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  1. #21
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stormarcher View Post
    Wf in general can NOT self heal. How ever if you are a caster ( or cleric but no one is a wf cleric ) You can cast construction on your self. Construction is a spell all arcane casters get not just Wf

    Also Look up the monster build if you are looking for good AC + HIGH Dps
    I have a Wf cleric and a WF FvS thank you very much ^^
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashiel_Dragmire View Post
    My main's a WF Fighter (second toon, bought WF race because they seemed pretty cool and they were cheap) and I love him. Do make sure you carry a punch of Repair Oils and a wand or two to give to casters (preferably friends or guildies rather than strangers... speaking of, need to restock my wands...). Healer's Friend I is a must and I recommend making it your first Enhancement unless you are a Wizard or Sorcerer and have Repair, then you can hold off for awhile.

    I consider Healer's Friend II and III a waste. Or at least they haven't benefited my builds at all.

    Biggest thing to stay away from are the Improved Fortification Feat (100% to Divine Healing) and a bad attitude/playing style. Just be prepared to have to take care of yourself more than the rest of the party will until higher levels (when Clerics/FvS will have maximized/empowered heals and whatnot). Even then be able to look out for yourself since it just makes life easier. A well-built WF can be amazing, but they're easy to screw up.

    I respectfully disagree, at beginning to mid-level you are generally starved for good healing amp items then so that extra 5% is worth it, especially for Fighters because they aren't as stretched for AP as other classes are. The first decent one is the Docent of Blood and that can be a Grind to find (it drops in the Crypt of Blood).

    Secondly there really is no penalty for taking HFII early. If you get decent healing amp Items later you can always re-spec and remove it. But in my experience, some clerics can get very whiny about their mana so its best not to give them more reason to complain about healing a WF. My THF toon draws aggro like a tank so need to be able to compensate for this.

    I agree with the rest of your post.


    True, but I was talking about Fighters and not Barbarians. Little chance of a 900HP Fighter.
    Last edited by marshm1972; 04-21-2010 at 10:35 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stormarcher View Post
    Wf in general can NOT self heal. How ever if you are a caster ( or cleric but no one is a wf cleric ) You can cast construction on your self. Construction is a spell all arcane casters get not just Wf

    Also Look up the monster build if you are looking for good AC + HIGH Dps
    the spell you are talking about is named reconstruction. its the equivalent to the divine heal spell.

    like heal, the other cure spells have their own repair equivalent. cure light wounds = repair light damage and so on.
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
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