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  1. #21
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Everything should be Warforged or Halfling. And just an FYI, a Warforged is actually two halflings operating a tin machine that is why they are immune to fatigue because they also take shifts inside; They have double the levels so neg levels dont effect them because they are constantly hitting the restore on each other. Immune to poision because they are often heard inside squabbiling about who has the antidote, suffice to say, constant remedies are being belayed inside.

    So in the end, Halfling FTW!
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  2. #22
    Community Member FauxSho's Avatar
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    Barbarian - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Bard - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, Halfling, or Drow(if you only have access to 28 point builds).
    Cleric - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    FvS - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Fighter - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Paladin - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Ranger - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Rogue - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Sorcerer - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.
    Wizard - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling.

    Player Skill > Gear > Build > Class > Race > Silly forum reductionist troll threads.
    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
    You should probably try being just slightly specific.

  3. #23
    Founder Dcloak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lehrman View Post
    Barbarian - Warforged, or Dwarf
    Bard - Human
    Cleric/FvS - Human, Dwarf, or Halfling if caster build
    Fighter - Human, Dwarf or Warforged
    Monk - Human, Dwarf, Warforged or Halfling
    Paladin - Human or Drow
    Ranger - Any
    Rogue - Human, Elf, Drow or Halfling
    Sorcerer - Human or Drow
    Wizard - Human, Halfling, or Warforged
    Don't forget about Drow as Wizards. They get the highest int of all the classes.

  4. #24
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default You spelled Dwarf wrong!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Barbarian - Dwarf
    Bard - Dwarf
    Cleric - Dwarf
    Favored Soul - Dwarf
    Fighter - Dwarf
    Monk - Dwarf
    Paladin - Dwarf
    Ranger - Dwarf
    Rogue - Dwarf
    Sorcerer - Dwarf
    Wizard - Dwarf
    You spelled Dwarf wrong!! I fixed it for you...

  5. #25
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Barbarian - Warforged
    Bard - Warforged
    Cleric - Warforged
    Favored Soul - Warforged
    Fighter - Warforged
    Monk - Warforged
    Paladin - Warforged
    Ranger - Warforged
    Rogue - Warforged
    Sorcerer - Warforged
    Wizard - Warforged
    What he said!
    Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSU93 View Post
    What about Dwarf? Higher CON, plus Axe Enhancements.
    Warforged for stacking Power Attack Enhancements, also higher CON.

    Dwarves do make good Clerics, but Dwarf Clerics do not automatically get Dwarven Axe proficiency.

    Humans can have higher Intimidate if you're going for an Intimi-Tank.

    I don't know about above and beyond. Less CON = less HP for a melee character, and Khopesh is superior to Rapier.


    Not disputing that WF don't make good Sorcs, but I wouldn't say they're "far ahead of any other."
    He wanted an opinion, I gave him one, under the specifications he probably wants (One Race per Class). There really is no right or wrong, the above is just my current ideal thoughts for what race works best for most builds that the class might try.

    My mistake on the Dwarf Clerics though.

  7. #27
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    My opinions:

    Barbarian: Warforged (Power Attack enhancements), Dwarf (Axe enhancements) or Human (Improved Recovery, extra feat)

    Bard: Human (Adaptability), Drow (bonuses to CHA and DEX for TWF)

    Cleric: Any

    Favoured Soul: Human for caster, Warforged or Elf for melee

    Fighter: Any

    Monk: Human (stacking healing amp, skill boost for UMD), Warforged (Power Attack enhancements), Halfling (Dragonmarks, Sneak Attack), Dwarf (GM most stances easiest)

    Paladin: Drow (racial stat bonuses here are awesome), Human (Healing Amp)

    Ranger: Any

    Rogue: Halfling (Sneak Attack enhancements, bonuses to Will save), Elf/Drow (bonuses to Will save, rapier enhancements)

    Sorcerer: Human (Adaptability), Drow (highest DCs) or Warforged (self-healing, extra HP)

    Wizard: Human (Adaptability), Drow (highest DCs) or Warforged (self-healing, extra HP)

  8. #28
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    I feel this way...

