I respectfully disagree, at beginning to mid-level you are generally starved for good healing amp items then so that extra 5% is worth it, especially for Fighters because they aren't as stretched for AP as other classes are. The first decent one is the Docent of Blood and that can be a Grind to find (it drops in the Crypt of Blood).
Secondly there really is no penalty for taking HFII early. If you get decent healing amp Items later you can always re-spec and remove it. But in my experience, some clerics can get very whiny about their mana so its best not to give them more reason to complain about healing a WF. My THF toon draws aggro like a tank so need to be able to compensate for this.
I agree with the rest of your post.
True, but I was talking about Fighters and not Barbarians. Little chance of a 900HP Fighter.
Last edited by marshm1972; 04-21-2010 at 10:35 AM.
Thelanis - Inferus Sus
Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing WarforgedNursing IsFutile (FvS) - Unorthodox Behaviour (Kensai) - Bigbofo (Warchanter) - Nukelear Blast (Sorc) - Jurugu Fleshbane (currently TRing) - Reviving IsCheaper (Radiant Blaster)