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  1. #1
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    Default Blood Road questions (spoilers)

    After doing this quest 20 or so times (great job devs, love it!) I've still got a few things left to figure out

    - The lever behind the hidden door, after the lightning trapped ladder - what does this thing do?

    - The talking gargoyle scoundrels. Is there any hints for which valve is the right one to turn? As far as I could tell it seems to be random.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Dunno about the lever behind secret door, I always pull it, but not sure what it does exactly. You do find a treasure chest just past there, but not sure if they are related in any way.

    And the valves, I have just been turning both of them and killing the gargoyles when they fight. Is there more to it than that?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Have you tried jumping across the lightning pit after climbing the ladder?

    Have you tried pulling the lever more than once?

  4. #4
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfruit View Post
    After doing this quest 20 or so times (great job devs, love it!) I've still got a few things left to figure out

    - The lever behind the hidden door, after the lightning trapped ladder - what does this thing do?

    - The talking gargoyle scoundrels. Is there any hints for which valve is the right one to turn? As far as I could tell it seems to be random.
    - Secret lever enables some air jets which allow you to get the chest even if your jump skill is otherwise low.

    - The "right one" for valves? Not sure what you mean..

    But the 2 values next to the gargoyles - in my run we needed to press both. One extends the bridge a bit, then the other extends the oposite side of the bridge a bit, completing the circuit.

    I've only run this quest on epic difficulty so these things may be different on lower settings.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    - Secret lever enables some air jets which allow you to get the chest even if your jump skill is otherwise low.

    - The "right one" for valves? Not sure what you mean..

    But the 2 values next to the gargoyles - in my run we needed to press both. One extends the bridge a bit, then the other extends the oposite side of the bridge a bit, completing the circuit.

    I've only run this quest on epic difficulty so these things may be different on lower settings.
    On lower settings on of the valves shoots a ball lightning out. I didn't notice if the bridge moved as well.

  6. #6
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    Ah, neat! I was wondering how they expected lvl 8s to get that chest

    The gargoyle valves (don't know if this changes on some difficulty modes - I let other people use them): One closes the bridge. The other lets out a nasty spell trap similar to horrid wilting. They alternate which is which. Nearly wiped an at-level group I was doing it with hehe.

    Screenshot coming for ya next time I can get a group in there btw Shade, might be like pulling teeth now though... most of the people were trying for bracers :|

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfruit View Post
    - The talking gargoyle scoundrels. Is there any hints for which valve is the right one to turn? As far as I could tell it seems to be random.
    that part is an old riddle about one who tells lies and one who tells truth.
    one of the gargoyles only tell lies and the other one only tells the truth, the problem on the implementation was that you can't ask them. the option the game gives you was to sit and listen to what they are talking. i prefer pulling one of the valves, if it failed then pull the other.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default lever

    I realize this thread is old but I will post here for someone else like me that will stumble on it with questions.

    The act of opening the secret wall turns on the pair of steam jets located over ladder.

    The lever behind this wall turns those jets off.

    When you decide to turn a valve - stand on the bridge side of valve and as far away as possible, and still be able to manipulate it, in case you have chosen the wrong one.

    Alternately-have a hireling turn valve.

    I always chose the one on right side and my luck has held out each time.

    BTW: A feather fall Item is indispensable in this place.

    Last edited by xenobias; 03-18-2011 at 05:50 AM.

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