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  1. #1
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Default Rocka Red Emma - Zerging off Again [Human FVS 18/FTR1/BRB1]

    Disclaimer: I do not recommend copying this exact build. I posted this to share my excitement over my TR, and open up about my philosophy about the possibilities for a melee healer. Following this post are other builds that would be more ideal for players who do not grind as much, who have never played a battlecleric, or who are concerned about long-term game changes. By multiclassing into barbarian, I'm giving up some nice things (like evasion) for aesthetics, increased DPS and a "feel" that I cannot get any other way.

    Rocka Red Emma (34 pt.)

    People on the forums generally know me for my intimitank or my monk or my battlebard. But, behind the building, Rocka (Dwarf 18 cleric/2 fighter greataxe build) is my personal favorite to play. This is one of the first builds I have ever done that I would not recommend to anyone but myself. I love being a cleric and swinging a big ass weapon. I love being able to put out real DPS numbers -- not some half-assed roleplay heavy mace garbage -- while keeping the party up. I'm not a one-trick deal with only blade barrier or monk ac or whatever. When I want to get the quest done, I play Rocka.

    The way it works is mana regeneration. The more I'm hit, the more I can heal. I use DR to help offset the incoming damage to keep a healthy incoming damage / outgoing mana ratio. An added bonus to this style is that I'm a guard-a-holic and my screen lights up like Christmas every time something swings at me.

    This wouldn't work if I wasn't durable. Blade barriers can pull a lot of aggro. When I rolled her up, that used to mean dwarf was the only option, but since mod 9, Racial Toughness enhancements opened up the field. In fact, as a favored soul with human con enhancements, this character will be looking at very similar HP to what I'm sitting on now (which is around 600 buffed up).

    Rocka was conceived in an age where I was afraid to join many groups lest I they find out I was a battlecleric. Every other post on the DDO forums was about how battleclerics were wasting their time meleeing. They couldn't hit. They didn't have enough hit points. They were communists and hippies and deranged little buggers. The name "Red Emma" comes from Emma Goldman, an Anarchist and feminist in the early 20th century. My insecurity drove me to min-max: my to-hit could hardly be higher. 18 str + level-ups. Dwarven axe attack. Destruction armor. Sundering ooze guard. Overkill can be a lot of fun, and it certainly came in handy for epic.

    The following build is taking my battlecleric ideas to the extreme, and matching it with the playstyle I have developed as a zerger and healer. Practice has taught me that the faster you move and react, the faster you can heal. Practice has also taught me that the faster you kill them, the less damage they do to your party.

    Why would you make a favored soul without using favored weapons (especially with scimitars and rapiers available)? Why skip the DR/10 capstone and at-will free abilities? And for a dual wielding multiclasser, how could I give up evasion, extend, and wisdom bonus to AC? (for references to builds with the above abilities, see attached builds). For every bit that this iteration makes no sense, it makes perfect sense for me. This character does everything I want as she is - without evasion, with a lower spell point pool, and without spring boosts and freakin' wings. This is all that but better.

    At least 150% the DPS. 10% static speed boost. Barbarian sprint boost. Barbarian Power Attack I. And I get wings with that.

    Finally, aesthetics. Thank god pink swords and hot bell bottoms are the top notch DPS gear this cycle. Epic Marilith chain and chaosblades for the win. No more fugly Rocka Red Emma.

    Human 18 favored soul / 1 barbarian / 1 fighter
    Chaotic Neutral. Two Weapon Fighting. Khopeshes.

    36 STR: 18 base + 5 levels + 1 enhancement +2 tome + 1 litany of the dead + 6 item + 3 exceptional
    25 DEX: 15 base + 2 tome + 1 litany of the dead + 7 item
    26 CON: 14 base + 1 enhancement +2 tome + 1 litany of the dead + 6 item + 2 exceptional
    11 INT: 8 base + 2 tome + 1 litany
    22 WIS: 8 base + 1 enhancement + 3 tome + 1 litany of the dead + 6 item + 3 exceptional
    24 CHA: 12 base + 2 tome + 2 enhancement + 1 litany of the dead + 6 item + 1 exceptional


    1: Two Weapon Fighting
    1: Toughness
    2: Favored of the Sovereign Host
    3: Maximize Spell
    3: Child of the Sovereign Host
    5: (Barbarian)
    6: Energy Resistance: Acid
    6: Quicken Spell
    9: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    11: Energy resistance: Fire
    12: Improved Critical: Slashing
    13: Beloved of the Sovereign Hos
    15: Power Attack
    16: Energy Resistance: Electricity
    18: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    20 (Fighter): Khopesh

    Full ranks in concentration and intimidate. Remainder in balance. Enough in tumble to be able to tumble in my armor


