He farms just like the rest of us- raid nights are Thursday and Sunday.
I'm not into PvP as much as Dean and Kranix enjoy it, but I can attest to the fact that they do indeed quest and raid just as much as some of the posters in this thread. Matter-of-fact, I spent five hours or so on Thursday doing back-to-back Hound, VoD, Shroud and Reaver with Kranix. No, they do not spend their entire lives in the Lobster as some posters have suggested.
Last edited by phalaeo; 04-10-2010 at 06:17 AM.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Someday I'll get me a double reincarnated bluesteel greataxe of hoserboy bane with cheese and get you back Kranix...
You're going down!![]()
Oh...and for the record...I was really really proud of myself for getting a kill in that soup of testosterone free lightning reflex pre-pubescent stew called the Lobster PvP pit.
Then I found out the guy I killed was level four.![]()
+1. I understand something about PD from this thread.
Kranix, they have stated clearly that "Exception; PvP deaths do not count." The tavern area is a PvP area and the natural is PvP. And it is up to the guild leader to define what is PvP and there is no point to argue.
btw, the website is nice.
ddoer.com: timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2
Community Member
well to all the drama starters in thread i cant +1 anymore... but still pls continue i am making more popcorn!
Community Member
Fearsome = Useless everywhere. Except PVP.
Mind Thrust = Useless Everywhere. Except PVP.
Yes, I use terror. In PVP. Its one of only a few weapons that has a magical effect that hits 80% of the general population, and is relatively easy to come by. Especially for those of us with only a couple 20s and the inability to farm the shroud for 50 large ingredients to craft a triple negative or salt or lightning strike weapon.
Sword works though, ask a certain 20 human fighter with the epic red dragon scale and sword of shadow, he can confirm it does indeed work on him often.
[Kranix of Argonnessen] [co-Founder of Novus Vinco ] [Officer of House of Mangar]
[Kranixx 5th Life 26 PaleMaster] [Krandozer 5th Life 28 Human Tank]
I love how mods edited the original post. Took out the name of the person the OP is talking about, but left all these other identifying feature not to mention the fact that Parvo himself had already been in the thread and obviously didn't get his feelings hurt or anything.
This place is getting ridiculously overmoderated.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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Nah if you want to give them a challaenge, roll up a toon don't pug, don't twink just chest pulls, have them get to level 8-9 and make them do Tomb of the Shadow Lord with no Arcane.
Have fun gentlemen. Done it twice at level in PD. One with a single death raised by elf caster, one with no deaths.