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  1. #21
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sircowdog View Post
    Looking at the alternate builds, specifically the drow 2mo/18FvS, I'm wondering about a couple things:

    The drow says rapier user, but I'm curious why you'd use that when the enhancements and class feats for Vulkoor only support shortswords, with the racial enhancements working for both shortsword and rapiers. Does the extra crit range on rapiers somehow make up for loss of hit and damage?

    Also, the feats under the drow FvS list improved crit:slashing. Was this a cut & paste error? Seems like the build is centered around piercing....
    You're right here on the shortsword thing -- I thought that the enhancements worked for rapiers as the elven enhancements work for scimitars. Build removed. Too bad they ended up with a second-rate weapon.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  2. #22
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    At least 150% the DPS. 10% static speed boost. Barbarian sprint boost. Barbarian Power Attack I. And I get wings with that.
    Ah I see its pull numbers out of thin air day, Barbarians do 169% more DPS than any other toon because they have an axe symbol.

    Couple things to point out.

    This build (401 rounded up) has ~15 DPS more than an elf 18/2 monk (386 rounded up) and it has less than an 18/2 Elf FvS/Fighter (405 rounded up).
    It has lower to hit than the 18/2.
    Lit II Khops do more DPS than epic Chaosblades.
    The 18/2 has evasion.
    Last edited by Consumer; 11-17-2010 at 11:48 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post

    This build (401 rounded up) has ~15 DPS more than an elf 18/2 monk (386 rounded up) and it has less than an 18/2 Elf FvS/Fighter (405 rounded up).
    It has lower to hit than the 18/2.
    Lit II Khops do more DPS than epic Chaosblades.
    The 18/2 has evasion.
    What variables did you use? All the gear listed in the OP and Lighting IIs?

  4. #24
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    What variables did you use? All the gear listed in the OP and Lighting IIs?
    Swapped to Shintao and Tharne's with GS boots for a dps set up.

    Just noticed the OP has WF THF FvS equal to the TWF, this is incorrect, the THF is lower DPS than the TWF builds.
    Last edited by Consumer; 11-17-2010 at 12:06 PM.

  5. #25
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    First off great build! (s)

    Secondly, I was wondering if anything has changed on Rocka since U9/U10 and if you would consider going AOV?

    I plan on tr'ing my monk into this build if that helps at all.

    Any advice would be great thanks!

  6. #26
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxpwnedxx View Post
    First off great build! (s)

    Secondly, I was wondering if anything has changed on Rocka since U9/U10 and if you would consider going AOV?

    I plan on tr'ing my monk into this build if that helps at all.

    Any advice would be great thanks!

    I'm Angel of Vengeance now. It's a very nice little addition to DPS. Because I'm not using a favored weapon -- and I knew I locked myself into that choice. Thankfully, Angel of Vengeance gives this build back its old hybrid flavor because there's a bit more you can accomplish with nuke casting in addition to the melee focus. So that's a lot of fun.

    My current plan is to do a true reincarnate into a h-orc epic sword of shadow user, and whether I keep khopesh and g2wf or just drop the feats for greater two handed fighting I haven't decided. A few things have changed that made me re-evaluate my choice. First, half orc outstrips warforged for my particular build. Second, we can now slot sword of shadows with devil's ruin, something we couldn't do before. At the time, t2wf was way ahead on certain situations like boss fights which made 2HF seem less flexible for me. Now, that's still slightly true but not as much. Finally, I have used earthgrab heavy picks for a long time, and they're just not as necessary for having fun on this kind of character, since we have so many more strategy options available to succeed in epic.

    Anyway, so that's my own path. Because I only do one reincarnation at a time, I don't have a lot of time to TR Rocka right now so I have just been playing it and having fun.

    Otherwise, the build is basically the same with the exception of some gear and AP. It's always a fun one for me. The speed boost may or may not be overkill, I haven't decided =)

    Enjoy! Monk is a great past life!

    p.s. Just noticed Consumer's crazy bumps up there from 7 months ago. What a shame I missed his trolling!
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  7. #27
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    The speed boost may or may not be overkill, I haven't decided =)
    It's perfect.

    My favorite healing build.

  8. #28
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Didnt read the whole thing Anth. But I agree with your opening. Nothing beats being able to melee well and also heal the group.

    Currently have a 34 pt 18/2 fvs/monk, human with khops. Since the change to spells and extend I dropped extend for ic slash.

