i think i feel what you vet felt when you all first ran crucible years ago....
109 mins long, me guiding through maze
someone died
after he pulled I, so we had to go all the way around the north (H) and get him only to realize our healer died. So we had to go back around to get our bard that could raise to raise him, then the FvS to raise me and the first person to die....
but it gets better, after spending an endless amount of time finishing the maze, we processed to the second horn, no problem there
getting past the maze while on the top of it proved difficult also

within all the sleet storms and mephits we managed to kill everyone, but after me repeataly saying to not pull switches someone still did and so instead of just going north like everyone else we went east from center
the swim, was a nice moment for my cause i am an AC build and have no evasion

but both the people that did it died

so one released and came back
the end part was easy
so now all you vets that say you dont know what is was like when you had to learn everything...
i now do
if you were in that group then thanks this is not meant to bash you at all, but a thanks that you actually stayed after that amount of time and instead of going to a different group that could have got it done in less then a hour