I have some weapons for sale.
I'll update this list with prices later, but for now if you see anything you like send me an offer.
ML6 +1 Icy burst metalline khopesh of pure good
ML8 +2 Frost holy falchion of pure good
ML8 +2 Frost metalline light pick of pure good
ML8 +3 Frost flaming rapier of pure good
ML10 +1 Icy burst weakening repeating xbow of enfeebling
ML10 +3 Frost holy greatsword of pure good
ML10 +4 Frost acid rapier of pure good
ML10 +4 Frost metalline light pick of pure good (WF UMD20)
ML12 +1 Frost ghost touch maul of weighted 5%
ML12 +5 Frost ghost touch rapier of pure good
ML12 +5 Frost true law falchion of pure good (lawful UMD20, good not required)
ML12 +5 Frost crippling rapier of pure good
ML12 +1 Frost true law kukri of disruption
ML12 +1 Icy burst paralyzing rapier of shattermantle
ML14 +3 Icy burst weakening scimitar of enfeebling
ML14 +3 Frost anarchaic burst scimitar of pure good
ML14 +5 Frost holy repeating crossbow of pure good
ML14 +5 Frost seeker+6 rapier of pure good (elf UMD24)
FOR SALE AT HIGH PRICES (Items I would like to keep, unless somebody offers a high price)
ML4 +1 Frost keen falchion of pure good
ML10 +3 Frost bodyfeeder falchion
ML10 +4 Icy burst true law handwraps of pure good
ML12 +5 Icy burst shock handwraps of pure good (or bleed? I'll check)
ML12 +1 Frost true law handwraps of improved desctruction
ML12 +1 Frost paralyzing falchion of sneak attack +1
ML12 +2 Icy burst weakening light pick of enfeebling x2
ML14 +5 Icy burst shocking burst handwraps of bleeding
ML14 +1 Frost banishing handwraps of weighted 2%
ML14 +2 Icy burst paralyzing light pick of pure good
ML14 +2 Icy burst vorpal falchion of pure good
ML14 +1 Frost shocking burst repeating crossbow of disruption
ML14 +2 Frost improved cursespewing handwraps of pure good
ML14 +3 Icy burst weakening rapier of enfeebling
ML14 +3 Frost metalline morningstar of greater undead bane