Okay after reading many topics on “High level clerics or healers needed” I started thinking about the subject. I did not want to rant on this just state my opinion take or leave it. There has been a lot of talks on needing healers for all areas of the game be it low level mid level or high levels. People are under the general impression that there are not any playing and we need more incentive to get people to play them.
Dont be ridiculous
Okay after laughing at the posts I think hmm between the characters on all the servers I have rolled up I have between 2-4 alts on each server that would classify as divine. On my main server I have currently 2 capped clerics a nearly capped favored soul and another being made in the wings. Its not that they are not out there being made, it’s the way people expect us to play said characters that make it easier for these versatile divine classes to either solo or group with appreciating players.
Appreciation goes a long way![]()
What is an appreciating player? Well your mileage may vary on that one. To me the best players to group my divine classes with are ones who know they do not need me to complete a quest or even a raid. They are smart players they utilize strategy in taking on areas they have never been in, will care for minor ailments if they an and do their best via weapons or armor to defend against damage unless they are specced to do so. And even then if they are damage dealers they are doing enough to show that yes im taking a pounding but I am cutting down work for the entire party (looking at you mister raging barbarian and showing some love).
Pigeons but im a cleric/favored soul...
Point blank its really easy for me to tout why divine classes shouldn’t be pigeon holed into one role, but lets face it we have the ability to heal our party members. The only problem is many people forget that while we have this ability we also have other spells, other ideas for how to make the class fun and balanced for our own enjoyment.
No one likes cry babies
If you wish to play heal bot watch bars and run looking at behinds fine, but don’t make threads about being broke and how hard it is to cleric when the resources pile up and believe me they will. Also with heal bots many divines will think that they are gods gift to a party expect donations and get snippy. This attitude has hurt many plights of the cleric a class I feel could benefit now more then ever for stuff that makes it stand out especially since favored soul utilizes everything a battle or even a combat casting focused divine needs and has wings!
But when you get the constant “people don’t appreciate what I do and im broke poor me” type posts its hard to sympathize for me. A. because I know that as a cleric you can pretty much guarantee yourself a party slot and if you put up an lfm you have a better chance then anyone to fill up a party or raid. B. Unless you get a profound bad reputation for your attitude or lack of abilities it is extremely hard to find clerics everyone will avoid. So when people who have played divines or work with divines who know what they are doing it makes your argument look even worst especially since for many of us who learned and grew as we leveled our cleric/favored soul has learned enough tricks to make plat in the game.
Breaking it down
Point blank the issue at hand is people who even love to play divines are tired of being told how to play their role. If you went up to a barbarian and told them “hey don’t rage this way, or only use x weapon ever” they would be ticked. If you told casters to buff and stay out the way you’d better believe you’d catch it. And rogues as trap monkey’s only? Please. Anyone who thinks this way would clearly be mocked and shunned by those who know better.
Yet for some reason divine classes (yes I call them this because just saying healer would mean I give into the fact that’s all they can do) That’s what many people believe. That clerics/favored souls are here to heal them only. Forget that they can melee, crowd control, combat cast. Forget that there are times when the party does not need healing and why give a spot to someone who would just stand around waiting for a boo boo when you could have someone helping the quest go smoother faster?
Well what should I do miss know it all?
My advice to those who think to make threads starting with “Need more healers” Or listing that healing classes need love due to no one playing them that instead of saying “play one yourself” you should try to learn to play without them. Utilizing strategy taking your time in places you do not know getting to know what mobs are venerable to, using spells and weapons that immobilize and finding out what potions cure what ailments goes a long way. And before people harp on “im new I cant afford..” The game has ways and resources that help get you free potions from hp cures to blindness and curse. So please for the love of all that is divine stop looking for babysitters and learn to watch yourself you are your own best asset in surviving a quest and if your putting your life in the hands of another even if you think its their job to do so your playing at your own risk.
This is just my take on the "issue" of healers vs divine classes. Many other classes can heal only two seem to be expected to do it only because they have the ability to. But making someone do only one role because it suits you is selfish and why many with the ability to heal better use it to heal ourselves soloing.