To being telling you how this "competition" even worked is hard, but it was fun and it turned out to be a pretty big event. But the way I had it was by doing the following:
1. Fashion show - showing off their best looking armor, doing the "cat walk" in front of the people in the stormreach harbor.
2. Talent show - showing off their abilities. This one was a funny one...we had people bringing out their weapons and swinging them around cleaving, etc.. or even people who had high tumble that were able to do back flips, front flips.. it is silly to watch, but it just adds a little fun for people.
3. Interview - asking a series of questions. The contestants were able to give their own honest answers in a public chat in order for the people to judge them and choose their next Mr. Khyber. Now that there is a way to get your own channel in-game there will be a designated chat for everyone to enter so that they will not disturb the game play of others who are not attending this event.
If this does not sound like your cup of tea - you don't have to attend, it's just something fun to put together for the people of DDO. It gives them something different to do other than grind their daily dungeon. Plus, in 2007 we had +Sir Lawrence attend for the after party and might I say that was the best one we had! We had disco balls up and got to kill beefed up Minotaurs & Kobolds
I'm sure now that the game has changed a lot that the GM's will be too busy to attend, but here's having fingers crossed