesome. But They're Not, You'll Do Less Damage Than A Level 1 Fighter With Str As A Dump Stat.
    Baaldon Draggins: 20 Halfling Monk; Krigen Skaptero: Monk Healing Amp Intimitank

  6. #6
    Community Member FauxSho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ayondie View Post
    i understand that but i dont want to use handwraps hence why i requested a kama build
    Fair enough, that wasn't clear from your OP, which requested "ultimate dps." The combination of a request for dps using such an extreme adjective, while also mentioning a weapon which does notoriously poor dps (especially when compared with the increase in damage profile and attack speed monks get with handwraps), gives the impression that you are unaware of the situation.

    Any monk splash can do fairly well with kamas, especially since they're not likely to give up the extra damage from handwraps, having few monk levels. A Cleric/Monk can work well, and I believe I recently saw an Exploiter Tempest Ranger build focusing on kamas on these forums called "Kama Chameleon." You could also take 6 Ranger for Tempest I, since it works with kamas but not with handwraps, the rest is up to you.

    As a pure monk, your build isn't likely to be much different whether you're focused on handwraps or kamas. Take the TWF line of feats, IC:Slashing, and it's your decision whether you want to emphasize Str, or emphasize Dex and take Weapon Finesse (keeping in mind monks do well having balanced stats, for the most part).

    If you're using kamas primarily, you'll want to stay away from Stunning Fist and Quivering Palm, since they only work with unarmed strikes (Stunning Blow will work fine). I'm not sure if the dark path high-damage strike will work with kamas, somehow I think that might be limited to unarmed also.
    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
    You should probably try being just slightly specific.

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Kama Chameleon

    Off-hand I'd guess your best bet for a DPS kama build would be a monk / rogue who relies mostly on sneak attacks for DPS. Monk 7 / rogue 13 Acrobat or monk 1 / rogue 19 Assassin are the obvious choices, IMHO.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Kama Chameleon

    Off-hand I'd guess your best bet for a DPS kama build would be a monk / rogue who relies mostly on sneak attacks for DPS. Monk 7 / rogue 13 Acrobat or monk 1 / rogue 19 Assassin are the obvious choices, IMHO.
    ty for the replies and the thoughts i will mull it over and give it a shot
    Warforged Durability- "Takes a licklin and keeps on tickin."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Monk 7 / rogue 13 Acrobat
    I haven't seen a build-link for one of these. Know of a good one?

  10. #10
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    As far as I know there is not a good build (and therefore no link) with Monk7/Rogue13.

    The biggest problem here is that the PnP Synergy does not exist in DDO. As a result, most people take one or the other - sometimes Monk 1 for AC buff but usually not on JUST Rogue/Monk.

  11. #11
    Community Member DrakmireTS's Avatar
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    I'm pretty close to that build (12 rogue, 6 monk, 2 paladin), which puts me at the same base damage as GS kamas.

    Don't use kamas if you want to DPS >_> As noted, a heavy rogue build relies on the sneak attack damage, which you get more of using wraps, both because of the 10% unarmed speed bonus, and because kamas are gonna cause you -2 to hit with the GTWF chain.

    Now, if you want a *fun* kama build, go look up Ely's Solar Phoenix build with its insane healing amp. That one sounds like a blast to play.

  12. #12
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    As far as I know there is not a good build (and therefore no link) with Monk7/Rogue13.
    Some of the quarterstaff builds go for monk 7 / rogue 13: Wind II stance + Acrobat II = hella fast attack speed; and Wholeness of Body provides extra self-healing. Kamas don't get the attack speed boost from Acrobat, but otherwise would work. The silver lining to ayondie wanting to dual-wield kamas is s/he can stay centered and benefit from monk abilities.

    Does Tempest stack with Wind stance? If so, you could do something really nuts like ranger 6 / monk 12 / rogue 2.

  13. #13
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    I would not recommend anything more than Monk6 UNTIL they come out with PrE. You just lose too much from not getting Tier II kensai, Acrobat or whatever.

    Since Acrobat and Wind stack, I do not see why Tempest and Wind should not stack but I cannot confirm (Iraq and other more mundane RL stuff have put a damper on my online play and my highesy toon is 15th).

  14. #14
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    Default the head and shoulders build (like the shampoo)

    hey there. i ran a build on the european servers and it worked quite well - my aim was to make a character that would seperate heads from shoulders as quickly as possible. (using vorpals)

    I came up with this:
    12 monk, 6 ranger, 2 fighter.
    splashing 2 rogue also works but as the bab is then not full i decided on fighter for max speed.

    I also ran a monk 1/rogue x build warforge that did very good damage whatever weapon i was using.

    After some carefull thought,

    6 monk, 7 ranger, 7 rogue could work very well for what you desire. ie getting the most damage from a kama weilder.
    Id definately recomend warforge for the power attack enhancement also, or halfling for sneak damage.

