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  1. #21
    Community Member dread333's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DasLurch View Post
    It's more of the lod saying 1 bad apple ruins the bunch. It also has nothing to do with the F2P's. When you come to a new game, there is always a learning curve. It's just one of those things. The real "problem" here is more one of frustration or arrogance from some new players is all. They may turn into some of the "elite" players on the that server at some point. There is just an old standing community here that existed for around 3.5 years before the big influx. Most of the long/old timers will tell you that they are thrilled that so many new players have found the game. It's true. They have kept the game alive, or at the very least allowed for much more investment by Turbine to keep us in new fun stuff for the forseeable future. They just don't like being put in situations that constantly have them teaching/handholding/completing things for others all the time. Every mistake made in the game has been replicated by the old guard here many many times, and it's MY opinion that many vets just don't want to repeat them all over again. It's not a rant, or a me>you thread post. Just some observations on my part. If you're new, the best thing you can do is say so IMO. It lests everyone know not to spoil some of the neat things that happen for you as you play. Also, we get to talk to someone that we hope is as excited to play as we are most of the time. It's a good thing to me at least. Sorry to rant a bit, and for the length. Good luck and good loots....
    Agreed...I think most of us who have played the game would only ask a few things...1) If you don't know what it does, or what it's for Plz don't touch it (i.e. the runes in tempest spine that get picked up and then trashed cause they were taking up inventory space, lol) 2) If you don't know what the next room holds, plz don't be the first to run in, the group may need to make a game plan (final fight of Stormcleave springs to mind), 3) If you haven't made a run just say so, most of us will say "Ok cool, just stick to someone's six and ask if you have questions and we'll get you thru.

  2. #22
    Community Member DevKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lehrman View Post
    What about veteran players who play like noobs? Do they get a voice?
    Isn't that what the rest of the Khyber forum is for? :P
    And what of the bird?

    Alts: Loknaar, Loknnar, Loqnar, Grafenberg Spot, Ddevkiller, Taarnah, Uhluhtc

  3. #23
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    So I'm a lvl 7 drow cleric dual-wiedling kopeshes, and no, I don't wear armor cause I can heal myself ... what's all the fuss about that everyone gives me? I got a 20 STR!

    I am completely joking, BTW.

  4. #24
    Community Member Trunk-Monkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    I actually make it a point to pug until around level 10 or so, and do my best to teach any quests I'm in that I know well.
    It seems EVERY TIME I enter a run of the Pit I end up taking an hour and a half (or more) teaching it. People getting lost, falling, etc. I just expect it every time.
    The PIT is good times and good XP. Most of the people get lost, and dont really pay attention anyway. So go in there with at least 1 other person that knows it or a even a heirling, and grab the good XP. The rest of the party will eventually meet you at the top for the end fight
    The Free Companions

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