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    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Darkside Origins: A Thief Comes to Town

    The two moons were full and shone brightly in the sky.

    The dock master who checked the foreign vessel’s cargo manifest was used to the smell of the damp wood and the odor of decaying fish.
    The shadow that slipped off the ship from the city of Lankmar was still not used it.

    Despite his years of living among humans in their cities; the visitor’s hyper senses would sometimes become overwhelmed by the barrage of smells and sounds that permeated human settlements.

    These senses tipped-off the stranger to the fact that the dock-master was drunk on whiskey and would not hear him even if he made a critical error while exiting the ship.
    With a deft leap the figure bounded off the ship and landed upon the rope line that bound the ship to the shore. With the dexterity of a cat the now revealed figure crossed atop the rope line into the dueling moonbeams.

    The light of the two heavenly sisters shown down from above upon a lithe figure. One may have thought it to be a human female if it were not for the obviously broad shoulders that denoted a male, and a set of pointy ears that denoted something else.

    Feeling the moonlight upon his skin, while invigorating, could alert others to his presence; he performed and amazing double tumble , landing quietly on the dock.
    With a final tumble he slipped down an alley and into the night.

    The Elf was not unwarranted in his concerns for secrecy; he had experienced bigotry before by humans, leaving him with a jagged scar that ran down his face.
    The wound came jarringly close to his left eye, almost leaving him with but one of the violet gems that twinkled from his countenance.

    His attackers no longer walked under the sun, long ago were taught to feel this archer’s sting, when they were hunted down like prey in an urban landscape.

    It was the urban sprawl of the city of Lankmar that would provide him with skills that would make Stripe Darkhour invaluable in any mission. It was here where Stripe’s natural Elven skills would aid him in as he stole and burled his way through the town. Picking locks and removing alarms and snares had since become second nature to this rogue, this master thief.

    Bigotry was not unique to humans. His mother’s people, the Drow were arguably much worse. His own half-brother was filled with a deep hate for humans as well as for other adventurer types from the surface.

    His brother Sicarii was the reason he had come to this particular port city.

    Stripe was well-versed in the ways of humans due to his time among them. This member of the Darkhour Clan could be quite charismatic despite his scar, at the very least, more charismatic than his full-blooded Drow brother who seemed like a black-skinned demon to most surface dwellars.

    Yet more so it was Stripe’s hair that drew the attention of the eyes of others. Perhaps due to his mixed heritage of Wood Elf and Drow, or due to some mutation, for whatever reason; Stripe Darkhour was born with a distinctive silver stripe of hair down the center of his tanned elven head.

    A Drow uncle of Stripe’s would style his coif so and earned the uncle the nick-name of “Stripe”. This too would later become this Half-Drow’s chosen moniker, preferring it over his Drow name which he discarded at the young age of 50 at his father’s house located in the center Great Forest.

    concerns of human bigotry waned when he took notice of the citizens of this realm. As he peered down from a rooftop he noticed that amongst the humans lived Halflings, Dwarves and Elves.

    Perhaps even of more interest was the large number of humanoids in this city of Stormreach. Stripe was used to Orcs infiltrating the cities of men; even Lankmar had a gang of Half-Orcs that inhabited its sewers. This city was different.

    In this human city however Orcs, Kobolds and even Bugbears intermingled with the demi-humans and humans. The humanoid population did business with the various humanoid species and demi-humans regulary, exchanging the coin of the realm for this service or that product. This city was not unlike the great slaver cities beyond the mountains to the Northeast Stripe noted.

    This was an interesting turn of events Stripe thought as he heard the sounds of music escaping the open doors to a nearby tavern.

    As Stripe entered the Phoinex Tavern he smiled knowing his brother Sicarii, The One True Fighter Wizard, would be pleased with him and would reward him substatntially upon hearing that the citizens, the very population of the city, would be influential in him ruling of it.
    Last edited by Mr_Ed7; 05-11-2010 at 11:18 PM.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

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