    This is a little off the top of my head so if ive made any mistakes im sure you lot will correct me.
    plz note its normaly logical to take the rogue first but as this is supposed to be a kama build i thought the op would want to be using his prefered weapon from day 1.
    lvl1: monk
    lvl2 -8: ranger
    lvl9 -15: rogue
    lvl16 -20:monk

    feats in order including granted ones:
    power attack (1)
    dodge (mnk)
    fav enemy undead (rng)
    rapid shot(rng)
    fav enemy evil outsider (rng)
    impcrit slash(12)
    tuffness (mnk)
    path - light or dark to your preference: group survive ability vs group damage output.
    skill focus umd(18) - or any other feat you fancy.. this one is kinda spare.

    STATS: (28/32)
    str:16/16 - all stat points spent in str*

    *Note: these stats require you buy a + 1 dex tome before lvl 15. i dont think thats an unrealistic option. If you think it is then 1 stat point can be spent in dex to get the required value for gtwf.

    essential enhancements:
    either wf power attack or halfling guile. if you cant stand either of these races the build is still valid but you will loose damage.
    Tuffness enh because monks and rangers and rogues can be squishy.
    Rogue haste boost
    ranger fav enemy damage enh
    ranger sprint boost to get to the enemy quicker.

    essential gear:
    hvy fort - sugest minos helm.
    good kamas. - woundings/vorpals + radience/lighting2's/disintergrates from shroud crafting. due to the good attack speed vs low damage per hit you want to get crafted kamas with proc damage.

    ranger spells to use:
    rams might, and 20 point resist energy (up over 30 with boost)#

    umd maxed, other skills in jump, balance, concentration (for ki), spot.
    1 rank in tumble.

    plz understand that i havent made this build - it is untested but i have run one similar, well a couple actualy.

    sub par dps - but about the best you can get with kamas i think taking averages between sneak attackable/ non sneak attackable enemies.
    a little squishy compared to most front line meles.
    reasonable to good ac is achievable with appropriate gear for your lvl.
    usefull group healing/buffing through ki and ranger lvls.
    good survive ability through umd.
    At a push you could squeese in trap skills and/or open lock.
    can deal decent damage at range - as a side effect of taking ranger for tempest.
    can wand whip early on without umd dificulties then scroll use in later lvls.
    extremely fast attack speed - and if you can maintain not having the agro then on sneakable mobs the dps is actually decent.
    due to high attack speed proc weapons become more powerful.
    To make full use of attack speed bonuses divine power clickies may be desirable.
    monk prestiges could make this build very interesting - we'll have to wait and see.
    this could be an excelent stealth killer as all 3 classes get hide/move silent skills.


  15. #15
    Community Member Alexkawasaki7's Avatar
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    There's a guy that runs around on Argo that uses kamas with his build often. It's 12/7/1 ranger/monk/paladin. He's got sicc saves amazing ac too. I'm not sure if he's a lot of dps or a vorpaler and he's dex based. If you find out more about that you have gotta let me know!

  16. #16
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    As far as I know there is not a good build (and therefore no link) with Monk7/Rogue13.

    The biggest problem here is that the PnP Synergy does not exist in DDO. As a result, most people take one or the other - sometimes Monk 1 for AC buff but usually not on JUST Rogue/Monk.
    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    I would not recommend anything more than Monk6 UNTIL they come out with PrE. You just lose too much from not getting Tier II kensai, Acrobat or whatever.

    Since Acrobat and Wind stack, I do not see why Tempest and Wind should not stack but I cannot confirm (Iraq and other more mundane RL stuff have put a damper on my online play and my highesy toon is 15th).
    Actually, monk7/rogue13 is a pretty good build. Just because you haven't seen a build posted doesn't mean that it's not good. Moreover, monk 7 is almost too good to pass up on that build, and you can still get tier two of any other PrE of your choice.

  17. #17
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    @ Calebro As pointed out, I spent some time in Iraq as well as some other RL stuff. So, I do not necessarily spend LOTS of time in or out of game. This can - even severely - limit my personala knowledge and exposure. At least I know that they are out there and can work from there.

    likewise, I stated that you should wait until the Monk PrEs come out as Ninja Spy may make a good mix with Assassin. The question becomes WHICH one do you get Tier II in. IF you already have Assassin Tier II, the choice is made and you have to TR, LR or just plain re-roll and build up in order to change.

  18. #18
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    Default kama chamelon

    soi finally got around to making the kama chameleon build and so far he is a lot of fun to play. My issues are i cant get leveled fast enough adn i get bored but with this guy i hit 1.5 lvls in one night and plan to keep power gaming this guy like no other. I gonna go pure kamas for the extra speed from wind stance and trade out wp:khopesh for ic:slashing and take that earlier and take another feat at 18.. Will post replies when this guy gets really rolling
    Warforged Durability- "Takes a licklin and keeps on tickin."

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