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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default Tactical Legion is recruiting

    Mission Statement

    Our mission is to create and sustain a topnotch gaming experience for those players who understand the value of teamwork.

    Who are we?

    Tactical Legion is a guild of Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO by Turbine) players who focus on tactics, unit movement and teamwork in a colorful and mature gaming experience on the Thelanis server of DDO. We are a microphone required guild consisting of adult persons who enjoy tactically moving through the game. We employ a selection of military concepts and procedures within our parties to take full advantage of the skillsets of each individual character and player, while being sure not to bog things down with too much military jargon or rigidity. By doing so, we both maximize the enjoyment of the game while also greatly increasing the chances of each character staying alive.

    We are not a power-gaming guild, although players are welcome to seek the highest heights of character development. Rather, our focus is to insure that when our guild members login to play they have an adventure waiting for them with a group of players that understand there is no 'I' in the word 'TEAM'.

    Our guild consists of those gaming enthusiasts that believe that the words “it's just a game”, while technically accurate, can sometimes undermine the value of the gaming experience. For instance, have you ever had someone tell you the ending of a movie 15 minutes before it was over? It is technically accurate to say “it was just a movie” but it was also two hours of your time that you hoped you could kickback away from reality and pleasantly escape into a different world. We want a gaming experience in which we can enjoy the fantasy of playing an adventure as a skilled warrior instead of investing our time into an experience only to have our characters die repeatedly due to other players having little concern over our level of enjoyment. Have you ever had someone squirm around in their seat, most likely thinking, “I wish he'd just fast forward this movie so we can watch something else,” while you were trying to enjoy getting carried deeper into a story that you enjoy? We are the people who appreciate the time and energy the artists, story writers, programmers and others put into a game. We are those players who enjoy creeping slowly through a dungeon. We are those men and women who don't mind stopping to let our teammates catch up before we tackle the steeps of the volcanic mountain ahead.

    Who we are not!

    In another gaming universe (StarCraft by Blizzard Entertainment) there is a species of evil aliens known as the Zerg. They are an insect race that swarms over their enemies primarily using massive waves of insectoid warriors. Yes, it's true that they're a force to be reckoned with since they operate as a hive-mind and literally swallow everything they come in contact with...but this isn't StarCraft!

    In yet another gaming universe (Street Fighter by Capcom) we find two hardened warriors pitted against each other, dealing blow for blow and blow for blow and kick for kick and blow for blow...and really, that's about all there is to offer! Thankfully this isn't Street Fighter and there's a whole lot more to do than to dish out blows or mindlessly swarm over the enemy like the hive-mind Zerg.

    You've entered the world of Dungeons & Dragons Online and it's important to note that this massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is based off of the world-famous 1974 paper-and-dice role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D by Tactical Studies Rules). Within the world of D&D it was absolutely imperative that you operated as a team, using the best abilities of the fighters, clerics, wizards, rogues or other characters in your party. If you failed to work together, it was quite likely you would all perish together...and even if you survived by some miracle of mindless chaos, the fun of the game is to play as a party.

    While not everyone has had the pleasure of serving in a military or law enforcement unit, when we're talking about wizards slinging fireballs at trolls and rangers sniping evil minions from the safety of a high perch, the environment we're discussing is one of professional warriors, and professional warriors act as a team and move as a unit. As we mention the ranger class of D&D characters (who are akin to modern military sniper personnel, in the non-fiction world) it's important for us to note that professional military snipers rarely go on a mission alone. Yes, fictional rangers and non-fictional snipers certainly have the guts and the skills to tackle the obstacle as solo commandos, but what happens when our ranger is faced with a trap he can't disarm or when it's absolutely necessary to get up close and personal with a dozen psychopathic monsters conjured from the depths of the underworld? At that point it's time for teamwork; it's time to send in the rogue to disable the trap or call on the barbarian or the sorcerer to help take down the gang of thugs.

