I am a fairly new player to DDO, and I'm enjoying my Barbarian quite a bit. Working towards a better gear setup as timers and Ransacks allow, leveling other characters for Farming as well.
What are some of the Barbarian basic gear pieces you would recomend I have before I try Epic?
What should I be able to solo?
What are some of the most important pieces for me to have?
Other then being able to guide folks through the non-epic versions when half asleep that is =D
I am a Twohander user, working on my first Greensteel weapon right now, a Minerall 2 Greataxe, 7 more Larges and it will be done.
Some of the things I currently farm for are Spectral Gloves, Bloodstone, Madstone Boots, and Shroud ingredients.
Thank you for your time.