5% Bonus XP For each party member beyond the first present AND alive in the quest upon completion. (ALIVE being the key word here)
1 Party Member = Normal XP
2 Party Members = 5% Bonus
3 Party Members = 10% Bonus
4 Party Members = 15% Bonus
5 Party Members = 20% Bonus
6 Party Members = 25% Bonus
12 Party Members = 55% Bonus
Why? Because its EASIER for me to short man or solo a quest then it is for me to bring 5 other party members with me. However, if I were given bonus XP for each party member, I would be more inclined to fill those empty slots.
This servers many functions:
A) Your most experienced players, usually those who have TR'd, will be more likely to bring newer players along with them in quests for the bonus XP to offset the TR penalties.
B) It will encourage everyone to "form more parties" and to open up thier parties to "puggers" so that can get that bonus XP.
C) Big XP quests, such as raids, that dont get run very often at "level appropriate" levels, would become even more rewarding to those willing to organize a 12 man raid and run them.
D) It will give players a reason to the difficulty increase that dungeon scaling imposes as you add more party members. Currently, it is easier to solo for "Full" XP then it is to 6 man for the exact same XP. RISK/REWARD ratio says its better to solo or short man under the current XP system.