    I also have an 18 clr 1 barb 1 rog that im leveling. This beast will use esos. Its helf with 2 paly past lives. Healing amp specd. Currently maxed wis and about 30 str, but that will prolly change once I get a torc and a shroud sp item. Lots of fun to play.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  9. #29
    Community Member Horkrux's Avatar
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    wrong thread but free bump!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post

    I'm Angel of Vengeance now. It's a very nice little addition to DPS. Because I'm not using a favored weapon -- and I knew I locked myself into that choice. Thankfully, Angel of Vengeance gives this build back its old hybrid flavor because there's a bit more you can accomplish with nuke casting in addition to the melee focus. So that's a lot of
    Thanks for the response!

    That's what i was thinking about the AoV, just wanted to make sure that in going that route i wouldn't miss out on anything major.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    My current plan is to do a true reincarnate into a h-orc epic sword of shadow user, and whether I keep khopesh and g2wf or just drop the feats for greater two handed fighting I haven't decided. A few things have changed that made me re-evaluate my choice. First, half orc outstrips warforged for my particular build. Second, we can now slot sword of shadows with devil's ruin, something we couldn't do before. At the time, t2wf was way ahead on certain situations like boss fights which made 2HF seem less flexible for me. Now, that's still slightly true but not as much.
    I also thought about going Thf, would you suggest taking the thf feat line in-place of the twf line? or maybe throw in some more meta's for better healing?

    Half-orc > human. on a dps level yes. How ever does the benefits of half orc outway human versatility/extra feat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    The speed boost may or may not be overkill, I haven't decided =)
    Seems like the speed boost is amazing!

    I guess the best way would be to try them both. and hey multiple past life's wont hurt any1

  11. #31
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Default Defensive Version

    Hey Rocka. I have been afk for a few months now. Probably be back sometime. When I re-vip, I was planning on TR'ing my FvS into a variant of this build. My FvS is my favorite character, and I thought about trying a little more defensive side of the build with tanking possibilities, so I thought I would post here, since it was the inspiration to what I wanted to try.

    Gear is pretty dynamic, and what I have gives me the majority of want I want without gear swapping. I am pretty lazy when it comes to clickies and gear swapping, so I like to squeeze as much of my stuff into one set. Of course I could make a few changes to boost dps when needed, but I wanted to see on paper how it would look if I went a little more defensive with damage mitigation. This is why calvary armor instead of marilith chain. If I go this route, I would probably knock out 3 barb past lives for the tasty 30hps. This would let me push to almost 700hps. Add the unlimited self heals and 65 intimidate, I thought it would be a fun change of pace.

    My Int is a little high, but if I wanted to max umd, concentration, and intimidate it is needed. I end up with 12 extra points, so I threw them in jump for a decent dispell proof jump score. Those 12 points could go anywhere though. I figured 12 points in jump had a better return then 6 points into a cross class skill. Although balance wouldn't be a bad option and with a 6 base and the current gear set balance would be 26.

    My second ring can be any tod ring with +1Con. I chose Kormors, because no one ever wants it and I still need the ring, but any of the +1Con rings would work.

    With Tr'ing in the game and me being as fickle as I can be with builds sometimes, I no longer use +3tomes in any calculations.

    Level 8 is a controversial spell choice. Most use mass deathward, but I really like my air elemental and holy aura offensive blindness against evil mobs for soloing.

    I added Spell Focus: Evocation since I had a free yellow slot with this gearset. My evocation DC will be really low, but I figured its there might as well have it. Even on my current FvS which uses wisdom as a dump stat blade barrier is a nice addition to dps. I was happy with the results of it when I specced AoV on Lamannia pre-u9.

    The only real question I have is could I hold aggro on mobs that need more than a 65 intimidate. I have the claw set, but so does pretty much every other good melee so its more or less a wash. I would be looking at the damage from the epic sword of shadows plus the archons laser dmg and stacking divine punishments.