    To crystallize what's being said here, we are not mindless hive-mind insectoids chaotically rushing through the game with little concept of each others individual strengths and weaknesses. We are not the barbarians who charge in and leave our weaker wizards to be eaten alive. We are not the self-centered clerics who are more concerned with getting a piece of the action than paying close attention to the wellbeing of their teammates.

    We work as a team, moving like a precision instrument against our enemies.


    1. Members may not make criticisms, suggestions or insults with regards to a person's political beliefs, religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture or sexuality. In DDO you are playing the role of a professional warrior, and real professionals only concern themselves with a person's ability to operate as a team player.

    2. Members are forbidden from whining or otherwise crying over spilled milk. Our guild solves problems to the best of our ability. Crybabies do not produce solutions.

    3. Members must carry out all orders given to them by those appointed to lead their particular party. If the Point Man says stop, you stop. If the Team Leader tells you not to open a door, you don't. Those who consistently fail to follow orders jeopardize the team, the gaming experience and thus waste everyone's valuable time.

    4. Members must be patient, friendly and courteous with all other members. Everyone isn't an expert, people need periodic breaks and no one likes a bad attitude.

    5. Members who put loot and experience points above the importance of playing in a friendly, adventurous and team-oriented environment will be removed. If a person is only in it for the numbers they can go count matchsticks; we don't need 'em.

    6. Members are permitted to use mature language and forbidden to complain about it. If a person doesn't like foul language, we suggest that they take their candy-ass to a real battlefield to hear how the real warriors talk who protect their liberty to be a squeamish insufferable maggot.

    7. Members who leave the guild are barred from returning. We have no use for quitters.

    Core Values

    Teamwork – We are ever focused on strengthening ourselves within the context of the team, as it is the strength of the individual within the team that brings value to the gaming experience.

    Honor – We have no use for liars, cheaters, cowards, quitters or other vermin.

    Excellence – We each strive to be excellent players whose ability to work as a team, whether we lead or follow, is a valuable asset to other players.

    If you are intrested in joining please apply at

  2. #2
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    I'm already guilded, but one thing you said really stood out.

    Quote Originally Posted by squaii View Post

    3. Members must carry out all orders given to them by those appointed to lead their particular party. If the Point Man says stop, you stop. If the Team Leader tells you not to open a door, you don't. Those who consistently fail to follow orders jeopardize the team, the gaming experience and thus waste everyone's valuable time.

    I'll be forming my own party later today. Character name is Mesnee. Please, let me be your party leader.

    edit: almost forgot to add- Bring warforged.

    Last edited by Uamhas; 04-12-2010 at 10:10 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    feel free to post on recruitment to hook up with someone and im sure we can get a group going

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default Tacital Legion

    My Mains name is Rokke, but I have alts Vhenn and Yngwulff.
    Feel free to contact me if you want to join our guild for more information

  5. #5
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Uamhas View Post
    I'm already guilded, but one thing you said really stood out.

    I'll be forming my own party later today. Character name is Mesnee. Please, let me be your party leader.

    edit: almost forgot to add- Bring warforged.

    Uma, I'll bring any of my many Warforged characters to your party any day..
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  6. #6
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Uma, I'll bring any of my many Warforged characters to your party any day..
    Sweetness, I would take them!
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  7. #7
    Community Member adRyft's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I've got nothing but good things to say about this guild. You could do a lot worse than choosing them, if you are in the market for a guild. Mature, active, and there's not a piker among them from what I've been able to tell.

    And I'm not alone among members of CLAW who hold them in high regard, either. I'd invite any one of them to fill a spot in an otherwise all-CLAW group, any day. Brothers in arms, says I.
    Aelrys d'Aelaravel, Brenja Stoutfire, Xyzia Stormryft, and an assorted cast of characters
    Proud member of C.L.A.W.
    I remember the Good Old Days, but none of the newer ones.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    Well said many tactical members i know group with claw members regularly and never heard any complaints you guys are great to group with

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