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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Questions about Warforged...

    Hi all,

    I am new to game but interested in making a melee WF.

    From what I understand WF can self heal?

    1) How do they do this? Exactly - do they buy something from general merchant? Is it a trained feat?

    2) Also from what I understand WF get their own power attack?

    Again is this a feat and when do they get it?

    Thanks all!

  2. #2
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    WF have the same ability to heal themselves as any other character normally--buy pots. Drink pots. Except in the WF's case, you get Oils of Repair X, rather than Potions of Cure X.

    WF casters, however, can heal themselves with repair spells and Reconstruct, basically in the same fashion as clerics and favored souls can heal themselves.

    WF Power Attack (and Barbarian Power Attack) are enhancement lines that you can add onto the PA feat (pretty sure you need the feat to unlock the enhancements). Both the barbarian and WF versions have 3 ranks (costing 1, 2 and 3 AP apiece) that each give +1 damage/-1 attack, and the damage is double when wielding a weapon with two hands.

    Generally, you get the PA enhancements much earlier than you want to be taking them, as it can be very difficult to offset the attack penalty early in the game.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Remember, WF also suffer a -50% penalty to healing from Divine spells (cure, heal spell). This can be ameliorated with enhancements and items
    over time. You should consider what class you want to play, what resources you have and who you normally group with.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    Remember, WF also suffer a -50% penalty to healing from Divine spells (cure, heal spell). This can be ameliorated with enhancements and items
    over time. You should consider what class you want to play, what resources you have and who you normally group with.
    But there is an important exceptions to this. I have lvl-14 WF THF Fighter.

    First of all the Healers Friend enhancement can raise this to a total of 75%. The breakdown is 10,5,5 though I don't recommend taking the 3rd enhancement its too costly for a modest 5% gain.

    The second point is that the divine cleric spell HEAL which is a level 6/7 spell (I forget which level exactly as I don't play casters) will cure the WF for the total amount. The OP should not confuse this with the "cure xxx wounds" spell, I am talking the spell Heal and Mass Heal. Which means healing the WF becomes much less of an issue when clerics use the HEAL spell.

    To the Original Poster.

    First of all, if you are new and are playing a warrior, play a Dwarf or Human. WF are really cool but they are more complicated than other races because of the healing disability. Learn game mechanics first then try the WF.

    If you are INTENT of playing a WF Fighter, than I offer a few tips.

    1. All WF especially the Combat classes should carry repair pots or scrolls or wands (depending on class/skills). You cannot rely on others, some players are jerks and refuse to heal WF. I generally avoid grouping with these types of people. Even if you've got a decent healer or a friendly wizard you need to be self-sufficient. Since Repairs pots are useless to all other races players are usually willing to donate them for free.

    2. Make a friend with a WF Wizard. They almost always have repair/recontruct spells memorized to heal themselves casting it on you is not a big deal for them. (but always ask first). Paladins are also a good friend because their LOH ability cures WF entirely. (I got a human Paladin as well). As a Paladin I usually ask the main healer (cleric or FvS) to focus the healing spells on me and other members while I focus my LOH abilities on the WF. Clerics hate wasting mana on WF (because it cures for half)

    Keep in mind that Paladins LOH are very limited so remember this. A Pally does want to use all his LOH in the first 5 minutes of the game.

    3. If you are a Fighter and have a few skill points to spare, stick them into repair. Its a class skill (no penalty) and it will help you gain more HP from shrines. Since you cannot drown there is no need for Swim, so Jump is really the most important skill. If you've got the points put the extra into repair. Some people will disagree with me on this, but I generally find it helpful.

    4. Buying a repair wand and giving it to a wizard or bard to use is a good trick. Its usually custom to let them keep if after the quest if there are remaining wand charges so I usually do this for long RAIDS that will last several hours. Otherwise a guild member should help you out.

    Most people in DDO are decent and honest and I have never had a problem. But with F2P there is always the off chance that some snot nosed punk will simply steal it and run off. So make sure you give the want to someone you can trust.

    Remember, unlike many other MMOs DDO is about teamwork, you can only win if you work together. So if a cleric or a Wizard is kind enough to keep you from dying, your absolute priority is the continued survival of the squishier classes. This might mean that you might need to sacrifice yourself to insure their survival.

    This should be the duty of all warriors but especially the WF due to their handicap. As a WF warrior you do not want to seem ungreatful to others helping you out.

  5. #5
    Community Member DragonDrago77's Avatar
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    I would say WF make among the best casters in the game due to the fact that they can heal themselves.
    They don't make good divine casters, imo (Clerics and FvS) due to the fact that they get lower starting stats in CHA and WIS.
    They make good melee fighters for different reasons and I'm too lazy to think of any.

  6. #6
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marshm1972 View Post

    The second point is that the divine cleric spell HEAL which is a level 6/7 spell (I forget which level exactly as I don't play casters) will cure the WF for the total amount. The OP should not confuse this with the "cure xxx wounds" spell, I am talking the spell Heal and Mass Heal. Which means healing the WF becomes much less of an issue when clerics use the HEAL spell.
    Untrue. The penalty applies to all divine healing spells.

  7. #7
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    Untrue. The penalty applies to all divine healing spells.
    confirmed - am using a WF favoured soul & get reduced effect when self-casting Heal (typically does 100-150 HP healing to me at level 16 & i have the enhancements to boost it, when it should be doing 150 unenhanced on a fleshy)... its just that it does such a large number of HP healing (and by that time the cleric/FvS usually has the enhancements to boost it further, as well as crit chance) that it doesnt make too much difference, so long as the WF has at least 1 level of Healers Friend.

    The Divine Healing ability (available to clerics, lets them produce a heal over time effect in place of turn undead) DOES heal for full HP however & a lot of clerics will use it to reduce their SP expenditure on WF, but it depends on how many turns they have & whether other casters in the party are running short of mana & need Divine Vitality (which gives back SP but also consumes uses of turn undead).

    The most healer-friendly WF you can get is a monk, with healers friend, monk class enhancements & in fire stance with the new bracers, as they'll get just as much benefit as a fleshy character - but monks are a paid-for class & require a different skill-set to play vs. other melees, and often lag behind DPS-wise later on if they arent geared up well.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  8. #8
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    Untrue. The penalty applies to all divine healing spells.
    The definition of "spell" could be debated here, but it's worth noting that the Divine Healing (Turn-Based) enhancement does heal WF without penalty.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marshm1972 View Post
    The second point is that the divine cleric spell HEAL which is a level 6/7 spell (I forget which level exactly as I don't play casters) will cure the WF for the total amount. The OP should not confuse this with the "cure xxx wounds" spell, I am talking the spell Heal and Mass Heal. Which means healing the WF becomes much less of an issue when clerics use the HEAL spell.
    Just to reiterate this is absolutely false. If a WF has no enhancement points spent in Healer's Friend HEAL will hit them for half of what it does for Fleshies.

    When I'm on my healer I don't mind if WF don't have every Healer's Friend rank possible, but if they have none and no heal amp items and are not a caster that can heal themselves I usually just make room for their stone in my bag because I'm not going to waste my sp when my heals are only hitting them for half.

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