    Race: Dwarf
    Class: 18Favored Soul /1Fighter /1Barbarian
    Alignment: Neutral
    Stats: 36-Point (Helpful Past Lives: 3Barbarian)
    Str: 32 +11 {34 +12} (16Base +5Levels +2Tome +6Item +3Exc) {+2Rage Potion}
    Dex: 18 +4 (8Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Con: 30 +10 {32 +11} (18Base +2Tome +6Item +3Exc +1Enh) {+2Rage Potion}
    Int: 22 +6 (14Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Wis: 16 +3 (8Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Cha: 26 +8 (14Base +2Tome +7Item +2Enh +1Exc)
    Fort: 35 / 37 (12Base +10Stat +4GH +5Resist +1Ritual +2Luck +1Rage Potion) / +2 vs Spells
    Reflex: 28 / 30 (12Base +3Stat, +4GH, +5Resist +1Ritual +2Luck +1Haste) / +2 vs Spells
    Will: 27 / 29 (12Base +3Stat +4GH +5Resist +2Luck +1Ritual) / +2 vs Spells
    38 Concentration (23Base +8Stat +4GH +2Luck +1Rage Potion)
    65 Intimidate (23Base +8Stat +4GH +2Luck +15Item +5Item +3SF +3Persuasion -2Aura Debuff)
    34 UMD (11Base +8Stat +4GH +2Luck +5Shroud +3Persuasion)
    29 Jump (12Base +11Stat +4GH +2Luck) or 26 Balance (6Base +4Stat +4Racial +6Shroud +4GH +2Luck)
    Hit Points: 643 (673)
    144 FvS
    12 Barbarian
    10 Fighter
    200 Constitution
    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Draconic Vitality
    42 Toughness Feat x2
    20 Toughness Item
    40 Dwarf Enhancement
    40 FvS Enhancement
    40 Superior False Life
    45 Shroud
    20 Rage Potion
    (30 Barbarian Past Life x3)
    Spell Points: 2571
    1405 Base
    80 Magical Training
    216 Cha
    150 EotS IV
    400 Archmagi
    300 Shroud
    20 FvS Past Life (I would TR my current FvS)
    Attack Bonus: 47 (Epic Sword of Shadows)
    15 Base
    12 Str
    10 Weapon
    3 Divine Favor
    5 Divine Power
    2 Aura Debuff (If I am hitting it, then it is in my aura losing 2 ac, effectively raising my AB by 2)
    1 Haste
    4 GH
    -5 Power Attack
    Damage: 50-75 Normal / 150-225 Crits (Epic Sword of Shadows)
    5-30 Base
    10 Weapon
    18 Str
    10 Power Attack
    3 Divine Favor
    4 Claw Set
    L1B: Toughness
    L2: (FvS) Favored by the Sovereign Host (Longsword Proficiency)
    L3: Empower Healing
    L4: (FvS) Child of the Sovereign Host (+1Hit Longswords)
    L6 Toughness, (FvS) Energy Resistance: Fire
    L9 Quicken
    L10 (FvS) Energy Resistance: Acid
    L12 Improved Critical: Slashing,
    L13: (FvS) Beloved of the Sovereign Host (+2Damage Longswords)
    L14F: (F) Power Attack
    L15: Maximise
    L17: (FvS) Energy Resistance: Electric
    L18: Skill Focus: Intimidate
    L19: (FvS) Leap of Faith
    Noted Abilities:
    Leap of Faith
    Aura of Menace (-2Saves, -2Atk, -2AC, -2SR)
    Shield of Condemnation (On Hit % Chance for -20%Light Vulnerabilty, -10Fort) {Can stack up to 5 times}
    Summon Archon (Deals 1-3+18Dmg every 2s) {Effected by potency and enhancements at time of summoning}
    +30% Dmg to Fire, Physical, and Untyped Spells
    +10% Run Speed
    10 Fire, Acid, and Electric Resistance
    Damage Mitigation (Con Opp, DR5/Chaotic, Demonic Shield)
    SP Regen (Con Opp + Torq)
    Fighter Haste Boost I
    Barbarian Sprint Boost I
    Dwarven Constitution I
    Dwarven Racial Toughness IV
    Favored Soul Unyielding Sovereignty
    Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance II
    Favored Soul Prayer of Life II
    Favored Soul Smiting IV
    Favored Soul Life Magic IV
    Favored Soul Energy of the Scion IV
    Favored Soul Charisma II
    Favored Soul Toughness IV
    Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    L1 Divine Favor, Nightshield, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear
    L2 Resist Energy, Soundburst, Bulls Strength, Bears Endurance
    L3 Mass Aid, Prayer, Protection From Energy, Cure Serious Wounds
    L4 Deathward, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Recitation
    L5 Mass Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Elements, Divine Punishment, Break Enchantment
    L6 Blade Barrier, Heal, Cometfall
    L7 Destruction, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Resurrection
    L8 Summon Monster 8, Holy Aura
    L9 Mass Heal
    Weapon: Epic Sword of Shadows (+10, 5d10, 18-20x3, Adamantine, DR Crystal {red})
    Head: Dread Admiral’s Tricorne (Superior Potency VI, +15Intimidate)
    Goggles: Shroud (Blindness/Disease Immunity, +150SP, Conc-Opp, +5Cha Skills, +10 Haggle/Diplomacy, +6Wis)
    Trinket: Epic Shard of Vollun (Archmagi, Imp Radiance 9, Radiance Guard, Spell Focus: Evocation {yellow}, +1Str {colorless})
    Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (Transform Kinetic Energy)
    Cloak: Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord (+7Cha, +15Diplomacy/Haggle, Persuasion, +1Cha {yellow})
    Body: Epic Calvary Plate (+6, Demonic Shield, Superior False Life, +5Resist, DR5/Chaotic, Toughness {blue})
    Gloves: Epic Glove of the Claw (+6Str, +5Intimidate, 30%Healing Amp, Set Bonus: +4Damage, +20%Hate)
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw (Heavy Fortification, +2Con)
    Ring 1: Epic Ring of the Buccaneer (+7Dex, +2Luck, +5Protection, +15Swim, Underwater Action, +6Con {green})
    Ring 2: Kormor’s Ring (+6Int, +1Con, +2Str)
    Belt: Shroud (45HP, +6Dex Skills, Blur, Displacement 2/2)
    Boots: Striding / Anchoring
    Last edited by wiglin; 06-30-2011 at 06:26 PM.
    Server: Ghallanda
    Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
    Guild: Ravensguard

