(originally posted in the f2p New Player Advice & Guidance forum, perhaps here is more appropriate?)
How to make money in Eberron
A general guide to financing your most excellent adventures in Eberron.
- Money conversion
- How to boost prices to vendors or lower buying prices
- Shops/Dealers/Pawns (Locations/Markups/Gear Types)
- What sells in the Auction House
- General sale price guide
A. Money conversion
P = Platinum (Often abbreviated to PP in-game)
G = Gold (Often abbreviated to GP in-game)
S = Silver
C = Copper
Quick Conversion Table:
1 P = 10 G = 100 S = 1,000 C
10 P = 100 G = 1000 S = 10,000 C
100 P = 1,000 G = 10,000 S = 100,000 C
1,000 P = 10,000 G = 100,000 S = 1,000,000 C
10,000 P = 100,000 G = 1,000,000 S = 10,000,000 C
100,000 P = 1,000,000 G = 10,000,000 S = 100,000,000 C
In game quantity abbreviations:
Often in the trade channel you'll see someone say "WTS X item for 10kPP"
what they mean is they want to sell X item for 10,000 Platinum (100,000 G)
The k signifies "thousand", so 10kpp means 10,000 Platinum.
For example 100kpp means 100,000 Platinum (1,000,000 Gold)
B. How to boost prices to vendors or lower buying prices
Haggle and Charisma help you buy or sell at better rates.
Buy or find loot that boosts your charisma or haggle skill and put it on "before/durring" talking to a vendor, you will notice a (slightly) better buy/sell price.
Sell and Buy Values based on your haggle skill:Selling = Base SELL percentage + (.25% * Haggle).
Buying = [1 - (.005 * Haggle)] * Markup. (Markup varies depending on Vendor/level of Broker)
C. Shops/Dealers/Pawns
List of (most) shops along with type of shop, buy/sell markup %, repair markup % and types of gear:
A Pawn Shop differs from regular shops in that almost anything you sell to it, will be available to other players for purchase.
D. What sells in the Auction House (AH)
The simple answer is that almost anything will sell in the AH.
The problem most new players have is that they charge the base price (or more) for the item. Most generic items can be had from a vendor for approximately the same price, so why would they buy your item?
The trick is to undercut the base price and at the same time make more from the auction than if you sold it to a shop/vendor.
Example 1 (prices are example only):
A +3 shortbow may have a base price of 18,000 GP (1,800 PP).
If the vendor offers me 1,200 GP (120 PP), I will go to the AH and post the item for 3,500 GP (350 PP) and set a BuyOut price of 4,000 GP (400 PP)
After the auction posting fee and sales fee I still walk away with more than I would have sold it to the vendor for.
Example 2 (prices are example only):
A stack of 20 Charm wands may have a base price of 5,000 GP (500 PP).
If the vendor offers me 700 GP (70PP), I will post the wands for sale in the AH for 2,500 GP (250 PP) and set a BuyOut price of 3,000 GP (300 PP)
After the posting/sales fees, I've still made more than selling it to a vendor.
This is good overall for everyone because you make more money and you help other players buy gear affordably.
It's a win/win situation.
E. General sale price guide
Search the AH and shops for the item you want to sell to see what the going rates are and base your price on that (undercut the competition if many are listed for sale!).
There are items which boost desirable statistics/skills/defenses/attacks/crits/etc, these items generally command a premium based on rarity/desirability and the effects imbued.
Stuff that generally commands a premium:
Holy <weapon name> of Pure good
Frost/Fire/Acid/Shock <weapon name> (of Pure Good/Enfeebling/Puncturing/etc)
ghost touch <weapon name> (of Pure Good/Enfeebling/Disruption/etc)
Holy/Pure good <weapon name> (+ silver/+ iron)
Wounding <weapon name> of Puncturing (CON damage)
Weakening <weapon name> of Enfeebling (STR damage)
Docent's, Mithril and Adamantine armor (+3 and up)
Feather Fall/Swimming items (w/constant effect)
Constitution/STR/INT/WIS/DEX/etc items (+5 and up)
Rogue items (search/spot/disable/open +5 and up)
Healer Items (that iincrease healing spells by 40% or more. IE. Devotion shields)
Sorc/Wiz items (that increase SP by 60+ or more)
Spell Resistance items (over 15 SR)
Disease/Poison/etc resist items (w/constant effect)
Items that boost DR(#/-)
Other stuff that sell:
Ingredients used in crafting (Stone of Change - Recipes)
Pretty much anything will sell as long as the price is right.
Example AH posting:
Metalline Heavy Mace of Pure Good - I would post this for between 80,000 GP (800 PP) and 250,000 GP (2,500 PP) in the AH based on if there were any similar items posted and the current price range of the competition.
If this item were a +1/2/3/4/5 Shortsword/Longsword/Greatsword/Rapier/Khopesh/Dagger of Pure Good, the price would jump considerably because those are weapons people like to use. (Maces are not that in-demand hence the low sell price above)
After 1 or 2 listings of an item that hasn't sold in the AH, I generally sell it to one of the pawn shops.
Enough time wasted just dump the item and free up the inventory/bank slot.