    Level 1: Divine Favor, Nightshield, Shield of Faith, Remove Fear

    Level 2: Resist Energy; Summon Monster II; Bear's Endurance; Bull's Strength

    Level 3 Prayer; Magic Circle Against Evil; Searing Light; Bestow Curse

    Level 4 Divine Power; Freedom of Movement; Recitation; Neutralize Poison

    Level 5: Protection from Energy; Break Enchantment; Raise Dead; Stalwart Pact

    Level 6: Heal, Blade Barrier, Cure Moderate wounds, Mass

    Level 7: Resurrection; Protection from Energy, Mass; Cure Serious Wounds, Mass

    Level 8: Death Ward; Cure Critical Wounds, Mass

    Level 9: Heal, Mass or Energy Drain

    Consumable Substitutes True Seeing, Lesser Restoration, Greater Restoration, Remove Curse, Heal, etc.

    I have a lot of work to do! My old gear will work fine for a little while (I have lots of random guards like Sundering Ooze Guard, and I use a Belt of Brute Strength with Dragontouched Full Plate with Con 6 and Destruction). With the new build, I think it's time to re-craft some things. I need some luck with a Ravager or Frenzied Berzeker ring, and then I will switch over to a belt/ring set.

    • Mineral II Khopeshes (holy, acid burst, acid blast)
    • Lightning II Khopeshes (holy, shocking burst, shocking blast)
    • Steam Khopeshes (icy/good burst/icy blast)
    • Earthgrab Heavy pick and light pick
    • Epic Chaosblades
    • Greater construct bane longswords
    • Greater undead bane warhammers and longswords
    • Misc caster stuff like Epic Greenblade and Staff of the Petitioner

    • Armor: Epic Marilith Chain (Seeker +10, DR 5/Evil, Evil Guard, Blue slot: Toughness), and backup Dragontouched Full Plate with +5 resist / Corrosive Salt Guard / Destruction for mobs immune to critical hits
    • Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw (Heavy Fort, +2 con)
    • Goggles: Greensteel Goggles (lightning strike, greater lightning resistance, 150 mana, +5 cha skills)
    • Hat: Epic Helm of the Red Dragon (7 str, Greater False Life, Magma Surge Guard)
    • Necklace: Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum, (Wiz VI, Greater Spell Penetration 8, Colorless Slot: 6 cha), Shintao Cord, Kilau's Necklace
    • Cloak: Greensteel Radiance II or Corrosive Salt (45 HP)
    • Belt: Ravager Belt (6 con)
    • Trinket: Litany of the Dead (+1 hit/dam, +1 to all stats)
    • Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw (30% healing amp, set bonus 4 damage), Epic Spectral Gloves (7 dex, 4 to-hit, 4 resist)
    • Boots: Greensteel weave boots (Concordant Opposition fear immunity/poison immunity/superior healing lore)
    • Ring: Ravager Ring (6 str/+1 str/+2 str)
    • Ring2: Epic Ring of Venom (6 dex, 4 backstab)
    Last edited by Anthios888; 11-08-2010 at 06:43 AM.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  2. #2
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Default Alternate Builds and Principles

    Basic Principles
    • These builds are melees and they are healers. None of them is particularly focused on DC-based spells like Destruction, Greater Command, etc. There are many exceptional "combat caster cleric" builds available on this forum, but this is not the essence of Rocka.
    • Don't let anyone tell you that you can't heal well. It takes some practice. Accept the responsibility when you mess up and don't blame the build. Battleclerics have a learning curve.
    • I always advise that Maximize is going to get you the best bang for your buck. Battleclerics don't have a lot of time to sit around and alternate between tiny mass cures that aren't topping off the party. We benefit from swinging more, casting blade barrier more, with as few keystrokes as possible. Please don't start a flamewar arguing with me. If you want empower healing instead, go ahead and make your character your way.
    • Extend Spell is awesome and it is one of those feats on the border between luxury and necessity. For a battlecleric, double duration divine favors & divine powers is helpful. Due to the tight feats on these builds, it is generally the first to go when I need to fit something in.
    • Improved critical is included in every one of these builds because the days are gone when you can mineral II through everything and expect to be the greatest player in the game. Lightning II weapons, for example, will do over 20% more damage in many situations than a mineal II. Epic chaosblades, epic swords of shadows, and other upcoming weapons will no doubt reinforce the need to have improved critical. The improved critical feat adds a lot more than most players think. For the pure favored soul builds that are struggling with feats, dropping improved critical may be convenient while you are in the process of getting gear, after you have mineral II greensteel weapons.
    • DPS. A khopesh on either a cleric or favored soul is nearly identical to an elf with scimitars or a drow with rapiers and full class and racial bonuses (often within 1-2 damage per second). All of these are superior to other weapon types, with the exception of a warforged/h-orc Favored Soul or H-orc cleric with Greater Two handed Fighting and an Epic Sword of Shadows, which is also equal to the scimitar and khopesh. Any other 2-handed weapon drops your DPS significantly. After all this time, battleclerics are actually pretty well balanced between the weapon types!
    • Get the Torc! No, really! Nothing else matters in life but the Torc!

