So i was planning to make a pure warforged monk while waiting for my VIP status to come alive (and of course it's just the day when im planning to start the game. I've played normal D&D: stormreach, so i have some knowledge of the game even though very limited.
As a Warforged, what are the MOST common mistakes i should avoid when making a monk? I allready looked up some info from a post at: (Cleared up few things at least)
I got confused at the part "*NOTE DO NOT take ANY of the body feats if you are going for the centered bonus, the body feats interfere with monk bonuses."
What is "centered" bonus? I didnt seem to find much info on that. What if i take the body feats anyways? Is it a mistake on the long run?
And most of all... if i'm just starting out D&D:Unlimited, should i possibly start with some other class before making a monk?