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  1. #1
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Default Hate to complain about bard spells, but...

    Normally, with most spellcasting classes, you usually have a problem of either getting the wrong spells, not having enough spell slots or not having enough mana to cast these spells. Well, with bards, there's a rather unique problem with these classes. There just isint enough 'good' quality spells. Now, dont get me wrong, bards are NOT supposed to be versitile spellcasters such as clerics, wizards, exc., and there are good bard spells(Greater Heroism for one), but why not add a little more effort into bard spells? After all, these guys are the best non-prime spellcasters out there, so why not give them a few good spells?

    Although bard spells can be shared from existing classes, I would prefer it if bards had more unique spells to its class, much like the ranger for example.(If I recall, there is ONLY one bard-unique spell in the game, focusing chant.) Want a few suggestions? Well I can give you some, I guess:

    Harmonous Touch

    Spell level: 2
    SP cost: 15
    Duration: 30 seconds + 1 per caster level
    Cast Time: Instant
    Metamagic: Extend
    Target: Self
    Description: For a short time, your bardic songs last 10% longer and provide slightly more benefits. Song effects, such as damage, DR, Spell DC, penalties, exc, are all increased by 1.

    Aura of tune

    Spell level: 5
    SP cost: 30
    Duration: 1 minute per caster level
    Cast Time: Normal
    Metamagic: Extend, Quicken, Eschew, enlarge
    Target: Self
    Spell Component required: Yes
    Description: At your touch, a aura of music surrounds you, providing various effects. When a ally is nearby, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, saves and armor class. On enemies, they gain a -1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, saves and armor class, and must make a DC check against the spell or be fascinated.

    Vibrant actions

    Spell level: 4
    SP cost: 25
    Duration: 42 seconds +6 per caster level
    Cast Time: Normal
    Metamagic: Extend, Quicken, Eschew, enlarge
    Target: Self
    Range: Normal
    Description: Sonic energy is channeled into your opponent, causing his actions to lose percision. The opponent suffers a -2 enhancement penalty to attack rolls, damage, skill checks and saves. A successful will save negates this effect.

    I know I could have provided a few more examples, but the point being is, why not add a few more bard-specific spells? I know that PnP may not have allowed this and things may have been different, but this is DDO. Its different from PnP in many ways, and the directions that it can go in are very broad. There are many other suggestions I could add to the bard class, but to save the DEV'S some time in gathering their information here, and for my sake, I figured the first major improvement that should be made on bards, if anything, would be to expand the library of spells a bard can possibly cast.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Well, with bards, there's a rather unique problem with these classes. There just isint enough 'good' quality spells.
    Actually Wizards and Clerics suffer that same problem.

  3. #3
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Although bard spells can be shared from existing classes, I would prefer it if bards had more unique spells to its class, much like the ranger for example.(If I recall, there is ONLY one bard-unique spell in the game, focusing chant.) Want a few suggestions? Well I can give you some, I guess:
    good hope
    Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Actual PnP has plenty of spells that would work well without inventing new ones. Consider spells like:

    Cacophonic Shield (6th) - Creates a barrier of sound around the caster. Crossing this barrier inflicts 1d6 + 1/lvl Sonic damage (no save) and Deafens for 1 minute (Fort Negates).
    Sympathetic Vibration (5th) - Target unliving, free-standing structure begins to vibrate, taking 2d10 damage every 6 seconds (lasts 6 sec/level).
    Repel Vermin (4th) - Vermin cannot approach closer than 10' unless they have at least 1/3rd the HD as caster has levels. If so, they may make a Will save to approach, but still take 2d6 untyped damage.
    Wounding Whispers (3rd) - Anything attacking the caster in melee takes 1d6 + 1/lvl Sonic damage (lasts 6 sec/lvl).
    Sonic Weapon (2nd) - Your weapons deal +d6 Sonic damage on each hit (lasts 1 min/lvl).

  5. #5
    Founder Joseph's Avatar
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    Default Lol!

    I thought you wrote Aura of Tuna... must confess, I thought for a second...

    Bard+Brothel= Aura of Tuna.

    (Edit - I live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan at the moment - the last few days have been a bit hairy - so lack of sleep and the rest of it makes the eyes get all funny sometimes).
    The only difference between a weed and a flower is survival skill - Joseph

  6. #6
    Community Member eyepuppy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Actually Wizards and Clerics suffer that same problem.
    Am I the only one that still loves to play Clerics and Wizards? I love having tons of spells. It seems every other quest I'm running, I grab different spells just for the occasion.

    The only thing I hate, is how some bosses seem to have 50+ on their saves. Really guys? Remember when you could cast solid fog on Harry? -2 attack and damage was nice. Crushing Despair; might as well drop that as it doesn't work against anything useful anymore. Seems like the only thing that works anymore, is waves of exhaustion.

    Giving us more spells won't help. They'll just make the monsters either more resistant to it, or make th emonsters harder so you almost need to have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph View Post
    I thought you wrote Aura of Tuna... must confess, I thought for a second...

    Bard+Brothel= Aura of Tuna.

    (Edit - I live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan at the moment - the last few days have been a bit hairy - so lack of sleep and the rest of it makes the eyes get all funny sometimes).
    Are you sure you're not in a French brothel?
    Rule number one, never follow Wobert. Rule number two, never listen to Wobert.

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