    Fanfare Half-Elf 18 cleric / 2 monk ("The Unyielding Crusader")

    • Khopesh user
    • Human healing amplification
    • Evasion
    • Human versatility damage boost

    17 STR
    15 DEX + 2 tome
    14 CON
    8 INT
    8 WIS
    13 CHA

    Toughness, Rogue Dilletante, Two Weapon Fighting, Maximize, Quicken, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Khopesh, Power Attack

    Elf 18 Favored Soul / 2 Monk

    • Scimitar user
    • Evasion
    • Racial and class bonuses to scimitars

    16 STR
    15 DEX + 2 tome
    14 CON
    10 INT
    8 WIS
    13 CHA

    Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Empower Spell, Maximize, Quicken, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Power Attack

    Warforged Favored Soul 20

    • Greatsword user
    • High to-hit
    • Warforged power attack (6 damage)
    • Access to Epic Sword of Shadows
    • Warforged immunities
    • Robust hit point potential

    BASE STATS (32 points)
    18 STR
    8 DEX
    16 CON
    6 WIS
    12 CHA

    Toughness, Power Attack, Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Improved Critical: Slashing, & Empower Spell

    H-Orc Favored Soul 20

    • Greatsword user
    • Reaches Damage Reduction (DR/-) 10
    • No Greater Two Handed Fighting
    • At-will cure light wounds for free top offs while healbotting
    • 8 Damage Boosts
    • Fullly boosted Divine Punishment

    20 STR
    8 DEX
    16 CON
    6 INT
    8 WIS
    12 CHA

    Toughness, Weapon Proficiency: Greatsword, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Improved Critical: Slashing, Power Attack

    Orc Cleric or FVS 18 / Fighter 2

    • Khopesh user
    • Ability to use all martial weapons
    • 8 Fighter haste boost as well as damage boost
    • Marilith chain
    • Extra strength

    20 STR
    15 DEX
    14 CON
    6 INT
    10 WIS
    6 CHA

    Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Khopesh, Maximize/(Empower Healing if you want radiant servant), Quicken, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Power Attack

    Orc Cleric / Fighter 2

    • 2-Handed Fighting user
    • Ability to use all martial weapons
    • Fighter haste boost
    • Marilith chain
    • Extra strength, power attack, and +4 damage using 2-handed
    • Divine Might

    18 STR
    8 DEX
    14 CON
    6 INT
    8 WIS
    16 CHA + 2 tome (Divine Might 3)

    Toughness, Two Handed Fighting, Extend Spell, Empower Healing, Quicken, Improved Two handed Fighting, Greater Two Handed Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Power Attack
    Last edited by Anthios888; 04-25-2012 at 06:30 PM.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  3. #3
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Looks solid as hell.

  4. #4
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Rock I have always loved your builds. I started playing one of the elf builds and its not bad but it just doesnt do what I want. This is right on the money hard hitting the potential to heal like a beast and I am guessing it solos like a champ. I prefer melees I always have. So I have become used to meleeing and dropping back or healing mid fight. I like being able to contribute to dps and help turn the tide of a bad run. This looks like it will let me do just that. +1.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  5. #5
    Community Member kanbeki's Avatar
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    nice build, a friend pointed me here as I have just recently capped an 18fvs/1barb/1fighter, but dwarf THF.
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  6. #6
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    Default Awesome build

    Rocka, your builds are always fun to play, and having ones like these explained are a great way to learn the dynamics. It makes perfect sense too. Sort of reminds me of the Erevis Cale character in the FR novels.

    Without being able to roll a 34pt, do you have a suggestion for where to drop 2 points from it to start? Am hoping to eventually turn it into a 34pt.

    Thanks and keep on Rocka-ing!

  7. #7
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    She's a killer queen
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  8. #8
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    on your wf fvs build I don't reccomend adamantine body, you can still hit 13 dr, 2 dr is far from worth a feat in my opinion.

    ps. Level meeeeeee
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  9. #9
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Until they make clerical or Fvs prestige enhancements my question for you is why not bard? A bard can do the exact same thing other then when intense focused healing is required (example is the tower raid final boss) just with a little smaller mana pool and since you use mana regen guards and supplements why not go for it. A battle bard that heals is the most efficient healer in DDO in terms of they reduce healing duration moreso then any other healer. Since you are dumping wisdom anyway why not just go with a bard?
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  10. #10
    Community Member Salkanor's Avatar
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    Default Tachi..

    Quote Originally Posted by kanbeki View Post
    nice build, a friend pointed me here as I have just recently capped an 18fvs/1barb/1fighter, but dwarf THF.
    You don't have any friends.