    Elf=RNG that go AA
    Human=Favored Soul+Bard
    Warforged=Barb+SOR+WIZ+Melee Favored Soul
    All can do Tempest ranger pretty well

    Anyone can "play" any class. Just some do not do as well in certain classes as others.
    Last edited by Bacab; 04-09-2010 at 03:03 AM.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavionFuxa View Post
    There really is no best class or worst class for each race, though some races do have more going for them in certain classes.

    * Barbarian
    Because of high hit points, Humans will benefit from increased recovery when healed. It helps when you are taking quite a bit of the damage.

    * Bard
    Bards are just too versatile to name a best race for.

    * Cleric
    You get Dwarven Axes, get more spell points from Enhancements, and get more Constitution for higher Concentration.

    * Favored Soul
    No Idea.
    What can I say, I really don't know about the class.

    * Fighter
    Racial bonuses will fit in well to make the Fighter even more scary.

    * Monk
    No Idea.
    Another Class I don't know much about.

    * Paladin
    Drow Elf.
    Synergy is above and beyond what other races could offer.

    * Ranger
    Rangers tend to have some survival problems, so being a Human will help.

    * Rogue
    Them short people make the best backstabbers.

    * Sorcerer
    It doesn't matter if the racial bonuses will be lower, the self healing sorcerer is far ahead of any other.

    * Wizard
    Refer to what was said for Sorcerer, and apply as Wizard.

    A Note Then About Elves:

    Elves tend to be under par in relation to other Races, when it comes to being the best at anything. This is why you don't even see them mentioned once here.
    Your incorrect on dwaven clerics getting dwarven axes only dwarves with classes granting martial weapons get dwarven axes for free paladin/fighter/ranger/barbarian

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #30
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Dwarf, Warforged, or Human - The Dwarf and Warforged have 3 more con then the human after enhancements, but the Human does get an extra feat, which is nice for a feat starved class.

    Halfling - Let's face it, halfling dragonmarks make the best bard healers, and halfling enhancements make the best bard buffers.

    Dwarf - Extra spell points via enhancements, extra con, and extra toughness enhancements, additionally if you care about armor class at all, a non monk-splash dwarven cleric will have higher AC generally then the halfling. Dwarves are also better at being battle clerics and caster clerics then most other race choices.

    Favored Soul:
    Elf - For battle purposes, Elves get the most out of Favored soul, they can use Scimitars and rez at level 6 if they take the undying court line - and they get enhancements for scimitar damage. Or they can take sovereign host and specialize in longswords and healing/buffing at the same time, though this is difficult to accomplish at lower levels. Or the third choice is they can take Silver Flame and either be a blaster type, or be an Arcane (Divine) Archer.

    Human - Until Half-Orc is released, Humans have the highest Strength score, they also get the bonus feat, however a fighter doesn't really need it (it can however be another toughness.)

    Human - Because the human does not have any penalties to strength, dexterity, constitution, or wisdom, it makes the best balanced build, being behind the warforged in dps, and behind the halfling in ac. However the human will have the highest DCs for their finishers if that is important to you (but not stunning fist, dwarves have the highest DC there, and of course dwarves suffer no penalties to the above mentioned stats either).

    Warforged - A warforged paladin is the best hate tank, period. He can also achieve one of the highest armored ACs, however the defender PrE does not function properly with adamantine plating (it doesn't raise your max dex). Additionally, they get bladesworn transformation, and can use the epic sword of shadows better then anyone else.

    Human or Elf - Human for TWF, Elf for ranged. Human gets the bonus feat that they can use on khopeshes, and elves can increase their ranged damage.

    Drow or Warforged - Drow can have the highest DCs, but Warforged have the ability to self heal through repair spells. Both races can achieve meaningful AC if one cares about that, with little to no arcane spell failure.

