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Thread: Dragontouched

  1. #21
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Pointless discussion on true seeing that is beating a dead horse already aside, would love to hear more suggestions.
    Keep 'em coming and maybe a dev will wander in .
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  2. #22
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Here's my list of DT properties I wouldn't miss:

    * 20% Striding
    * 25% Striding
    * Greater Resists
    * Improved False Life
    * Feather falling
    * Deathblock
    * Lionheart (procs Remove Fear)
    * Combustion VII Combustion VII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Fire spells of 7th level and lower by 20%. -unverified
    * Lesser Arcane Sigil (-5% ASF, added Module 9)

    * True Seeing
    * Wizardry VIWizardry VI: This item grants the wearer +150 maximum spell points. Sorcerers and Favored Souls gain up to double spell points from items.
    * Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II

    * Tharne's Wrath
    * Greater Combustion VIIGreater Combustion VII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Fire spells of 7th level and lower by 40%.
    * Devotion VIII Devotion VIII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Positive (Healing) spells of 8th level and lower by 20%.
    * Glaciation VIII Glaciation VIII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Cold spells of 8th level and lower by 20%.
    * Improved Glaciation VIIIImproved Glaciation VIII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Cold spells of 8th level and lower by 30%.
    * Resonance VIII Resonance VIII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Sonic spells of 8th level and lower by 20%.
    * Improved Resonance VIIIImproved Resonance VIII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Sonic spells of 8th level and lower by 30%.
    * Potency VIII Potency VIII: Increases the effectiveness of wearer's Universal spells of 8th level and lower by 20%.
    * Greater Spell Penetration VIII

    Most of these just serve as fillers - their goal is to dilute the properties list and make the good ones more difficult to get.
    Instead, I would like more unique bonuses, possible more drawn from the available GS properties.... and maybe even ToD properties.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    Nononononononono....Arcane Sigils need to stay! And yes, I have a build that's using those. I'm also quite fond of True Seeing. Several of my armors have that on it.
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  4. #24
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elricken View Post
    Dragontouched crafting is an insane grind, I hate insane grinds. Lets make it suck less .

    Remove the following possible runes

    Eldritch Rune -
    Elemental Resists Personally, while not the best choice of eldritch runes, I like having a full set of 30 resist cloaks and robes on my monk, I may eventually change them all to DT outfits if I feel its worth the grind.
    Striding 20

    Tempest Rune -
    SR 22
    Wizardry 6 Only if it's replaced with Archmagi
    True Seeing (Mantle of the Worldshaper anyone?)
    Lesser Arcane Sigil Some of us need this, my Elven Sorcerer needs this rune for her DT breastplate to ever reach 0%, of course I already don't expect to ever wear it. This also reduced a warforged composite plating ASF to 0% without using action points.

    Sovereign -
    Arcane Sigil I would actually rather this be a tempest rune, and lesser arcane sigil be reduced to an eldritch
    Resonance 8
    Glaciation 8
    Greater Combustion 7
    Tharne's Wrath (Feather falling again?) Don't think of it as featherfalling, think of it as "hey now I only have to wear the goggles for the 2 set bonus"

    Just my 2 cents to make it suck slightly less.

    Comments in Red
    The poster formerly known as San'tar...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  5. #25
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Default Revised

    Here is my revised suggestion of how to improve dragontouched crafting (after reading some excellent suggestions )

    Weed out or replace the sucky mods (up for debate but this would be my list)

    Eldritch -
    Striding 20 (Replace striding 30?)
    Striding 25 (Replace striding 30?)
    Greater Resists
    Improved False Life (Greater false life anyone?)
    Fearsome (It's just annoying... in 99% of situations anyway)
    Combustion 7

    Tempest -
    SR 22
    Efficient Metamagic Empower Healing II

    Sovereign -
    Greater Combustion 7
    Superior Combustion 7
    Devotion 8
    Glaciation 8
    Improved Glaciation 8
    Resonance 8
    Improved resonance 8
    Potency 8
    Earthen Guard (may be some contradicting opinions here)

    Also I really like the idea stated that you should be able to see what kind of rune you are getting in the chest (also make all runes bta).

    Another thought is to make it only possible to get each rune a set number of times, maybe like once or twice.
    You should also be able to crunch runes to make runes of the same level (implemented with the ability to see what runes grant before adding it to your armor.)

    Dragontouched with the right combo of runes is really the best armor in the game for the majority of builds, so the devolopers made it stupidly hard to obtain the mods you want (who wants to ransack the same the quests every week for a month or two?). Imho this needs fixed... badly.
    Last edited by elricken; 04-08-2010 at 03:07 PM.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  6. #26
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    I think that most any set of runes to eliminate will include some that someone else finds useful / desirable.

    Better options (in my opinion) to improve this crafting mechanism:
    * allow characters to see what a rune is before they loot it
    * less desirable, but better than we have now: allow characters to identify runes before they apply them
    * allow exchanges of runes, where for example, you trade five runes of one type for one of the same type: the one you receive would be from a list of n identified runes, where n is, say, 10 runes of the same slot type with no repeats.

  7. #27
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nott View Post
    I think that most any set of runes to eliminate will include some that someone else finds useful / desirable.