  12. #32
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxpwnedxx View Post

    I also thought about going Thf, would you suggest taking the thf feat line in-place of the twf line? or maybe throw in some more meta's for better healing?
    2HF feats are a great investment. More metamagics doesn't necessarily equal better healing. Once you have quicken + either max or empower healing, you're in pretty good shape.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxpwnedxx View Post

    Half-orc > human. on a dps level yes. How ever does the benefits of half orc outway human versatility/extra feat?
    On a two handed fighter, yes. 3 haste boosts, +3 str, +4 damage on two handed weapons, and +6 damage from power attack is a ton of DPS. I would also consider h-elf with rogue dill. (khopesh), elf (scimitar), or human (khopesh) on a 2wf variant.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  13. #33
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiglin View Post
    Hey Rocka. I have been afk for a few months now. Probably be back sometime. When I re-vip, I was planning on TR'ing my FvS into a variant of this build. My FvS is my favorite character, and I thought about trying a little more defensive side of the build with tanking possibilities, so I thought I would post here, since it was the inspiration to what I wanted to try.

    Gear is pretty dynamic, and what I have gives me the majority of want I want without gear swapping. I am pretty lazy when it comes to clickies and gear swapping, so I like to squeeze as much of my stuff into one set. Of course I could make a few changes to boost dps when needed, but I wanted to see on paper how it would look if I went a little more defensive with damage mitigation. This is why calvary armor instead of marilith chain. If I go this route, I would probably knock out 3 barb past lives for the tasty 30hps. This would let me push to almost 700hps. Add the unlimited self heals and 65 intimidate, I thought it would be a fun change of pace.

    My Int is a little high, but if I wanted to max umd, concentration, and intimidate it is needed. I end up with 12 extra points, so I threw them in jump for a decent dispell proof jump score. Those 12 points could go anywhere though. I figured 12 points in jump had a better return then 6 points into a cross class skill. Although balance wouldn't be a bad option and with a 6 base and the current gear set balance would be 26.

    My second ring can be any tod ring with +1Con. I chose Kormors, because no one ever wants it and I still need the ring, but any of the +1Con rings would work.

    With Tr'ing in the game and me being as fickle as I can be with builds sometimes, I no longer use +3tomes in any calculations.

    Level 8 is a controversial spell choice. Most use mass deathward, but I really like my air elemental and holy aura offensive blindness against evil mobs for soloing.

    I added Spell Focus: Evocation since I had a free yellow slot with this gearset. My evocation DC will be really low, but I figured its there might as well have it. Even on my current FvS which uses wisdom as a dump stat blade barrier is a nice addition to dps. I was happy with the results of it when I specced AoV on Lamannia pre-u9.

