Hello everyoneI'm just learning about the DKP system and I was wondering how I can apply it to DDO. I've been searching forums and any links at all with no luck. Is there a guild that I can contact that implements this system.
I would like to learn how and if there are any templates that I can link/download to use on my website. I'm not quite sure why DDO does not have an addon feature when LOTR's does. If there is someone out there that can teach me how or at least show me the ropes on how to use this system I would greatly appreciate it.
I've done my research and I understand how it works I just lack the know-how and the templates for points for bosses, attendance, items, weapons and gear. As well as a list of these. I'm sure I can find a list for these things in mmodb but I was hoping that there is already a template out there somewhere so I don't have to go through the tedious work of assigning values to each and everyone.
If there is anyone out there who can hep me with this plight I would greatly appreciate it.