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  11. #11
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    Until they make clerical or Fvs prestige enhancements my question for you is why not bard? A bard can do the exact same thing other then when intense focused healing is required (example is the tower raid final boss) just with a little smaller mana pool and since you use mana regen guards and supplements why not go for it. A battle bard that heals is the most efficient healer in DDO in terms of they reduce healing duration moreso then any other healer. Since you are dumping wisdom anyway why not just go with a bard?
    Silly Madmatt. It's called WINGS!

    (and toughness enhancements, and uninterruptable rezzing, and blade barrier, and 1000+ more mana...)
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  12. #12
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by valorik View Post
    on your wf fvs build I don't reccomend adamantine body, you can still hit 13 dr, 2 dr is far from worth a feat in my opinion.

    ps. Level meeeeeee
    I'm more of a fan of a greater two handed fighting build, but I keep getting requests for a 15 DR fvs. I'd personally exchange it for empower spell or something and go for more of a hybrid model if I was staying pure like that.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  14. #14
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    I'm more of a fan of a greater two handed fighting build, but I keep getting requests for a 15 DR fvs. I'd personally exchange it for empower spell or something and go for more of a hybrid model if I was staying pure like that.
    It's almost impossible to fit in gthf on a pure build the only thing I can see dropping would be toughnessm and that'd bring you to aroudn 400 hp from 500... am I mistaken in thinking that each tier of thf adds the same bonus to damage? as in say if thf adds 15 dps, then so does gthf? is it not worth goign for if you can't go full?

    ps... sorry to start what may be a derailing?
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
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  15. #15
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    I think that 3rd tier gives you a bit of an extra nudge of love, making things like Destruction hit all glancing blows
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  16. #16
    Community Member cm2_supernova's Avatar
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    tee said ass
    Quote Originally Posted by Comfortably View Post
    Hasta, teach me to be awesome like you

  17. #17
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    Default Question

    For 32-pt build, it worked out by dropping STR to 17 and changing INT to 9, with the rest the same.

    The question(s) is/are - would taking Fighter at 1 and Barbarian at 11 do much of anything? Fighter gets the longsword for free, but it could allow Khopesh to be taken sooner (instead of at 20) for a DPS gain throught the build. Was also thinking of moving PA up sooner for the dmg bump.

    The build is working quite well though. Fun and sturdy. Only needs a potion now and then when I get too full of myself and rile up too many trashers.

    Ok, one more Q .. when you going to make a Rocka'n'Rolla build?

  18. #18
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jyxx View Post
    For 32-pt build, it worked out by dropping STR to 17 and changing INT to 9, with the rest the same.

    The question(s) is/are - would taking Fighter at 1 and Barbarian at 11 do much of anything? Fighter gets the longsword for free, but it could allow Khopesh to be taken sooner (instead of at 20) for a DPS gain throught the build. Was also thinking of moving PA up sooner for the dmg bump.

    The build is working quite well though. Fun and sturdy. Only needs a potion now and then when I get too full of myself and rile up too many trashers.

    Ok, one more Q .. when you going to make a Rocka'n'Rolla build?
    Sounds like you made good adjustments to make it work for you. Since I had a whole slew of weapons, including a mineral II greataxe, I just got by using longswords and 2-handed weapons until level 18, when I crafted a pair of Lightning IIs and couldn't resist taking Khopesh until any later. It actually makes sense to use longswords at low levels, since you're often more worried about hitting accurately, and FvS bonuses to hit are a big help in that area.

    I took Barbarian right away because I felt it made the low levels much more tolerable. Running fast is super fun, and practical when quests consist of hitting a bunch of levers or whatever. That said, I wouldn't be opposed to dropping the barbarian level for a second fighter level in the event that I need an extra feat (living without Extend is occasionally annoying, but I manage).

    P.S. There's some Rocknrolla dude on Ghallanda that everyone confuses for me. Blasphemy. So I haven't delved into the RockandRoll puns much beyond Roq Star and Rockan Robin.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  19. #19
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    Eager to roll something similar to this build once I'm working on a serious alt, looks like a lot of fun. The Khopesh is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

  20. #20
    Community Member Sircowdog's Avatar
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    Looking at the alternate builds, specifically the drow 2mo/18FvS, I'm wondering about a couple things:

    The drow says rapier user, but I'm curious why you'd use that when the enhancements and class feats for Vulkoor only support shortswords, with the racial enhancements working for both shortsword and rapiers. Does the extra crit range on rapiers somehow make up for loss of hit and damage?

    Also, the feats under the drow FvS list improved crit:slashing. Was this a cut & paste error? Seems like the build is centered around piercing....
    Last edited by Sircowdog; 11-17-2010 at 06:14 AM.
    What might we accomplish, if we never feared defeat?

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