    The only real question I have is could I hold aggro on mobs that need more than a 65 intimidate. I have the claw set, but so does pretty much every other good melee so its more or less a wash. I would be looking at the damage from the epic sword of shadows plus the archons laser dmg and stacking divine punishments.

    Race: Dwarf
    Class: 18Favored Soul /1Fighter /1Barbarian
    Alignment: Neutral
    Stats: 36-Point (Helpful Past Lives: 3Barbarian)
    Str: 32 +11 {34 +12} (16Base +5Levels +2Tome +6Item +3Exc) {+2Rage Potion}
    Dex: 18 +4 (8Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Con: 30 +10 {32 +11} (18Base +2Tome +6Item +3Exc +1Enh) {+2Rage Potion}
    Int: 22 +6 (14Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Wis: 16 +3 (8Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Cha: 26 +8 (14Base +2Tome +7Item +2Enh +1Exc)
    Fort: 35 / 37 (12Base +10Stat +4GH +5Resist +1Ritual +2Luck +1Rage Potion) / +2 vs Spells
    Reflex: 28 / 30 (12Base +3Stat, +4GH, +5Resist +1Ritual +2Luck +1Haste) / +2 vs Spells
    Will: 27 / 29 (12Base +3Stat +4GH +5Resist +2Luck +1Ritual) / +2 vs Spells
    38 Concentration (23Base +8Stat +4GH +2Luck +1Rage Potion)
    65 Intimidate (23Base +8Stat +4GH +2Luck +15Item +5Item +3SF +3Persuasion -2Aura Debuff)
    34 UMD (11Base +8Stat +4GH +2Luck +5Shroud +3Persuasion)
    29 Jump (12Base +11Stat +4GH +2Luck) or 26 Balance (6Base +4Stat +4Racial +6Shroud +4GH +2Luck)
    Hit Points: 643 (673)
    144 FvS
    12 Barbarian
    10 Fighter
    200 Constitution
    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Draconic Vitality
    42 Toughness Feat x2
    20 Toughness Item
    40 Dwarf Enhancement
    40 FvS Enhancement
    40 Superior False Life
    45 Shroud
    20 Rage Potion
    (30 Barbarian Past Life x3)
    Spell Points: 2571
    1405 Base
    80 Magical Training
    216 Cha
    150 EotS IV
    400 Archmagi
    300 Shroud
    20 FvS Past Life (I would TR my current FvS)
    Attack Bonus: 47 (Epic Sword of Shadows)
    15 Base
    12 Str
    10 Weapon
    3 Divine Favor
    5 Divine Power
    2 Aura Debuff (If I am hitting it, then it is in my aura losing 2 ac, effectively raising my AB by 2)
    1 Haste
    4 GH
    -5 Power Attack
    Damage: 50-75 Normal / 150-225 Crits (Epic Sword of Shadows)
    5-30 Base
    10 Weapon
    18 Str
    10 Power Attack
    3 Divine Favor
    4 Claw Set
    L1B: Toughness
    L2: (FvS) Favored by the Sovereign Host (Longsword Proficiency)
    L3: Empower Healing
    L4: (FvS) Child of the Sovereign Host (+1Hit Longswords)
    L6 Toughness, (FvS) Energy Resistance: Fire
    L9 Quicken
    L10 (FvS) Energy Resistance: Acid
    L12 Improved Critical: Slashing,
    L13: (FvS) Beloved of the Sovereign Host (+2Damage Longswords)
    L14F: (F) Power Attack
    L15: Maximise
    L17: (FvS) Energy Resistance: Electric
    L18: Skill Focus: Intimidate
    L19: (FvS) Leap of Faith
    Noted Abilities:
    Leap of Faith
    Aura of Menace (-2Saves, -2Atk, -2AC, -2SR)
    Shield of Condemnation (On Hit % Chance for -20%Light Vulnerabilty, -10Fort) {Can stack up to 5 times}
    Summon Archon (Deals 1-3+18Dmg every 2s) {Effected by potency and enhancements at time of summoning}
    +30% Dmg to Fire, Physical, and Untyped Spells
    +10% Run Speed
    10 Fire, Acid, and Electric Resistance
    Damage Mitigation (Con Opp, DR5/Chaotic, Demonic Shield)
    SP Regen (Con Opp + Torq)
    Fighter Haste Boost I
    Barbarian Sprint Boost I
    Dwarven Constitution I
    Dwarven Racial Toughness IV
    Favored Soul Unyielding Sovereignty
    Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance II
    Favored Soul Prayer of Life II
    Favored Soul Smiting IV
    Favored Soul Life Magic IV
    Favored Soul Energy of the Scion IV
    Favored Soul Charisma II
    Favored Soul Toughness IV
    Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    L1 Divine Favor, Nightshield, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear
    L2 Resist Energy, Soundburst, Bulls Strength, Bears Endurance
    L3 Mass Aid, Prayer, Protection From Energy, Cure Serious Wounds
    L4 Deathward, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Recitation
    L5 Mass Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Elements, Divine Punishment, Break Enchantment
    L6 Blade Barrier, Heal, Cometfall
    L7 Destruction, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Resurrection
    L8 Summon Monster 8, Holy Aura
    L9 Mass Heal
    Weapon: Epic Sword of Shadows (+10, 5d10, 18-20x3, Adamantine, DR Crystal {red})
    Head: Dread Admiral’s Tricorne (Superior Potency VI, +15Intimidate)
    Goggles: Shroud (Blindness/Disease Immunity, +150SP, Conc-Opp, +5Cha Skills, +10 Haggle/Diplomacy, +6Wis)
    Trinket: Epic Shard of Vollun (Archmagi, Imp Radiance 9, Radiance Guard, Spell Focus: Evocation {yellow}, +1Str {colorless})
    Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (Transform Kinetic Energy)
    Cloak: Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord (+7Cha, +15Diplomacy/Haggle, Persuasion, +1Cha {yellow})
    Body: Epic Calvary Plate (+6, Demonic Shield, Superior False Life, +5Resist, DR5/Chaotic, Toughness {blue})
    Gloves: Epic Glove of the Claw (+6Str, +5Intimidate, 30%Healing Amp, Set Bonus: +4Damage, +20%Hate)
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw (Heavy Fortification, +2Con)
    Ring 1: Epic Ring of the Buccaneer (+7Dex, +2Luck, +5Protection, +15Swim, Underwater Action, +6Con {green})
    Ring 2: Kormor’s Ring (+6Int, +1Con, +2Str)
    Belt: Shroud (45HP, +6Dex Skills, Blur, Displacement 2/2)
    Boots: Striding / Anchoring
    Hi Wigz,