    Better options (in my opinion) to improve this crafting mechanism:
    * allow characters to see what a rune is before they loot it
    * less desirable, but better than we have now: allow characters to identify runes before they apply them
    * allow exchanges of runes, where for example, you trade five runes of one type for one of the same type: the one you receive would be from a list of n identified runes, where n is, say, 10 runes of the same slot type with no repeats.
    While I concur that someone will always be unhappy if rune(s) are removed I think the majority (maybe 95%, just estimating) would say that some if not alot of the rune possibilities are absolutely useless and should be removed.
    It seems to me that the whole identifying the runes before applying them is a really good idea and that alot of people would approve of it. The exchanging of runes for runes of the same level is on par with what I already suggested and a really good idea.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  8. #28
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elricken View Post
    While I concur that someone will always be unhappy if rune(s) are removed I think the majority (maybe 95%, just estimating) would say that some if not alot of the rune possibilities are absolutely useless and should be removed.
    It seems to me that the whole identifying the runes before applying them is a really good idea and that alot of people would approve of it. The exchanging of runes for runes of the same level is on par with what I already suggested and a really good idea.
    Overall I like your revised list...My two cents;
    Arcane Sigil: Should be avaliable for all armors. (There are enough combat casters out there that this effect is usefull to non-WF. Including my Elven SpellBlade
    Greater Resist: One rune, but we get to pick the resist. (Similar to the wands)
    D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
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  9. #29
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coolpenguin410 View Post
    Maybe for you. It works perfectly for my build where your suggestions do not.

    I agree. When I switch into Guard mode - i swap on my DT with TS and use my goggles for another guard.

    When I am in AC mode i use my Rainments and true seeing goggles.

    Also, lets not forget Sandstorm goggles minimum level 11 from DQ are pretty sweet as well.

    In retort, leave TS on DT is my opinion.
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  10. #30
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default leave the effects, change the mechanic

    I don't really care about changing the effects. I generally only shoot for 5-6 of them (across all tiers) but them being there doesn't bother me. I do aggree that some are not very useful.

    If they are going to spend the time to change anything, change the random mechanic. At a bare minimum, make it where once a toon uses a particular rune, they can idenify that rune going forward. This way we don't put Resist sonic on 5 times.

    Take special note of the "minimum" part of that statement. I would really like to see the whole mechanic change. I don't mind working for the armor, but it just gets unreasonable sometimes.

    To give you an example, i am curently working on a set of DT armor on my TR toon and I started with 2 tempest, and 7-8 Eldritch from a past life. I have ransacked Monistary (that is 20) + some ranascked runs, and the done Prey 5+ times, and Sorjek 3 times.

    So (from memory) i am looking at 30+ Eldritch runes, 10+ tempest, and 3 soverign and i don't have a single thing i can use on my armor. Now I admitt, this is the toughest time i have had with the armor, but there has to be some cap put on this stuff.

    Pleas Turbine, protect me from my horrible luck!!!!

  11. #31
    Founder coolpenguin410's Avatar
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    How about this:

    After acquiring X amount of runes, you can transmute them into one of the same level or lower of your choice. I don't care if the number is 3, 10 or 20. As long as we have a set number of runes we needs to grind for, it's not so bad as thinking we may need to do SoS 100 times to get the one rune we're looking for.
    Last edited by coolpenguin410; 04-08-2010 at 02:29 PM.

  12. #32
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    /signed --- For changes to DragonTouched.

    I'm in favor of almost anything they would do to make DragonTouched more palatable. I hate the system that means you are likely to ruin (at least temporarily) the armor in order to have a small chance to improve it.

    I'd be fine with the suggestion of grinding out a set number in order to get what you really want.

    I'd also be fine with a simple change that says when I mix magically, I get a choice to either replace the effect on my armor, or destroy the rune without applying it. At least then I would know that my armor isn't getting worse when I try to improve it.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  13. #33
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget2775 View Post
    Overall I like your revised list...My two cents;
    Arcane Sigil: Should be avaliable for all armors. (There are enough combat casters out there that this effect is usefull to non-WF. Including my Elven SpellBlade
    Greater Resist: One rune, but we get to pick the resist. (Similar to the wands)
    Valid point about the arcane sigil, edited the list.

    I also like your idea about the greater resist in that it is an improvement but would still much rather see the resists gone altogether.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  14. #34
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coolpenguin410 View Post
    How about this:

    After acquiring X amount of runes, you can transmute them into one of the same level or lower of your choice. I don't care if the number is 3, 10 or 20. As long as we have a set number of runes we needs to grind for, it's not so bad as thinking we may need to do SoS 100 times to get the one rune we're looking for.
    Another very solid idea, I would be all over this.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  15. #35
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    My only wish for change to DT crafting is the ability to identify the rune before it is removed from the chest. Too many times after a run I hear the Cleric sigh saying " Dodge 3 again", while my fighter gets "Greater Spell penn 8" Now my fighter is looking for dodge 3, and the cleric the gsp8... had we known, we could have swapped runes, and both could have been happy....

    As for removing effects, not signed... with 2 exceptions Striding 20%, and improved false life (Striding 25% and GFL are both on the same rune). As pointed out by many, what you find useless for your builds, might just be what others are looking for. I'm currently working on 4 sets of armor for 4 of my toons, and what is wanted by my cleric is not necesarily what I want on my bard or fighter. Some of the runes you've listed as should be removed, I actually want.
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  16. #36
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yajerman01 View Post
    I agree. When I switch into Guard mode - i swap on my DT with TS and use my goggles for another guard.

    When I am in AC mode i use my Rainments and true seeing goggles.

    Also, lets not forget Sandstorm goggles minimum level 11 from DQ are pretty sweet as well.

    In retort, leave TS on DT is my opinion.
    Sounds great, the list has already been edited to include true seeing. (Not going to argue more about the merits of ts on dragontouched)
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

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