Docent acquired.
Docent acquired.
Last edited by Daehawk; 04-07-2010 at 01:38 AM.
Argo: Saveric(18Pal/2Ftg), Daehawk(20Wiz), Syverious(13Rog/6Rng/1Ftr), Katasuki(8Mnk)Originally Posted by Tarrant
I'll mail you a docent after my next epic Tide Turns run, if I remember that is. Usually at least one drops. I also have a scroll of the docent I might be willing to part with if you are looking to upgrade it to epic.
Checked my mail just a moment ago after I came to this thread to update it. Didn't see one from ya. But that's alright I came to update it, because I finally pulled one farming it on my wizard for my warforge.
Eventually I'll more or less be upgrading it to epic. My wf is only 14 atm, so 6 more levels that I've been slacking till he would be ready for it for epic. So I'll probably hold off on the scroll for now.
Thanks though. ^_^
Argo: Saveric(18Pal/2Ftg), Daehawk(20Wiz), Syverious(13Rog/6Rng/1Ftr), Katasuki(8Mnk)Originally Posted by Tarrant