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Thread: DKP on DDO

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default DKP on DDO

    Hello everyone I'm just learning about the DKP system and I was wondering how I can apply it to DDO. I've been searching forums and any links at all with no luck. Is there a guild that I can contact that implements this system.

    I would like to learn how and if there are any templates that I can link/download to use on my website. I'm not quite sure why DDO does not have an addon feature when LOTR's does. If there is someone out there that can teach me how or at least show me the ropes on how to use this system I would greatly appreciate it.

    I've done my research and I understand how it works I just lack the know-how and the templates for points for bosses, attendance, items, weapons and gear. As well as a list of these. I'm sure I can find a list for these things in mmodb but I was hoping that there is already a template out there somewhere so I don't have to go through the tedious work of assigning values to each and everyone.

    If there is anyone out there who can hep me with this plight I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Community Member Twitchster's Avatar
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    You are not having much luck finding info on it here because that system does not work well with this game.

  3. #3
    Community Member LunaCee's Avatar
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    Ooooh I hate DKP systems... I had my fill of it playing AO years back. Ugh.

  4. #4
    Community Member DrakmireTS's Avatar
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    At the heart of DDO loot is the philosophy that "your loot is your loot." It'd be a pretty hard sell without a Master Loot system in place to implement DKP, and then to have folks actually follow it.

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Elaborating on Twitchster:

    In DDO, the system gives everyone a chance to pull loot. Such loot is under their own name, and cannot be "ninja'd", yet can be transfered while in the chest to any other party member that was there at the time of chest spawning.

    This means that first (and only) choice goes to the one who pulled it. They can take it, or pass it to anyone else for any reason. The usual method is they call out "Roll on XX-Item" and everyone types "/roll 1d100", highest gets it. Sometimes its a different die (I like d73). Rolling on something you can barely use vs others who desperately want an item is in bad taste, and may get you banned from that group's future raids (a rogue rolling on the stormreaver napkin vs 3 wizards for example).

    If you are new to raids, just look at any item and think "would that be really usefull, would I use it all the time?". If yes, take the item (if it's in your name), or roll on it if the owner said it was up for roll. Can't get much simpler
    Star Firefall
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  6. #6
    Stormreach Advisor

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    There used to be guilds with DKP systems. Not sure if there are any left now (it's harder to get people to give up raid loot now with the new raid loot mechanics).
    I'm not familiar enough with this system to tell you how they got it to work though. Seemed to be through the guild websites.

  7. #7
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Jbrd_30045 View Post
    Hello everyone I'm just learning about the DKP system and I was wondering how I can apply it to DDO. I've been searching forums and any links at all with no luck. Is there a guild that I can contact that implements this system.

    I would like to learn how and if there are any templates that I can link/download to use on my website. I'm not quite sure why DDO does not have an addon feature when LOTR's does. If there is someone out there that can teach me how or at least show me the ropes on how to use this system I would greatly appreciate it.

    I've done my research and I understand how it works I just lack the know-how and the templates for points for bosses, attendance, items, weapons and gear. As well as a list of these. I'm sure I can find a list for these things in mmodb but I was hoping that there is already a template out there somewhere so I don't have to go through the tedious work of assigning values to each and everyone.

    If there is anyone out there who can hep me with this plight I would greatly appreciate it.
    When a raid is completed, everyone in the raid get a pull from the master chest(s). The puller gets to decide ultimately what happens to their loot, regardless of DKP or other system that may be in place. People in DDO are pretty cool about putting un-needed items up for roll and switching the items over to the winner.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

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