    Warforged, or Dragonmarked-Halfling - Either has the ability to self heal, however the halfling doesn't have to spend their spell points to do so. The warforged however is less likely to run out of the ability to heal themselves, due to items that replenish spell points.
    The poster formerly known as San'tar...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  11. #31
    Community Member Tooky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Barbarian - Warforged
    Bard - Warforged
    Cleric - Warforged
    Favored Soul - Warforged
    Fighter - Warforged
    Monk - Warforged
    Paladin - Warforged
    Ranger - Warforged
    Rogue - Warforged
    Sorcerer - Warforged
    Wizard - Warforged
    Please don't! My halfling can't see over them

  12. #32
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    • Barbarian WF
    • Bard who cares
    • Cleric FvS
    • Favored Soul WF
    • Fighter WF
    • Monk Halfy
    • Paladin Human
    • Ranger Any
    • Rogue Halfy
    • Sorcerer Drow or Human
    • Wizard WF

  13. #33
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    Warforged - A warforged paladin is the best hate tank, period. He can also achieve one of the highest armored ACs, however the defender PrE does not function properly with adamantine plating (it doesn't raise your max dex). Additionally, they get bladesworn transformation, and can use the epic sword of shadows better then anyone else.
    Not every Paladin wants to be a Hate Tank.

    Plus most Paladin abilities work better with TWF than THF, making Human or Drow better choices for Paladin.

    But Bladesworn Transformation makes you immune to Healing, and even though you can still be Repaired, it just makes it a situational ability at best.

  14. #34
    Community Member kanbeki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    • Cleric FvS
    Khyber: Tachikoma - Minniee - Oneesan - Ibuqi - Muddii -Tachee - Oneechan
    The Guardians of Golden Gold, because guarding golden gold is serious business

  15. #35
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Barbarian - Warforged
    Bard - Warforged
    Cleric - Warforged
    Favored Soul - Warforged
    Fighter - Warforged
    Monk - Warforged
    Paladin - Warforged
    Ranger - Warforged
    Rogue - Warforged
    Sorcerer - Warforged
    Wizard - Warforged
    Emptyquoting this.

  16. #36
    Community Member Merlocke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Barbarian - Warforged
    Bard - Warforged
    Cleric - Warforged
    Favored Soul - Warforged
    Fighter - Warforged
    Monk - Warforged
    Paladin - Warforged
    Ranger - Warforged
    Rogue - Warforged
    Sorcerer - Warforged
    Wizard - Warforged

    lol, WF ftw
    Last edited by Merlocke; 06-03-2010 at 05:04 AM.
    Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)

  17. #37
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    If you spent alot of time as an arcane caster you probably know it eats up SP quick, clerics self heal but have better BAB and AC to defend themselves when their sp is depleted. Just because you can self heal with arcane magic doesn't mean you are the best, just means DPS is going down the drain every time you do.

  18. #38
    Community Member Asymetric_War's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Barbarian - Warforged
    Bard - Warforged
    Cleric - Warforged
    Favored Soul - Warforged
    Fighter - Warforged
    Monk - Warforged
    Paladin - Warforged
    Ranger - Warforged
    Rogue - Warforged
    Sorcerer - Warforged
    Wizard - Warforged
    pretty much.

    what race to use where depends entirely on your build and that's only tangentially related to your class since there are dozens if not hundreds of solid builds for each class. and multiclassing explodes that exponentially. First figure out what you want your toon to do then figure out what combination of class(es) and race will get you there.

    that said, warforged are virtually always a strong choice.
    DDO Rogue FAQ:
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  19. #39
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhoulsTouch View Post
    If you spent alot of time as an arcane caster you probably know it eats up SP quick, clerics self heal but have better BAB and AC to defend themselves when their sp is depleted. Just because you can self heal with arcane magic doesn't mean you are the best, just means DPS is going down the drain every time you do.
    But you can use repair crittical wands, which are buyable in the Twelve shop, and also use any of the repair scrolls to self heal without having to invest in UMD like a fleshy would.

    A couple of enhancements in your scroll effectiveness and you will be able to self heal quite nicely. Have a repair spell in the hot bar just for an emergency hit if you have to wait for your scroll timer to cool down.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  20. #40
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    Barbarian - twf = dwarf, 2hf = dwarf / wf tie
    Bard - human
    Cleric - human
    Favored Soul - human
    Fighter - wf
    Monk - halfling
    Paladin - dunno
    Ranger - twf = halfling / dwarf tie, ranged = elf
    Rogue - halfling
    Sorcerer - wf
    Wizard - wf
    I am roleplaying. My toons are zergers.

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