Just wanted to let you guys know that I gonna be taking a permanant leave from the game. Its been an awesome 3 or so years. Made lots of great friends. Even better enemies
As some of you may know, I'm not new to the "taking a break" business, but my most recent return has mainly been spent shooting tha Sh&@ in guild and channel, and wasting time in PvPI've gotten a foot in tha door of reality, and now is the best time for me to cut the DDO strings.
My last official day is April 17th, which is actually my B-day. I will be on that night to hand out any POS gear I have, maybe run some quests, and say some goodbyes.
It will sadden me to quit tha game I've spent so much time in for the past few years. You guys are awesome. I want to thank everyone Ascent for being a second family to me. Souless (Tha Bytcher), Rumil, Culpepper, you guys have been awesome friends to me, and I hope nothing but the best for you in RL. Not gonna go through the list of other guilds/friends, you guys know who you are *Blah
Most of you already have some contact info for me. Email is the same, but phone has change as recently as last month. If ya want the new info pls PM me.
Peace Out