Another vote for elf monk 2 / FvS 18. Just wear light armor if you don't like robes; you'll lose the WIS AC bonus, but you can still use Evasion and the extra 2 feats are always welcome.
Another vote for elf monk 2 / FvS 18. Just wear light armor if you don't like robes; you'll lose the WIS AC bonus, but you can still use Evasion and the extra 2 feats are always welcome.
Won't losing the wisdom and armor class bonus make it useless for soloing? That's how I mostly play.
Thanks for all the replies. Can someone show me a build and explain please, and I can't stress the word PLEASE enough, the build you are talking about? What exact kinds of light armor? I don't want to look like I stepped out of the sims and decided to fight monsters. It looks ridiculous to me. I want to use swords too, which was sort of the point for me. I take it I can't do two weapon fighting on a monk and i'm playing an elf, so it would be scimitars right? This is again the reason why I was considering fighter initially.
I won't understand if you post any acronyms and stuff, I'm new. If I have a build to play with, I can go start at level 4 right now and give it a try. As long as I'm not dressed in cloth and punching with my fists or some small item, I'd give it a try and make the effort to see it through to at least level 10 before I decide if it's for me or not. I still think fighter will be better, but prove me wrong and I'll give it a try.
Last edited by Hauteclaire; 04-15-2010 at 06:03 PM.
There are plenty of elf monk 2 / FvS 18 builds on the forums. Here are a couple:
This is what I would go with for a melee focus:
base stats 16 / 16 / 14 / 8 / 8 / 14 with all level-ups into STR (will need +1 DEX tome by lvl 9 for ITWF)
level order: monk at lvls 1 & 4, FvS all other lvls
feats: TWF(1), Toughness(1), Extend(3), Power Attack (4), Empower Heal (6), ITWF (9), Imp Crit Slash (12), GTWF (15), Quicken (18) - can change the order or choice of metamagic feats
spells: focus on heals & buffs, but don't forget Blade Barrier
skills: max Concentration, extra skill points at monk levels can be put into Balance & Jump
weapons: dual-wield scimitars, but keep a light weapon and shield for your offhand if you have trouble hitting
armor: Pre-Evasion, use whatever you find which gives you the highest AC (or other bonuses). Once you have Evasion, switch to light armor: Mithril Breastplate is the ideal IIRC, but whatever's the best you can find is fine.
Note: I like having Evasion ASAP, but you can delay monk 2 if you want to focus on FvS first; just take Power Attack as your 2nd bonus monk feat whenever you get it.
You can absolutely do two weapon fighting on a monk. Part of the reason to take the monk class, in fact most of the reason, is the two extra feats you will get so you can fit the TWF chain in. As an elf, yes you would use scimitars. You will have a little icon warning you that you are uncentered because of your weapons up in the corner of your screen but the only thing that that effects is your ability to use monk stances and monk ki strikes, which don't matter for the 18FVS/2monk build. As long as you are wearing robes or outfits you still get the Wis bonus to AC even while using weapons that make you uncentered. Two monk gives you 2 extra feats, Wis bonus to AC, and evasion. Two fighter would give you two extra feats and access to 1 tier of fighter strength through enhancements. I think evasion trumps one extra strength. You'll also gt a few more skill points to spend on your monk levels than on your fighter ones, not totally necessary, but definitely nice.
Last edited by Impatiens; 04-16-2010 at 12:47 PM.
Hey thanks for the info both of you. So hmm I am almost sold other than the armor... As there any cool looking light armor, is that safe to wear? I'm just at the point where I don't want to look horrible and the clothing seems bad unless someone can name some "possible" clothing that has like those red robes with the armor look I have seen a few npcs use like at necropolis, the character standing at the base of the platform the general vendor, barkeep and bloody mary are standing, she has this red thing on.. looks robe or light. I'd love to get that or something like it, if I knew what it was. Anyone who can tell me, I'll give you an award! I just have to look semi good to actually play well.
I can't even tell you about all the sacrifices I made in EQ, WoW and 10 other mmos for look over practicality. So anyone who can give info on what I described above, I'd greatly, really, REALLY appreciate it!