PD gets a bad rap cause alot of the peeps are crazy ...... the idea is cool but this game is not good for it I dont think. endgame is dead right now anyway the only endgame raid they ever did right was the shroud and if you boast yourself on pvp in ddo you are a lost cause my friend.......
you think your so good at pvp kran... well who cares? this game is not for pvp go back to WoW!
Ok - Im impressed*faints with adoration*
Ill take that challenge and raise it somewhat- add in you must PUG all the way - nah jkn thatd be impossible LOL ..... or is it ^_^ ?
Crazy ?!?!? Im not crazy.... *maniacal laughing* I just like.... living on the edge dude *crazy look*
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DDO is particularly suited for PD play. Everything is instanced, isolating PD players from non. Paper and Pencil players are already familiar with the concept. Most of the quest are put together in a manner that, if you are careful and observant, you can complete them without dying. Granted, it could be better. Namely, the quests would be more fun if there were more random elements that caused players to think and react more vs. plan and execute. But all in all, DDO is a great game for permadeath play.
actually I would like to try a pd toon is sarlona the best bet?
you are a lifetime pnp player and haven't tried PD??? something wrong there.
I of course would suggest rolling up a new toon on Argo and join up with us in Mortal Voyage..just need 1 free character slot to give it a try.
But if you cant spare the room on Argo give The Core a try on Khyber
and to think I pos repped you ............................ the point of pd I thouhgt was to make it more like pnp but if you dont have a gm ... well the quests run the same way everytime . so how can that be hard? on your 5th or 6th time through on new toons you kind of have it remembered right? as for you insult about where I live .. you win
[Kranix of Argonnessen] [co-Founder of Novus Vinco ] [Officer of House of Mangar]
[Kranixx 5th Life 26 PaleMaster] [Krandozer 5th Life 28 Human Tank]
yes part of what is really missing is the element of surprise, especially in low level content, but there is alot more then just having new content...its about not twinking your toons, its about HAVING to use team work to complete a level 3 quest when you are level 2 and only equipped with starter gear...its about not being able to simple put up a LFM to grab a cleric or a rogue. Since we don't pug and only party within our guild then sometimes that means going into quests without an "ideal" party...you have to get creative sometimes.
Yes, yes, come to Sarlona. PD you must try before you leave. Extreme Explorers are whom you must seek, find them you will.
Seek first the wesbsite in my sig below, and all the rules shall be given unto thee.
If thou heart fainteth not at the reading of the rules, you are indeed ready to enter the Kingdom of True Uberness and Game Enlightenment.
Log onto Sarlona create a character - LVL 1 not short cuts at LVL 4 - no heading straight to the bank/AH for all your twinkies. Nekkid you came into the world nekkid you shall leave
Seek out any member of EE tell them Kytaara sent you, and your nearest Officer will direct you to the entry post. You will be asked if you have read the rules, in which you will reply "Why yes, yes I have" and you will enter through the gates.
Truly you are most welcome, come![]()
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