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  1. #1
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Epic quests, Newby gear. What should I get first?

    I am a fairly new player to DDO, and I'm enjoying my Barbarian quite a bit. Working towards a better gear setup as timers and Ransacks allow, leveling other characters for Farming as well.

    What are some of the Barbarian basic gear pieces you would recomend I have before I try Epic?
    What should I be able to solo?
    What are some of the most important pieces for me to have?
    Other then being able to guide folks through the non-epic versions when half asleep that is =D

    I am a Twohander user, working on my first Greensteel weapon right now, a Minerall 2 Greataxe, 7 more Larges and it will be done.

    Some of the things I currently farm for are Spectral Gloves, Bloodstone, Madstone Boots, and Shroud ingredients.

    Thank you for your time.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  2. #2
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    What are some of the Barbarian basic gear pieces you would recomend I have before I try Epic?
    A stunning monk friend or two Most people like to get autocrits in epics, so if you're with a small group of inexperienced people a 5% weighted maul might be your main weapon. There really isn't any gear you "have to" have.

    * - Autocrits do not work well in a couple epics. These are also not very popular probably for that reason

    What should I be able to solo?
    Same things as any other non-sp character, as long as you can keep yourself alive. I've seen pictures of Von 2 soloed by a barbarian somewhere. Some of the others would be quite difficult!

    What are some of the most important pieces for me to have?
    A raise dead clicky is very nice. Either for your allies, or a hireling that doesn't want to res himself at the shrine (zzz!). Also carry around a hireling in your backpack all the time, you never know when being able to summon one will save the day.

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