    Hope you've been well

    Why dwarf ? I know you wanna tank, but have you given a good look at h-orc? It's just a lot of free to-hit, intimidate, etc. since you are using a greatsword. I think dwarves are neat for axe users or evaders but you're basically just getting a little HP from it. Even warforged would give you a bunch of free hit/damage from favored weapons, and still net you the same HP.

    Also, I'd really consider shield mastery for your extra feat you were talking about, unless you think you will be hate tanking primarily. Shield mastery gives a static 15 or 20% damage reduction. I have another fvs I am going to use with epic demon scale armor, shields, and other ways to reduce damage in order to corral aggro. We'll see how well it works!

    See you around
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  14. #34
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    Hi Wigz,

    Hope you've been well

    Also, I'd really consider shield mastery for your extra feat you were talking about, unless you think you will be hate tanking primarily. Shield mastery gives a static 15 or 20% damage reduction. I have another fvs I am going to use with epic demon scale armor, shields, and other ways to reduce damage in order to corral aggro. We'll see how well it works!

    See you around
    I have been good. Just taking care of some other stuff right now and needed to lay down the keyboard and mouse until I am done.

    I chose dwarf mainly for flavor not a power game choice. I did want to hit 650HP and dwarf makes this easier, although warforged would make it just as easy and add a little more dps to the SoS. No real reason other than personal choice.

    Shield Mastery is a good choice, I didn't really think about since I haven't played with the new changes. If I grind out 3 barbarians past lives, I could easily drop a toughness and still be at 650HP. The loss of dps threat would be offset a little by the double threat gained from using a shield with intimidate, and I could still switch to the epic sos for mobs that need more than a 65 intimidate.

    I do like the passive damage mitigation with the shield setup.
    20% DR Levick's Defender w/ Shield Mastery
    30 Temp HP Proc Demonic Shield
    Temp HP Con Opp
    Heal Guard Levicks Defender (small chance but its there)

    Then if did need to block for a few seconds
    25 more DR (15 Shield + 10 BAB/2)
    Last edited by wiglin; 06-30-2011 at 08:42 PM.
    Server: Ghallanda
    Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
    Guild: Ravensguard

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