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  1. #1
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Default Thieves tools fit for a high level rogue

    I accept that Turbine's not really into giving much to rogues (and, frankly, well-built and well-played rogue's don't need much help) but how about throwing us a little bone in the way of Thieves Tools?

    The old stack of 50 +5 tools has been around since the beginning of time. With many high level rogues running around with a pack full of epic gear and greensteels, the old tools are a bit mundane.

    Have you considered an enchanted or otherwise upgraded tool that doesn't expire with use? It wouldn't be overpowering as even if it was still just +5 (+7) and might save some of us a couple pack spaces. It's more of a flavor item than anything else but fitting for a master rogue.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
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  2. #2
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    That's not necessary.
    99% of traps in the game, a well equipped rogue has absolutely no problem disabling.

    I could see a named set of tools that don't expire... but it wouldn't be any more then a souvenir.
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  3. #3
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    I'd certainly like to have some named non-expiring tools for my rogues. It would be a nice thing to have that doesn't really impact game balance.

  4. #4
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Anything that would save bag space gets a /sign from me

  5. #5
    Community Member Kaganfindel's Avatar
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    I see where you're coming from, but would access to better theives' tools be good for rogues specifically? How could they be made in a way that doesn't end up benefitting characters with a rogue splash for locks and traps more than characters that are primarily (or wholly) rogues?
    "When Friday comes, we'll all call rats fish."

  6. #6
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    Make it an added ability to the rogue capstone(s), similar to arrows conjured by an arcane archer. Allow pure rogues to create a stack of plus-whatever tools within a dungeon using one of their skill boosts or something like that. Then turn the disable DCs back up on epic so that almost any all-round rogue with the capstone tools could disable the traps, but a splash rogue could not.

  7. #7
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    I accept that Turbine's not really into giving much to rogues (and, frankly, well-built and well-played rogue's don't need much help) but how about throwing us a little bone in the way of Thieves Tools?

    The old stack of 50 +5 tools has been around since the beginning of time. With many high level rogues running around with a pack full of epic gear and greensteels, the old tools are a bit mundane.

    Have you considered an enchanted or otherwise upgraded tool that doesn't expire with use? It wouldn't be overpowering as even if it was still just +5 (+7) and might save some of us a couple pack spaces. It's more of a flavor item than anything else but fitting for a master rogue.
    Maybe free agent favor could be made useful and they could sell "sturdy +1/2/3/4/5" thieves tools...


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  8. #8
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaganfindel View Post
    I see where you're coming from, but would access to better theives' tools be good for rogues specifically? How could they be made in a way that doesn't end up benefitting characters with a rogue splash for locks and traps more than characters that are primarily (or wholly) rogues?
    Arcane Archers can craft their own 100% returining arrows that tier up with enhancements, they can be created upon login and disappear when you log out.

    Do something similar with rogue levels, more rogue levels=more self crafted enhanced tools. Exclusive and bound to character. Final tier=Master crafted tools +10 to disable and locks. limited to level 18 rogue.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default So, trapsmithing is a rogue's PRIMARY function ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    Make it an added ability to the rogue capstone(s), similar to arrows conjured by an arcane archer. Allow pure rogues to create a stack of plus-whatever tools within a dungeon using one of their skill boosts or something like that. Then turn the disable DCs back up on epic so that almost any all-round rogue with the capstone tools could disable the traps, but a splash rogue could not.
    Rogues excel at DPS, which is why one should take a majority of rogue levels, splashes merely benefit from the evasion and traps for the most part (you do get 1d6 backstab, but at high level, that's nothing).

    Additionally, a wiz/rogue splash has the highest intel in the game (thus the potential for the highest disable DC) as most pure rogues aren't going to spend all their level ups in keeping int maxed and are not going to have the +3 enhancements either.

    DDO is not a role specific game, as much as ppl would like to make it so, several class and multiclass options allow toons to perform a variety of roles within both a 6 man party and a 12 man raid, which is a GOOD THING.

    And really, if ALL you bring to the table is the ability to disable traps and nothing else, you seriously need a reroll.

    oh and Draccus...../signed on a named item to alleviate some backpack space issues. Good call.
    Last edited by Beld; 04-07-2010 at 04:35 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    I accept that Turbine's not really into giving much to rogues (and, frankly, well-built and well-played rogue's don't need much help) but how about throwing us a little bone in the way of Thieves Tools?

    The old stack of 50 +5 tools has been around since the beginning of time. With many high level rogues running around with a pack full of epic gear and greensteels, the old tools are a bit mundane.

    Have you considered an enchanted or otherwise upgraded tool that doesn't expire with use? It wouldn't be overpowering as even if it was still just +5 (+7) and might save some of us a couple pack spaces. It's more of a flavor item than anything else but fitting for a master rogue.
    *** hjow did i miss this thread before I posted mine?

  11. #11
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    *** hjow did i miss this thread before I posted mine?
    Draccus' stealth > Aspenor's spot.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
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  12. #12
    Founder Eelpout's Avatar
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    I am definately on board with this idea.

    For those concerned that it would be more of a benefit to the multi-class characters with 1 or 2 levels of rogue, other options would be either in the enhancement line or a free feat. I personally don't want to have to waste my already limited AP on something a rogue should already have ( a very durable tool-kit). I would be more in line with a free rogue feat at level 11 or 12 that gave you a permanent kit or made all Thieves Tools, Sturdy, as in the Deneith Arrows.

    Just a couple thoughts from this oversaturated brain.

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  13. #13
    Community Member Schmoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    Have you considered an enchanted or otherwise upgraded tool that doesn't expire with use? It wouldn't be overpowering as even if it was still just +5 (+7) and might save some of us a couple pack spaces. It's more of a flavor item than anything else but fitting for a master rogue.
    Great idea!
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