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  1. #1
    Community Member Invisible_Wight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Video Card Question

    I took some time off from game but returned when DDO:EU was launched. I don't run the game on the most updated CPU, but had made some upgrades and had reduced lag on my end prior to taking time off. Since returning, I have had severe lag problems on my end (spiders are the worst). I just saw this on the known issues post for the new update

    Nvidia Geforce FX 5200

    * You may experience performance problems.

    This is my card.

    I really don't have the resources to get a new one, or the desire to upgrade my old CPU. Does anyone know exactly what the issue is or why this card? Since this is a known issue, will it be addressed or am I SOL?

    Any input would be appreciated.

  2. #2


    Given its utter lackluster performance... That is probably why. You'll probably get client lag all the time.

    It was something released cheeply that failed to preform as hoped. Driver updates didn't help it at all.

  3. #3
    Community Member Invisible_Wight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Thanks for the info.

    I knew the card wasn't the greatest when I purchased it, but it was a big upgrade over the stupid integrated Intel setup my CPU came with. What I am a bit bummed about is the fact that it ran DDO just fine prior to my taking a hiatus. It sucks because I can't reliably join a group because of my client lag. I wasn't sure if there were changes within game that rendered the card especially useless since it used to work fine.

  4. #4


    If your join date is an indication of when you played/quit (no idea when your time off was)... I want to say the upgraded the engine twice.

    But that particular 5200 known issue has existed for a year or 2. It is not a new issue by any mean, let alone one that Turbine can fix. You'll find other games also list it as a known issue if not flat out state it does not support that chipset.

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